Prospects for an African Renaissance



The 2000 conference will feature a keynote speaker, invited guests and solicited papers and panels. 

The conference keynote, Friday, 25 February 2000 is Nobel Laureate (Lit.) Wole Soyinka. Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton.

Some invited speakers include:

Ogoni Chief Mathew Tornwe III
Dr. Julius Ihonvbere Program Coordinator, the Ford Foundation (governance and civil society); 
Diana Wiwa (women, human rights and environment); 
Dr. Abdul-Rasheed Na’Allah, African and African-American literature
The Honorable Fiona Lucy Egunyu Asemo, Member of Parliament, Uganda
Dr. Wangari Maathai, Coordinator, Green Belt Movement, Kenya
Dr. Joy Kwesiga, Dean, Social Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda
Dr. Emmanuel Eze, Assistant Professor of modern African and modern European Philosophy
Dr. Michael Clough, Research Associate, University of California-Berkeley
Mr. H. John Harker, Canadian Foreign Policy Advisor on Africa

Hon. David Kilgour, Secretary of State for Latin America and Africa
His Excellency André Jaquet, South African High Commissioner to Canada
Dr. Frank Boahene, Canadian International Development Agency
David Pratt, MP, Special Envoy on Sierra Leone

(Friday, 25 February 2000, U of A, Edmonton)

Program Guide
Linda Dale (Cultural Connections)
Charlene Ball (Canada World Youth Program Officer)
Michael Salomons (Canada World Youth Participant, DRC)
Carrie McCloud (CAUSE Canada)

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