This web site is funded by the Faculty of Arts and by the Alberta Government through a Learning Enhancement Project Award to the Department of Psychology. Initial development is by David S. Miall, Department of English, in consultation with Don Kuiken, Department of Psychology


Only one text is available so far. It is best viewed with a screen size of 800x600 (we're working on another version for 640x480). For further information on this web site, please see below.
Large screen (800x600 or better)
Regular screen (640x480)
  1. Coleridge, "Frost at Midnight" (1798/1829)
  2. Woolf, from "A Sketch of the Past" (perhaps)
  3. Author, title . . .
  1. Coleridge, "Frost at Midnight" (1798/1829)
  2. Woolf, from "A Sketch of the Past" (perhaps)
  3. Author, title . . .


Further information

The study texts are provided on this web site on a trial basis. The web site is intended for first year students. We (David Miall and Don Kuiken) are interested in any comments and criticisms you may wish to make. Would you recommend the web site to students in your class? Would you encourage students to make use of it when preparing for the Research Essay in ENGL 100? What other texts would you like to see us offer?

If you wish, you can email David Miall with your comments directly from this link. Students are also very welcome to send email comments.

Document last revised, November 25th 1997