





Grad Students




Representative Publications

Peer reviewed papers (*denotes my students)

*Bonertz, C., Ringenbach, S.D., & Maraj, B.K.V. (in press) Meaningfulness of instructions is important for motor performance in persons with Down syndrome. 

­        International Journal of Down Syndrome.


*Przysucha, E.P., & Maraj, B.K.V. (2014)  Inter-limb Coordination and Control in Children with and without DCD in Ball Catching.  Acta Psychologica, 151, 62-73.


*Popescu, A. & Maraj, B.  (2013). Locomotor pointing is independently affected by target size and intermittent vision. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 44, 441-458.

*Przysucha, E.P., & Maraj, B.K.V. (2013).  Nature of Spatial Coupling in Children with and without DCD in Ball Catching. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 30, 213-234.

Shinya, M., *Popescu, A., *Marchak, C., Maraj, B., & Pearson, K. (2012). Enhancing memory of stair height by the motor experience of stepping. Experimental Brain Research, 223: 405-414.

*Popescu, A., *Runnalls, K., & Maraj, B.K.V. (2010).  Intermittent visual information affects motor strategies during locomotor pointing.  International Journal of Sport Psychology, 41; 313-326.

*Przysucha, E.P., & Maraj, B.K.V. (2010).  Movement coordination in ball catching: Comparisons between boys with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, 152-161.

Ringenbach, S. D. R., Mulvey, G. M. Van Gemmert, A. W. A., Stankus, A., &  Maraj, B.K.V.  (2009).  Sensory Feedback is Beneficial for Performance of Continuous Bimanual Tasks for Adults with Down Syndrome. 

      Down Syndrome Quarterly, 11, 3-9.

Brown, A.M., Kenwell, Z.R., Maraj, B.K.V., & Collins, D. F.  (2008). "Go" signal intensity influences the sprint start.  Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 40, 1142-1148.

*Cabaj, J., Maraj, B.K.V., & Carroll, T. R. (2008).  The effect of mechanical context on attentional cost in unimanual coordination. Human Movement Science, 27, 53-64.

Maraj, B.K.V.,* Bonertz, C., *Kivi, J.J, *Furler, B.L., Ringenbach, S.D., & Mulvey, G.M. (2007) Cerebral specialization in individuals with Down syndrome: The ongoing development of a model.  Down Syndrome Quarterly, 9, 7-16.

Maraj, B.K.V., (2007) Perspectives on Coaching Pace Skill in Distance Running: A Commentary.  International Journal of Sport Sciences and Coaching. 2, 225-227.

Maraj, B.K.V., Morrison, Z., Chow, J.Y.& Davids, K. (2006). Perceptual motor regulation of kicking in soccer.  International Journal of Sport Psychology, 37, 157-185.

*Meegan, S., Maraj, B.K.V., Weeks, D.J., & Chua, R. (2006).  Gross motor skill acquisition in adolescents with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Research and Practice, 9 (3), 75-80.

Maraj, B.K.V. (2003).  Perceptual judgments for stair climbing as a function of pitch angle.  Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sport, 74, 248-256.

Maraj, B.K.V., Li, L., *Hillman, R., *Jeansonne, J., & Ringenbach,  S.D. (2003).  Verbal and visual instruction in motor skill acquisition for persons with and without Down syndrome.  Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 20, 57-69.

Ringenbach, S.D., Chua, R., Maraj, B.K.V., Kao, J.C., & Weeks, D.J. (2002).  Bimanual coordination dynamics in adults with Down syndrome.  Motor Control 6, 388-407.

Robertson, S.D., Van Gemmert, W.A., &  Maraj, B.K.V. (2002).  Auditory information is beneficial for adults with Down syndrome in a continuous bimanual task.  Acta Psychologica 110, 213-229.

Wood, R., Maraj, B.K.V., Lee, C.M., & Reyes-Alvarez, R. (2002).  Short term heart rate variability during a cognitive challenge in young and older adults.  Age & Ageing, 31, 131-135.

*Kivi, D., Maraj, B.K.V., & Gervais, P. (2002).  A kinematic analysis of high speed treadmill sprinting over a range of velocities.  Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34, 662-666. 

Maraj, B.K.V., & *Nason, J. (2001).  Interlimb coordination in incline walking.  Journal of Human Movement Studies, 41, 59-83.

Maraj, B.K.V. (1999).  Evidence for programmed and visually controlled phases of the triple jump approach run.  New Studies in Athletics, 14, 51-56.

Prevost, M.C, Nelson, A.G., & Maraj, B.K.V. (1999).  The effect of two days of velocity-specific training upon torque production.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 13, 35-39.

Maraj, B.K.V., & *Domingue, J.A. (1999).  Standing distance in climbability of stairs.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 88, 682-684.

Wood, R.H., Reyes-Alvarez, R., Maraj, B.K.V., Metoyer, K.L., & Welsch, M.A. (1999).  Physical fitness, cognitive function, and health-related quality of life in older adults.  Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 7, 199-212.

Maraj, B.K.V.  The future for coaching in athletics: Evolution or Revolution? (1999) Athletics, 1, 20-21.

Maraj. B.K.V., Elliott, D., Lyons, J., Roy, E.A., & Winchester, T. (1998).  The influence of spatial mapping on manual aiming asymmetries.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 967-975.

*Brady, S., & Maraj, B.K.V. (1999).  Testing straight leg bounds as a drill for sprinting.  Track Coach, 146, 1-2.

Maraj, B.K.V. (1998).  Motor behaviour in sport and coaching science.  International Amateur Athletics Federation Bulletin, 2, 20-25.

Maraj, B.K.V. (1998).  Comportamiento de las destrezas motoras en el entrenamiento y las ciencias deportivas.  International Amateur Athletics Federation Bulletin, 2, 27-33.

Maraj, B.K.V., Allard, F., & Elliott, D. (1998).  The effects of nonregulatory stimuli on the approach run of the triple jump.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 69, 129-135.

Elliott, D., & Maraj, B.K.V. (1994).  Visual-spatial movement goals.  Behaviourial and Brain Sciences, 17, 207.

Lee, T.D., & Maraj, B.K.V. (1994).  Effects of bandwidth goals and bandwidth knowledge of results and motor learning.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 65, 244-249.

Elliott, D., Roy, E.A., Goodman, D., Chua, R., Carson, R.G., & Maraj, B.K.V. (1993).  Asymmetries in the preparation and control of manual aiming movements.  Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 47, 570-589.

Maraj, B.K.V., Elliott, D., Lee, T.D., & Pollock, B.J. (1993).  Variance and invariance in expert and novice triple jumpers.  Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 64, 404-412.

Book chapters

Maraj, B.K.V. (2007)  Afterword  in Running Uphill, the Short Fast life of Harry Jerome by F. Fraser, pp. 218-223.  Dragon Hill Publishers.

Maraj, B.K.V. (2002).  Coordination and control of the triple jump.  In K. Davids, G. Savelsbergh, S. Bennett, & J. van der Kamp (Eds.)  Interceptive Actions in Sport: Information and Movement, pp. 336-343. London: Routledge.

Maraj, B.K.V., Robertson, S.D., Welsh, T.N., Weeks, D.J., Chua, R.C., Heath, M., Roy, E.A., Simon, D.A., Weinberg, H.A. & Elliott, D. (2002).  Verbal-motor behaviour in persons with Down syndrome. In M. Cuskelly, A. Jobling, & S. Buckley (Eds.)  Down syndrome across the lifespan, pp. 175-193.  London: Whurr Publishers Ltd.





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