P.I.M.S. Summer School in Fluid Dynamics

Lectures and Schedule

The following lists the core lecturers and the topics they will discuss:
Bryant Moodie: Fundamentals
fluid dynamics fundamentals, development of Navier Stokes equation, scaling and dimensional analysis, shallow water theory, particle bearing flows

Peter Minev: Numerical Methods
discretization of partial differential equations and their implementation in numerical models (finite difference, finite element methods, etc), application to convection, diffusion, Euler and Navier Stokes equations.

Bruce Sutherland : Stratified Flows
internal waves, gravity currents, plumes, double diffusion

John Bowman: Turbulence
2 and 3 dimensional turbulence, scaling arguments, closure schemes

Gordon Swaters: Physical Oceanography
boundary currents, vortices, instabilities

Andrew Bush: Atmosphere and Climate Modelling
general circulation models, parameterization schemes, climate modelling, global warming, El Nino/La Nina, atmosphere-ocean coupling
Invited lectures will be given by
G. Lawrence, U.B.C.

The Hydraulics of Layered Flows

Mixing in Density Stratified Flows

P. Morrison, U.T. Austin

Nontwist Hamiltonian systems with applications in fluid mechanics and plasma physics

Hamiltonian description of shear flow

W. R. Peltier, U. Toronto

Hydrodynamic instability and irreversible mixing

The upscale turbulent cascade: shear layers, cyclones and gas giant bands

A tentative lecture schedule follows:

1st Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am Moodie Moodie Swaters Swaters Sutherland
10am Minev Swaters Sutherland Bowman Bush
11:15am Swaters Minev Moodie Minev Moodie

2nd Week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
9am Bowman Bowman Sutherland Minev
10am Bush Bush Bowman Bush
11:15am Peltier Peltier Lawrence Lawrence
2pm Morrison Morrison

All lectures will be held in the Central Academic Building: CAB 235.

Lectures are 1 hour each including time for discussion.

Numerical labs are in CAB 453; experimental labs are in South Lab 1-14A.

All students and faculty of the University of Alberta are free to attend the summer school lectures, but they may not participate in the experimental or numerical labs due to space restrictions.

EIFL home page

Department of Mathematical Sciences home page

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics home page

Bruce R. Sutherland, August 99.