J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci (www.cspscanada.org) 9(1):50-59, 2006

Critical evaluation of the claims made by pharmaceutical companies in drug promotional material in Pakistan

Dileep Kumar Rohraa, Anwarul Hassan Gilania, Ismail Kamal  Memona, Ghazala Pervenb, Muhammad Talha Khanb, Hina Zafarb, Rakesh Kumarc


aDepartment of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan

bDow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan

cJinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi, Pakistan

Received 30 August 2005, Revised 18 January 2006, Accepted 23 January 2006, Published 14 February 2006

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Corresponding Author: Dileep K. Rohra, Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, The Aga Khan University, Stadium Road, P.O. Box 3500, Karachi 74800, Pakistan. dileep.rohra@aku.edu


ABSTRACT Background. In Pakistan, there is no mechanism to monitor the drug promotional campaign by pharmaceutical industry despite the fact that there is enough evidence that irrational pharmacotherapy is increasingly encountered even in the developed countries due to unethical practices of pharmaceutical promotion. Objectives. To audit the drug promotional claims made by the pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. Methods. Drug promotional pamphlets and brochures containing claims for the drugs, which were circulated by the pharmaceutical representatives were collected from 122 general practitioners (GPs) from Karachi and Larkana cities of the Sindh Province. The claims were critically analyzed and audited with the help of currently available evidence in the medical literature. Results. 345 distinct advertisements covering 182 drugs from different manufacturers were critically analyzed for information content. Sixty two out of 345 (18%) of the reviewed advertisements were adjudged to be misleading / unjustifiable, which were again classified as, exaggerated (32%), ambiguous (21%), false (26%), and controversial (21%). The primary source of information (approximately 78%) about the newly launched drugs for the GPs was found to be the pharmaceutical representatives followed by hospital doctors (5%) and colleagues (5%). Furthermore, 110 (90%) GPs were of the view that the drug promotion has definitely an influence on their prescribing pattern. Conclusions. Since GPs in Pakistan rate pharmaceutical companies as their primary source of information regarding drugs, it can be anticipated that inappropriate advertisement claims would lead to irrational prescribing if physicians had no any other information to follow.



The accuracy and usefulness of drug advertisements has been the subject of debate for more than a century now (1). According to World Health Organization’s (WHO) criteria for medicinal drug promotion, promotion refers to all the informational and persuasive activities of manufacturers and distributors, the effect of which is to induce the prescription, supply, purchase and / or use of medicinal drugs” (2). Drug promotion and marketing make up a very large part of the activities of pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. For the drug promotion, in addition to other activities, companies usually use the written material supposedly showing all the good and bad aspects about the concerned drug. These advertisements can be highly informative as long as they are critically appraised (3). However, when these are accepted without any question, can contribute to irrational prescribing. Ideally, drug promotional literature should provide health care professionals with substantial information. However, the information contained in promotional material may be inadequate (4) or altogether inaccurate (5). Undoubtedly, the pharmaceutical promotional activities have powerful influences on prescribing behavior of the clinicians although this influence may be more subliminal rather than overt (6, 7).

      In an attempt to support and encourage the improvement of health care through the rational use of drugs, WHO has published ethical criteria for medicinal drug promotion and has recommended their implementation to its member states. As recommended in this document, all promotion-making claims concerning medicinal drugs should be reliable, accurate, truthful, informative, balanced and up to date, capable of substantiation and in good taste. These should not contain misleading or unverifiable statements or omissions likely to induce medically unjustifiable drug use or to give rise to undue risks.

      Being a member state of the United Nations Organization, efforts to regulate drug promotions in Pakistan were also initiated with the promulgation of the Drug Licensing, Registering and Advertising Rules by the Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan. However, there is no mechanism to monitor the drug promotional campaign by pharmaceutical industry in Pakistan despite the fact that there is enough evidence that rational drug utilization problems are increasingly encountered even in developed countries due to unethical practices of pharmaceutical promotion (8, 9).

      Since promotional activities influence the prescribing behavior of the health care providers (10), it is of utmost importance to critically analyze the claims made in the promotional material of the drugs. Internationally, aspects of contents in pharmaceutical advertising pertinent to evidence-based decision-making have been studied (11-13). The extent to which pharmaceutical companies promote the merits of their products and whether such claims are supported by evidence, has not been studied in Pakistan. The results of the present analytical study show that unethical and biased claims regarding the medicinal products are rampant in Pakistan. These drug promotions influence the prescribing behavior of the General Practitioners (GPs) thus accounting for one of the potentially major causes of irrational prescription.



This was a descriptive study based on critical appraisal of drug promotional brochures, and on a questionnaire administrated from the GPs.

      Drug promotional pamphlets and brochures containing claims for the drugs, which were circulated by the pharmaceutical representatives were collected from the clinics of 122 GPs. Since in Pakistan, we do not have a data base of the practicing GPs, randomization was not possible, therefore, the sampling units consisted of convenient areas of one big city (Karachi) and one relatively smaller town (Larkana) of the Sindh Province. The claims, which were written on those brochures were critically analyzed and audited by one Physician/Pharmacologist (DKR) with the help of currently available evidence in the medical literature. The medical literature consisted of published research articles retrievable from the Pubmed. Literature search was done for each claim by putting appropriate key words. All claims were adjudged misleading / unjustifiable, which were not supported by available evidence. The misleading / unjustifiable claims were further classified as follows:

      1. Exaggerated: when a minor advantage of a drug was unnecessarily magnified showing exaggerated applications.

      2. Ambiguous: when a merit of a drug in a particular circumstance was extrapolated erroneously to other situations.

      3. False: when the claim in question was totally wrong.

      4. Controversial: when the claim in question was supported by some scientific evidence. However, contradictory reports were also found challenging the validity of the claim. Overall, those claims were placed in this category, which are yet to be proven.

      A structured questionnaire was also administered from the GPs from where the promotional material was collected. Questionnaire was developed and piloted before the study was started and the amended version was used in the main study. The questionnaire was designed to gather data about the sources of information regarding the drugs and the knowledge, attitude and beliefs of the GPs regarding medicinal drug promotion.



A. Appraisal of drug advertisements

Three hundred and forty five distinct advertisements covering 182 drugs from different manufacturers were randomly collected from the GPs and critically analyzed for information content. The total number of claims in all 345 advertisements was 1035. This study focused mainly on the authenticity of the claims made by the pharmaceutical companies. Sixty two out of 345 (18%) reviewed advertisements were adjudged to be misleading / unjustifiable, which were again classified as:

1. Exaggerated claims (32% of the unjustifiable claims): As shown in Table 1, many pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan, local as well as multinationals were found having the tendency to exaggerate certain facts about their products. One example of such exaggerated claim was made for a brand of loratadine, which states that this drug “provides alertness without sedation all day long” or “provides quick relief without sedation thus ensures the high activity of performance”. These are false as well as exaggerated claims. Admittedly, loratadine is relatively less sedating than some of the conventional anti-histamines but not absolutely non-sedating (14). Furthermore; we can not think of any mechanism by which loratidine can provide alertness or ensure the high activity of performance. In yet one more claim for a drug, which is a calcium supplement, it is stated that this product “controls and prevents typical disorders of pregnancy: low back pains, leg cramps, lower abdominal pain”. This claim is merely made on assumptions and there is no study and clinical evidence available to support such a claim.


Table 1: List of exaggerated promotional claims by pharmaceutical companies in the light of scientific evidence.


Pharmacological Class


Anti-claim statement



 Vitamin D3 precursor

For the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis

Only tried in corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (15)

Exaggerated / ambiguous



Absence of side effects

Although relatively safer, this drug is not devoid of side effects




Restores confidence

It is anxiolytic. Has nothing to do with the lack of confidence associated with personality




For anorexic child

Appetite stimulation and weight gain have been reported as side effects in few studies (16), but we could not find the anorexia in children as the approved use of this drug.

Exaggerated/ controversial



Indicated in non-specific abdominal pain

Only useful in abdominal pain associated with diabetic gastropathy (17)




Provides relief in flatulence

Effective in flatulence in a subset of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (18)




Improves memory

Limited data in a subset of aged population (19)



Sulfonylurea anti-diabetic

Prevents diabetic complications

Not directly. May delay the complications through optimum blood glucose control



Sulfonylurea anti-diabetic

Restores physiological insulin release pattern during meals and exercise

The study quoted by the advertisement has shown only the effect of drug after meals not during or after exercise (20)


Hydrocortisone sodium succinate


Life saving in anaphylactic reaction

Steroids are never life saving in anaphylaxis. They are used once the condition has stabilized with other agents (21)




Indicated as a first line treatment of all types of constipation

Lack of evidence



H1-receptor antagonist

Provides quick relief without sedation thus ensures the high activity of performance

Causes less but definite sedation (14)



Angiotensin 1 receptor antagosist

Better tolerability than other anti-hypertensives

In what respect? No evidence

Exaggerated/ False

L-ornithine L-aspartate


A scientifically proven therapy for all liver disorders and more…..

Has role in hepatic encephalopathy but not all liver disorders (22)




The most effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy

Mildly effective in only diabetic peripheral neuropathy (23)



Multivitamin preparation

Improves quality of life in general weakness

Can help if weakness is due to some vitamin deficiency




Works through its anti-metabolite and anti-neoplastic actions

How these two actions are different from each other is not clarified.


Metronidazole+ furazolidone


The magic combination for all kinds of diarrhoea

All kinds of diarrhoea can not be treated by this combination for example travelers’ diarrhoea or diarrhea associated with irritable bowel syndrome



Ca2+ channel antagonist

The effective treatment for senile dementia

Although little benefit has been observed in selected patients, its use is not justified as anti-dementia drug (24)


Vitamin E

Vitamin supplement

Scientific approach to treat muscle cramps

Limited role in non-specific muscle cramps (25)




Table 2: List of ambiguous promotional claims by pharmaceutical companies in the light of scientific evidence.


Pharmacological Class


Anti-claim statement




Normalizes blood pressure

Limited data in a subset of hypertensive population (26)




Most effective in the treatment of anxiety states without affecting intellectual functions

Lack of evidence

Ambiguous / exaggerated


H2 receptor antagonist

The H2 receptor antagonist with predictable response

This is true for other H2 receptor antagonists as well




First line for all kinds of infections

Strange claim. No evidence



Proton pump inhibitor

Supreme in its class

In what respect??



ACE inhibitor

No prodrug

Then what? Is it a benefit?



Angiotensin 1 receptor antagosist

More effective control of blood pressure

More effective than what??



Vitamin B12 analogue

Effective in all kinds of nerve disorders

Which disorders??



Vitamin B12 analogue

Helps repair the damaged nerves

How? No evidence




Works more quickly than commonly known drugs in rheumatoid arthritis

Compared to what?




Specific behavioural effect on digestive system

Incomprehensible claim




More effective that other topical and systemic antibiotics in the treatment of skin infections

Lack of evidence

Ambiguous / exaggerated


H2 receptor antagonist

The most comprehensive treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcer

In what terms??



2. Ambiguous claims (21% of the unjustifiable claims): During analysis, we encountered some very vague statements about the drugs as presented in Table 2. These statements may be only half of the truth resulting in the misleading and misguiding of the physicians. For instance, there was an interesting claim about the use of bromazepam, which was being promoted for the normalization of blood pressure. To support the claim, a paper was quoted (26). This study was conducted on a limited number of patients with mild hypertension. We could not find any other study complementing the findings of this report. Based on a single isolated study, hypertension can not be claimed as an approved use of bromazepam.


Table 3: List of false promotional claims by pharmaceutical companies in the light of scientific evidence.


Pharmacological Class


Anti-claim statement



b-adrenergic blocker

No risk of bronchoconstriction

Risk of bronchoconstriction is there (27)



H3-receptor antagonist

Improves neurotransmission in brain

The study quoted by the advertisement shows the characterization of histamine receptors in vascular tissue (28)



H3-receptor antagonist

Does not sedate

The study quoted by the advertisement does not support the claim (29)


Calcium supplement

Nutritional supplement

Controls and prevents typical disorders of pregnancy: low back pains, leg cramps, lower abdominal pain

Lack of evidence



H2 receptor antagonist

The most economical anti-ulcer in Pakistan

Cimetidine and ranititidine are more economical in Pakistan




No drug interaction

Significant drug interactions (30)



ACE inhibitor

The real ACE inhibitor

Are captopril or enalapril etc. fake inhibitors of ACE?


Liv. 52 DS

A food supplement

FDA approved for hepatoprotection

We could not find any approval on the website of FDA



H1-receptor antagonist

Provides alertness

Lack of evidence




Recommended in low back pain

Lack of evidence




Rarely associated with side effects like bone marrow suppression and acute disturbances of liver functions

Frequently associated with bone marrow suppression and hepatotoxicity (31-34)


Micronized purified flavonoidic fraction


A decisive therapeutic benefit in acute hemorrhoidal attacks

Lack of evidence




Is about 20 times more effective than aspirin, ibuprofen

Lack of evidence

False / exaggerated


COX 2 inhibitor

No drug interactions

Although few but significant drug interactions have been described (35)


Promethazine + pholcodine cough suppressant


Reduces bronchial congestion and spasm of whooping cough

Lack of evidence



a-adrenergic blocker

The only selective blocker of a1-receptors

Prazosin  and doxazosin are other selective blockers



3. False Claims (26% of the unjustifiable claims): As depicted in Table 3, certain companies were found to promote their products on statements that were entirely false. For example, we observed a claim on a promotional material that methotrexate is rarely associated with side effects like bone marrow suppression and acute disturbances of liver functions. Contrary to this claim, there are various reports, which have shown that long term treatment with this drug is frequently associated with bone marrow suppression and hepatotoxicity (31-34).


Table 4: List of Controversial promotional claims by pharmaceutical companies in the light of scientific evidence.


Pharmacological Class


Anti-claim statement




Resistance to b-lacatamases is unmatched by any other cephalosporin

Many other cephalosporins are more resistant (36)



H1-receptor antagonist

Remarkable mast cell stabilizing effect

No such effect has been observed in many studies (37)




No drug interactions

Although few but significant drug interactions have been described (38)




improves neurocognition

Efficacy of long term treatment still under investigation (39, 40)



Dopamine agonist

Effective in impotence

Lack of evidence



H2 receptor antagonist

Prevents recurrence of peptic ulcer

Lack of evidence


Glibenclamide + metphormin

Sulfonylurea + biguanide anti-diabetic

A winning combination

Higher incidence of mortality when treated with the combination (41, 42)


Glucosamine sulphate

 Natural product

Stimulates biosynthesis of chondroitin sulphate

Exogenous glucosamine does not stimulate biosynthesis of chondroitin sulphate (43)



Angiotensin 1 receptor antagosist

Better anti-hypertensive response as compared to valsartan

Valsartan has been shown to be more efficacious (44)




A safe treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Hospitalization increased after use of mebeverine (45)




Drug of choice for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Lack of evidence



COX 2 inhibitor

Well tolerated by kidneys

Death due to nimesulide-induced renal failure has been reported (46)


Silver sulphadiazine


Accelerates wound healing

Impairment of wound healing has been shown in many studies (47)



4. Controversial claims (21% of the unjustifiable claims): As shown in Table 4, we found that some of the promotional material contained claims that have not been proven yet. These claims are still under investigation. For example, some manufacturers of oral hypoglycemic drugs are promoting glibenclamide and metformin as a “Winning combination”. But the other side of the story is that not enough studies have been conducted to prove the efficacy of the combination. As a matter of fact few of the studies that we came across showed higher incidence of mortality in patients treated with the combination compared to sulfonylurea alone (41, 42).

B. Source of information for medical practitioners about the drugs

A total of 150 GPs were contacted personally for filling a questionnaire. Out of which 122 GPs responded positively (response rate; 81.3%), while the rest refused to participate in the study due to one or other reasons. All the GPs selected were solo private practitioners not affiliated with any hospital or group. The characteristics of the GPs, who participated in this study, are shown in Table 5.


Table 5: Characteristics of General Practitioners who participated in the study (n = 122)




82.0% (100)


18.0% (22)


39.2 ± 4.5 years

Years since last degree

10.1 ± 2.4 years

Mean years of practice

13.3 ± 3.6 years

No of patients seen per week

132 ± 7.7


The area of study included the cities of Karachi and Larkana of the Sindh Province. Since the response of GPs from the two cities was not different, the answers from all the doctors belonging to both cities were pooled together. The doctors were asked to identify the primary source of information of the drugs for them. As shown in Table 6, the primary source of information (approximately 78%) about the newly launched drugs for the GPs was found to be the pharmaceutical representatives followed by hospital doctors (5%) and colleagues (5%) as stated by them. Furthermore, 110 (90%) GPs were of the view that the drug promotion has definitely an influence on their prescribing pattern. Interestingly, although 54% of the GPs did not believe completely in the advertised claims by the pharmaceutical companies, they continued to follow their version and prescribed their medications based on the information provided by them.


Table 6: Percentage of family physicians’ rating for the source of information about the new drugs prescribed by him / her

Source of information about the drugs

% (n = 122)

Medical journal articles


Medical books




Drug bulletins


Pakistan National Formulary


PharmaGuide / Quick index of medical products






Pharmaceutical Representatives


Sponsored meetings


Direct mail


Journal advertisements


Hospital doctors – Discharge letters, patients etc.






This is the first analytic survey of pharmaceutical advertising claims in Pakistan. Previous studies have shown that medical practitioners are reliant on the pharmaceutical industry for much of their drug information in Pakistan (48) or elsewhere (49). We also observed that despite the apprehensions about the truthfulness of the advertised claims, the GPs rate the pharmaceutical advertisement as the most important source of information about the drugs. Furthermore, a majority of physicians are of the view that drug marketing has undoubtedly an influence on their prescribing practices. The drug promotional practices carried out by the pharmaceutical industry would have undergone a sea-change from the early days. Initially it began as a genuinely informative exercise to keep the doctors informed about the company’s products. Today it has become more like a commercial relationship. Although assessment of the truthfulness of the drug promotional claims is very complex, we tried to analyze this keeping in mind the objectives of the evidence-based medicine. Each claim was appraised objectively with the help of available evidence in the medical literature.

      The international pharmaceutical industry is rightly proud of advances made in quality control of pharmaceutical production and chemical purity. Unfortunately, as many examples in the present survey indicate flaws in drug promotional claims, it has much less to be proud of in the quality of the promotional information. Many of the claims made by them were not supported with data. When the text of the advertisements was critically evaluated, we found a significant ratio (18%) of claims to be unjustified or misleading. This carries a marked impact on the overall health delivery system. Since GPs in Pakistan rate pharmaceutical companies as their primary source of information regarding drugs, it can be anticipated that inappropriate advertisement claims would lead to improper prescribing if physicians had no other information on which to depend. The outcome of the irrational prescription may be that the drugs can be used when these are not needed or new, more expensive products are prescribed, when these bring no clear advantage over cheaper alternatives. The potential health consequences for the consumers are not benign; for instance, treatment failures from the use of the wrong drugs, patients suffering unnecessary adverse effects, increase in antibiotic-resistant microorganisms; and the waste of patients’ money and national health resources.

      In such a scenario immediate remedial measures need to be taken. Starting from the root cause of this malpractice, we need to have well-defined and updated ethical criteria for the marketing of medicinal drugs by the pharmaceutical companies. These criteria need to be enforced by a public institution, preferably the Ministry of Health. In order to ensure that the ethical criteria are being implemented, there is a need for screening of printed promotional material and active monitoring of other forms of promotion. In cases of non-compliance or malpractices, effective sanctions and mechanisms to correct misinformation should be well-defined.

      Secondly, we need to teach our doctors the art of critical appraisal of medicinal drug promotion possibly during their undergraduate training so that they would be able to write rational prescriptions. Another step towards improvement could be reassessing the knowledge of all practicing doctors regarding drugs available in the market. This assessment should be according to the international standards and should be compulsory for the doctor to have an attempt after a specified time. This would compel the doctors to look up to the authentic medical literature for reference instead of relying solely on the promotional material.

      Concluding, the results of the present study show that unethical practices regarding the medicinal drug promotion are rampant in Pakistan and it is suggested that physicians should be cautious and critical in assessment of advertised claims of greater efficacy, safety or convenience made by the pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore, it is high time that efforts directed towards an institutionalized implementation of ethical criteria for the promotion of drugs be made.



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