River Wye: Geography

return to "Tintern Abbey" course

compiled by David S. Miall

1. Travellers on the Wye

Gilpin on Goodrich and New Weir (1789)
Ibbetson on Tintern Abbey (1793)
Thelwall at Llyswen on the Wye (1801)
Coxe on the Wye (1801)
Bloomfield on the Wye (1811)

2. Views. Click on section titles below to view a collection of prints and photographs for each part of the river

Warner mapNote.

The sections are numbered to correspond with the journey upriver, from the Severn Crossing to Goodrich Castle. It seems probable that the Wordsworths' walk in July 1798 followed that of Warner, shown on the map here.

Individual prints are identified in situ. Other prints and sections from two maps are from the books shown in the bibliography below. Photographs are by David S. Miall.

© Copyright of the materials on these web pages, unless otherwise noted, belongs to David. S. Miall, and may not be reproduced in any form without permission. For information, please email David.Miall@Ualberta.Ca

Bibliography for section 2

Dayes, Edward, and F. Jukes, Views on the River Wye. 1800. (Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, U.S.A.)

Fielding, T. H., and C. V., Description of the River Wye. London: published by the author, 1822. (Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, U.S.A.)

Gilpin, William, Observations on the River Wye and several parts of South Wales, 2nd Ed. London: R. Blamire, 1789. Approximate size of ovals: 10 x 17.

Ibbetson, Laporte, and J. Hassell, A Picturesque Guide to Bath, Bristol Hot-Wells, the River Avon, and the Adjacent Country. London: Hookham and Carpenter, 1793. Size of prints: 18.7 x 12.3.

Ireland, Samuel, Picturesque Views on the River Wye, from Its Source at Plinlimmon Hill, to its Junction with the Severn below Chepstow, &c. London: R. Faulder & T. Egerton, 1797. Size of prints: 11.3 x 16.5.

Miall, David S. "Locating Wordsworth: 'Tintern Abbey' and the Community with Nature." Romanticism On the Net 20 (November 2000) http://www.erudit.org/revue/ron/2000/v/n20/005949ar.html (for a discussion of where Wordsworth's poem is located)

Roscoe, T., Wanderings and Excursions in South Wales including the Scenery of the Wye. London: Tilt and Simpkin, 1837. Approximate size of prints: 10 x 14.

Warner, Richard, A Walk Through Wales in August 1797. London: C. Dilley, 1798.

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Document prepared August 3rd 2001 / revised August 20th 2007



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