MARCH 18, 2001, 9:45 a.m.


1. Chair`s Welcome
     Introduction of the new executive:
         President: Ellen Bornowsky
         Vice-president: Ron Sperling
         Treasurer: Susan Evans
         Secretary: Karl Langelotz

2. Adoption of the Agenda

    MOTION: Donzel/Frischkopf
                      That the agenda be adopted as presented. CARRIED.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the AGM of April 16, 2000

    MOTION: Frischkopf/Falkner
                      That the minutes be accepted as amended. CARRIED.
4. Business arising from the minutes

    The amount of “Eigenbeteiligung” for future conferences was discussed. K.Krischock states that StADaF requires a certain amount of “Eigenbeteiligung”.

5. Correspondence

         5.1 1999 financial statement

               MOTION: Evans/Frischkopf
                                  That the 1999 financial statement be moved as corrected and presented. CARRIED.

         5.2 Charities Canada

                Report of the activities of CATG should be distributed to all the provinces by the CATG representatives.

         5.3 Gilde

               Gilde was mentioned as a publisher.

         5.4 IDV Lucern 2001

               Discussion: Future presidents should have the foresight to arrange for the representation at IDV conferences.

6. Reports

         6.1 Financial report (S. Evans)
                    6.1.1 Approval of the1999 financial statement
                             Has been dealt with in 5.1

                    6.1.2 Approval of the 2000 financial statement

                             Auditor`s report should be distributed to all board members.

                             MOTION: Evans/Bornowsky

                                               To move the acceptance of the financial statement 2000 as corrected. CARRIED.

        6.2 Membership

              Discussion about the rights and privileges connected with paying a membership to CATG. M.Prokop stated that in the process of building the constitution all member organizations came together on the basis of equality. W.Kotter will take on the task by writing a proposal to resolve this issue.

        6.3 List serv CATG

             List serv has been existing for several years as a means of communication. Currently there are 38 members on the listserv.

             MOTION: Krotter/Prokop
                               That members of our member association to be include regional organizations in the CATG list serv. CARRIED.

        6.4 K.V.D.S.  (I.Spangenberg)

              The “Leitfaden” project is in progress. A financial statement will be submitted after the project has been finalized.

         6.5 Crisis Committee Update

               Results had been published in FORUM DEUTSCH.

7. New Business

         7.1 Finances (Application for Funding for future conferences)

               K.Krischok has promised support for the application for funding for he next conference with StADaF. The board thanks K.Krischok for all his work and support.
           7.2 Communications and Publications

                  Proposal: that the organization communicate through the different websites.

           7.3 Forum Deutsch

                 Joanna van Donzel stays on as chief editor. K.Krischock makes it clear that Forum Deutsch is not a Goethe-Institut publication. Organizations are encouraged to send in their current mailing list. W. Krotter and K.Mollinger are very involved in the work. CATG should consider new funding for Forum Deutsch.

           7.4 Web site

                 M. Prokop will correspond with A. Oberle.

           7.5 Next conference

                E. Bornowsky will organize the next conference in Vancouver.
          7.6 Symposium in Alberta
                Information has been presented at the ISLC Conference.

           7.7 Proposed activities “writing contest”

                 MOTION: Frischkopf/Geisen
                                   To establish an ad hoc committee with the mandate to explore the feasibility of a Canada-wide German contest and to submit its findings to the CATG Board for discussion at next year`s conference. CARRIED.

8. Adjournment

    W. Kampen moved the adjournment of the meeting at 11:45.

E. Bornowsky (BCCTG), M. Britton (BCCTG), W. Krotter (APAQ), Christel Keller-Segovia (APAQ), J. van Donzel (AATG), R. Sperling (AATG), I. Beck (SATG), S. Falkner (SATG), K. Langelotz (MTG), W. Kampen (MTG), S. Evans (OATG), R. Thomas-Renters (OATG), U. Sampath (ACTG), D. Cooney (ACTG), D.Geisen (K.V.D.S.). I. Spangenberg (K.V.D.S.), Harald Bieck (Goethe-Institut Toronto), K. Krischock (Goethe-Institut Montreal), H. W. Frischkopf (CAUTG), M. Prokop, K. Suess (Fachberater), Evelin Krueger (AATG), J. Mc Adam (AATG).

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