Bibliography of the Georg Kaiser Collection
Accession 96-161, Section II

General and miscellaneous

This sub-section contains various documents which do not belong to any of the previous sections, including photographs, posters, and articles about Kaiser’s life and work (including the 1920 trial). Also included is the Agreement signed by the University of Alberta and the Berliner Akademie der Künste concerning the establishment and use of the Georg Kaiser Collection at the Unversity of Alberta, and a detailed bibliography of the 96-161 accession.

1917. Photographs [5] and a lithograph [1] of Georg Kaiser, Margarethe Kaiser and Caesar von Arx; oversize photographs [3] in separate envelopes; see detailed description in New Material: Bibliography 96-161-43.
Accession no.: 96-161-38

[19??]. Posters [2] promoting "Morn to Midnight" produced by the New Directors Workshop of the Jean Shelton Acting School (Berkeley, CA) and "Napoleon in New Orleans" produced by Tribüne am Ernst-Reuter-Platz [Berlin].
Accession no.: 96-161-39

[1920-1921]. Newspaper clippings [9] from München and Berlin newspapers reporting or reviewing the trial, [9] leaves (original).
Accession no.: 96-161-40

41. GENERAL : About Kaiser's life and work
1918. Articles, theses, and essays about Georg Kaiser and/or his work published in newspapers, and literary and theater journals (originals and photocopies); includes obituaries, commemorative articles, transcripts of talks and panel discussions, theater-season announcements, press releases, exhibitions, theses, essays, articles about Margarethe Kaiser, the Georg-Kaiser-Gesellschaft, and the Georg-Kaiser-Archiv, Berliner Akademie der Künste; see detailed description in New Materials: Bibliography (96-161-43).
Accession no.: 96-161-41

1962. Signed copies [2], in English and German, of the "Agreement" between the University of Alberta and the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, regarding establishment and use of the Georg Kaiser Collection at the University of Alberta, and copy [1] of a document outlining "Division of Responsibility" between the Library and the Department of Germanic Languages, University of Alberta, typescript, [7] leaves (original).
Accession no.: 96-161-42

1997. Bibliography, compiled by Dr. Ernest Reinhold, of the new accession 96-161 added to the Georg Kaiser Collection in April 1997; includes letter written by Dr. Reinhold to Mr. John Charles, Head of the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, University of Alberta, summarizing the materials included in the 1997 donation by Dr. Reinhold (original and telefax copy).
Accession no.: 96-161-43

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