Mass Spectrometry Database Committee


JCAMP files are ASCII (text) files which essentially list compound name, molecular weight and other header information, plus the mass:abundance pairs which make up the mass spectrum, in a 'standard'* format. Currently, the Agilent (HP) ChemStation systems list JCAMP version 4.10.This is the simplest format into which library entries can be broken down. JCAMP files can be edited with a text editor, but you have to be really, really, really, careful, otherwise you will end up corrupting the entire file (i.e. you won't be able to convert it back to a useable library). Macros within the ChemStation software can convert JCAMP files to binary library files, and vice versa. More will be said about editing JCAMP files in the future. Meanwhile, a partial JCAMP file entry is shown below.

##TITLE=Library Entry 1 in D:\AAFS9912.XXX

##JCAMPDX=Revision 4.10
##CAS REGISTRY NO=000146-48-5
##$RETENTION INDEX=0.00000e+00
##NPOINTS= 123
42 279
43 212
44 95
53 133
54 79
55 223
57 102
59 168
65 83
67 170
68 105
69 99
71 57
77 232
Etc. Etc.


*(The term "standard" is used loosely, since the HP JCAMP format does not comply to the generally accepted JCAMP-DX format).

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