Regular Pay | Overtime Pay | End of Page
Regular Pay
To calculate regular pay, you need to multiply the time worked (in hours) by the hourly pay.
1. Jennifer works 40 hours per week, and is paid $ 8.50/hour. Before deductions, what is her weekly pay?
a) Multiply 40 by 8.50
40($8.50) = $340.00
Jennifer makes $340 per week.
Overtime Pay


To calculate overtime pay you compute the overtime hours worked, and multiply them by the overtime rate (usually 1.5 times the regular wage).
2. Julia works at a restaurant while saving money to go to university. She makes $10.25/h plus time and a half for working over 40 hours per week. If she worked 46 hours last week, how much money did she make?
a) Compute pay for regular hours worked.
40($ 10.25) = $410.00
b) Compute over time hours worked, and multiply by wage and 1.5.
6 ($10.25)(1.5) = $92.25
c) Calculate Julia's weekly pay by adding regular and overtime pay together.
$410.00 + $92.25 = $ 502.25
Julia made $ 502.25 last week when she worked 46 hours.
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