Christmas Party

The second annual Christmas party was held on December 22, 2000. Like last year, Nelly and I were busy making decorations and deciding on party plans; the invitations were e-mailed (and snail-mailed); and all the planning led up to everyone taking over Maciek's house for the better part of the night and early morning. One new thing this year was the decision to collect food for the food bank, something that will, hopefully, become a staple at the future Christmas parties. All throughout the evening there were certainly some very memorable moments, and I've already made a couple of mental notes for next year's Christmas party...1) bring extra film, and 2) if we have karaoke again, I'll need the video camera!

One little note for the pictures on this with the Halloween pictures, ignore the date in the corner, they definitely weren't taken in 1994.

I admit it, this photo was mainly to document the ceiling. We made over forty bunches of holly leaves, some with bells, and some with red, foil-wrapped chocolate balls as berries. Something to note...some people tend to look at you strange when you stand at the bin in Superstore picking out all the red chocolate balls. A holly filled ceiling
LieJun!Here's LieJun trying out the karaoke machine. I don't remember what she's singing, but considering the number of times I heard "Bye, bye, bye", "It's My Life", and "Lucky" that night, it's quite possible she's singing one of those three!
Heather and Leia treated us all to a parody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" called..."The Restroom Door Said Gentlemen".Leia and Heather
Ricky Martin impersonationsMaciek certainly got into the swing of things with a rendition of "Living la vie de loca". Full points for enthusiasm! I'm not sure if it was something he ate or drank, but Maciek was full of spirit during the party. I believe Grame was also singing along, but unfortunately I don't have him in the photo.
Adding some flair to the performance!
One of the numerous performances of "Bye, bye, bye"...although this time with the added bonus of Maciek providing musical accompaniment on the guitar. Lots of fun to watch!Bye, bye, bye
Nelly and Maciek!Hmm...not much to elaborate on with this photo. Nelly and Maciek, dressed to the nines.
For those who like gambling we had a poker game set up at the party too. I have no clue how to play poker, so I apparently overstocked on those poker chips. Here we have Kevin, Peter, Amelia and Roya. If Kevin had been wearing a reddish colored sweater everyone in the picture would have matched, but since he didn't, he ruined the color scheme. No matter...seems like they all had fun!Poker time
More poker
The view from the ceilingThis photo was taken while standing on the edge of one of the sofas in the living room. About 3/4 of the people at the party are in this photo (Tomek, Robert, Maciek, Nan, Graeme, LieJun, Annie, Amelia, Jessie, Peter, Roya, and Arthur)...people missing from the picture include Alison, Mike, Heather, Leia, Clio, Grace and Nelly.
Guitars everywhere. Robert was intent on learning how to play the guitar in one night...I'm not sure that he succeeded although I have no doubt he put his full effort into trying.The guitar group
GraemeSome photos of individual people. Thanks to Peter and his use of copious amounts of tape, the icicle lights stayed on the walls and didn't come crashing down onto the people below. Unfortunately the same could not be said about the holly leaves, which started to droop closer to the floor as the night went on. So I learn something new for next time...use more tape.
Heather, Leia, and Robert managed to escape from the living room and the karaoke to find a more peaceful part of the house.Time out
Having funRobert, forever young at heart, decided to give poor, unsuspecting Graeme a pair of bunny ears.

