Tigger's Photo Album

Looking a bit shy

Tigger is named in honor of my favorite Disney Winnie the Pooh character. Although she's not bright orange, she does bounce around sometimes, making her look very funny and cute. Her distinguishing features are her big round eyes, and her tail, which is a bit on the short side and has a flattened end instead of the usual tapered tail that most cats have. Chris brought her home from the SPCA about three years ago, and since then she's taken over his chair, along with quite a few other places in the house. Very smart, she's got everyone's schedule figured out, and has the nerve to shove open doors should she want to go in the room.

On the mat When Tigger was new to the house, she developed a fondness for the middle of the bathroom mat. That meant that at any time anyone could have walked into the bathroom to find a tiny kitten all balled up. Unfortunately for Tigger, when that happened, it also meant that she got shoo-ed out.
Chris took this picture while Tigger was trying out her food bowls. She's incredibly finicky about her things; she only likes one type of food, and she only likes those bowls she's had since she was a little baby. Now, when she has to go to the kennel, we have to bring her bowls, her bucket of food, and her beloved towel. Baby Tigger
Cat in the bag Tigger has always loved playing in plastic bags. The bigger, the better! It's not uncommon for her to inspect any plastic bags that may be lying around the house, and sometimes she gets so comfortable that she ends up napping right inside the bag. So if you ever see a plastic bag on the floor, don't kick it, because Tigger might be inside!
Occasionally, Tigger will lounge around the house, all stretched out, belly up, and paws in prayer position. She'll then go on to look at you in a quizzical fashion, the end result being that she looks funny and cute. Lounging
In trouble Chris also has a gecko as a pet (sorry, no pictures of the gecko...it's a rather boring creature). One day, when Chris had taken the gecko out of its aquarium to show a friend, Tigger got curious. She squeezed herself through a 10cm by 16 cm rectangle, and landed herself in the aquarium. Either she liked being in the aquarium, or she couldn't get out herself, but either way she was rescued when we took the top off the aquarium and lifted her out.
