I have studied the long-term effects of mechanical site preparation on soil physical properties, nutrient availability, and crop-tree growth.  The results from this project indicated that in northern latitudes, incorporating organic matter into the mineral soil increases N availability.  However, the positive ….

Silviculture and Soil Fertility

Soil-Plant Relations

Department of Renewable Resources

This work has been examining the effect of season and time since reclamation on the nutrient cycles and microbial community structure of reclaimed upland forest sites in the Athabasca oil sands region (AOSR).   To date, I have determined that while reclaimed sites are very different from natural sites there is evidence to suggest….

We have been collaborating on a project aiming to tie the number and diversity of ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to fire frequency.  Our results to date indicate a strong interaction between fire frequency, mineral soil gross nitrification rates, and the number and community structure of AOB.  From this work I have co-authored two papers and one book chapter with...

To Come...

Concurrently with my research in land reclamation, I have been using a wet chemistry method to study the content and spatial variability of wildfire produced charcoal (or ‘biochar’) in forest ecosystems.  The spatial variability of soil chemical processes as related to plant distribution is an important issue on the cutting edge of soil plant relationships.  Disturbance on the landscape...

Land Reclamation in the Oil Sands


Fire Biogeochemistry

Biochar: A Novel Substrate

Project List


Project List

Project Details

Graduate Opportunity



