Mohamed  Hirji

Fine Art

Composition In Art 4

Apr 5, 2018

Part 4: The Tyranny Of The, Rule Of Thirds

As I discussed on the last posts, placing the area of interest in the centre of the painting is boring and hence the rule of thirds was devised to encourage the artists to place the focal point off centre. However not all images lend themselves to fit this mould. This watercolour painting of mine Exquisite is a case in point. I have created various scenarios trying to fit the focal spot, (the centre of the flower) at each of the four sweet spots. In my opinion none of them work. So in this instance you just feel free to break the rule. (The dark circles on the images refer to the sweet spots.)

Trying to fit the image on the left upper sweet spot

Fitting it to the right upper sweet spot

Fitting it to the left lower sweet spot

Finally to the right lower sweet spot

Entire flower at the right lower  sweet spot

I believe the best scenario is the one I chose, which is.

My choice

Do you agree with this choice? Would appreciate your views.

Mohamed Hirji