Nancy C. Lovell

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Curriculum Vitae
September 2012

Contact Information

Department of Anthropology
13-15 H.M. Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H4
(780) 492-0186 (office)
(780) 492-3879 (dept.)
(780) 492-5273 (fax)


SSHRCC Postdoctoral Fellow 1987-88; University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. (Anthropology) 1987; Cornell University, Ithaca NY
B.A., First Class Honors (Archaeology) 1983; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC


Link, David "Elemental analysis of soil and human and animal bone from a mature phase cemetery at Harappa, Pakistan: Implications for palaeodiet reconstruction", MA 1990
Lai, Ping "Elemental variation in modern human bone: Calcium, magnesium and zinc concentrations in normal and pathological fibulae", MA 1993
Bartell, Marnie "Palaeopathology of cranial remains from predynastic Naqada, Egypt", MA 1994
Johnson, Andrew "Biological variation and population affinity in the ancient Nile Valley: An analysis of dental morphological traits", MA 1994
Palichuk, Kimberley "Patterns of activity-induced dental abrasion in a skeletal sample from ancient Mendes, Egypt", MA 1994
Prowse, Tracy "Biological affinities of ancient Egyptians and Nubians: An analysis of cranial nonmetric traits", MA 1994
Feasby, Rebecca "Stable isotope evidence for dietary patterns and environmental conditions at Tell Leilan, Syria, ca. 2900-1900 BC", MA 1998
McKenzie, Hugh "Skeletal evidence for health and disease at Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria", MA 1999
Walshaw, Sarah "Reconstruction of environment in early Bronze Age Syria through phytolith analysis on human dental calculus", MA 1999
Dawson, Leslie "The health impact of climate change at Bronze Age Tell Leilan: A multi-level analysis of dental enamel defects". MA 1999
MacKinnon, Michael "Animal Production and Consumption in Roman Italy: The Zooarchaeological and Textual Evidence" PhD 1999
Judd, Margaret "Trauma and Interpersonal Violence in the Ancient Nubia during the Kerma Period" PhD 2000
Haddow, Scott "Morphometric analysis of the dentition from Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria: A contribution to the dental anthropology of ancient Mesopotamia" MA 2001
Rossi, Diana
"Patterns of cortical and trabeular bone loss in a medieval British skeletal sample" MA 2004
Shykolyk, Natalie "A revision of Scott's technique for scoring molar quadrant wear" MA 2008
Pitre, Mindy "Microbial Deterioration of Human Skeletal Material from Tell Leilan, Syria (2900-1900 BCE)" PhD 2011

Jessup, Erin "Dental Disease in Roman Period Individuals from the Sodo and Terontola, in the Territory of Cortona, Italy" MA 2012
Semple, Dyan "Macramallah's Rectangle: Re-Examining a First Dynasty Egyptian Cemetery" MA 2012
White, Christopher "The Old Edson Cemetery: Investigations into an Early 20th Century Western Alberta Cemetery" MA 2012
Pourhosseini, Sayede Salume MA in progress

Buzon, Michele Killam Postdoctoral Fellow 2004-06



Books and Monographs

2009 Der Manuelian, Peter. Mastabas of Nucleus Cemetery G2100: Major Mastabas G2100-2220. (Volume 8 of the Giza Mastabas Series). Boston: Museum of Fine Arts. [Contribution of skeletal analyses]

2008 Stanford, Craig, John S. Allen, Susan Antón, and Nancy C. Lovell. Biological Anthropology: The Natural History of Humankind, Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education

1992 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R., J.R. Lukacs, R.F. Pastor, T.L. Johnston, N.C. Lovell, J. N. Pal, B.E. Hemphill, and C. B. Burrow. Human Skeletal Remains from Mahadaha: A Gangetic Mesolithic Site. South Asia Occasional Papers and Theses, No. 11, South Asia Program, Cornell University. 308 pp

1990 Lovell, Nancy C. Patterns of Injury and Illness in Great Apes: A Skeletal Analysis. Smithsonian Institution Press. xiii + 273 PP

1986 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R., Nancy C. Lovell, and Christopher B. Burrow. Mesolithic Human Remains from the Gangetic Plain: Sarai Nahar Rai. South Asia Occasional Papers and Theses No. 10, South Asia Program, Cornell University. 89 PP

Refereed Articles and Book Chapters

in press Pitre, Mindy C., Pamela M. Mayne Correia, Peter J. Mankowski, Jonathan Klassen, Melissa J. Day, Nancy C. Lovell, and Randolph S. Currah. Biofilm growth in human skeletal material from ancient Mesopotamia. Journal of Archaeological Science. DOI 10.1016/j.jas.2012.06.022

2012 Lovell, Nancy C. Adolph H. Schultz (1891-1976) In The Global History of Palaeopathology: Pioneers and Prospects, edited by Jane E. Buikstra and Charlotte A. Roberts. Oxford University Press. Pp 188-191. Link to Published Works of Adolph Schultz (in pdf for Safari only)

2012 Mant, Madeleine and Nancy C. Lovell. Individual and group identity in WWII commemorative sites. Mortality 17(1):18-35.

2010 Shykoluk, Natalie L. and Nancy C. Lovell. Enhancement of Scott's Molar Wear Scoring Method." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143:482-487.

2010 Pitre, Mindy C. and Nancy C. Lovell. A sacral anomaly from the Quaker Cemetery, Kingston-upon-Thames, England. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 20(3):351-357.

2008 Lovell, Nancy C. Analysis and interpretation of skeletal trauma. In Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, 2nd edition. Edited by M. Anne Katzenberg and Shelley R. Saunders. New York: Wiley-Liss. Pp 341-386.

2007 Lovell, Nancy C. and Scott Haddow S Nonmetric traits of deciduous dentitions from Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria. International Journal of Dental Anthropology 11:42-49.

2006 Lovell, Nancy C. and Scott Haddow. Nonmetric analysis of the permanent dentition of Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria. International Journal of Dental Anthropology 9:1-7.

2004 Rossi, D., S. De Gruchy, and N. C. Lovell. A comparative experiment in the consolidation of cremated bone. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14:104-111.

2003 Lovell, Nancy C. and Leslie Dawson. Intra- and inter-tooth analysis of hypoplastic and hypocalcified enamel defects. Journal of Human Ecology 14:525-532.

2003 Haddow, Scott and Nancy C. Lovell. Metric analysis of permanent and deciduous teeth from Bronze Age Tell Leilan, Syria. Dental Anthropology 17:65-72.

2000 Lovell, Nancy C. The 1995 Excavations at Kafr Hassan Daoud. Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 27:34-41.

2000 Lovell, Nancy C. Paleopathological Description and Diagnosis. In: Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, edited by M. A. Katzenberg and S. R. Saunders. New York: John Wiley & Sons, PP 211-242

2000 Lovell, Nancy C. Dental Enamel Defects as Indicators of Nutritional Stress in Old Kingdom Egypt. In: Man-Environment Relationship, edited by M. K. Bhasin. Delhi: Kamla Raj, PP 125-131.

2000 Lovell, Nancy C., Robert Jurmain, and Lynn Kilgore. Skeletal Evidence of Probable Treponemal Infection in Free-ranging African Apes. Primates 41(3):273-288.

1999 Lovell, Nancy C. and Aaron A. Dublenko. Further Aspects of Fur Trade Life Depicted in the skeleton. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 9:248-256

1999 Lovell, Nancy C. and Ira Whyte. Patterns of Dental Enamel Defects at Ancient Mendes, Egypt. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 110:69-80

1999 Katzenberg, M. Anne and Nancy C. Lovell. Stable isotope variation in pathological bone. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 9:316-324

1999 Lovell, Nancy C. Physical Anthropology. In Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, edited by K. A. Bard. London: Routledge, PP 277 - 280.

1998 Lovell, Nancy C. The Biocultural Context of Anemia in the Ancient Indus Valley. Journal of Human Ecology (India) 9(3):1-15.


1997 Lovell, Nancy C. Trauma Analysis in Paleopathology. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 40:139-170.

1997 Lovell, Nancy C. A Biocultural Analysis of Anemia in the Ancient Indus Valley. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7:115-123

1996 T. L. Prowse and N. C. Lovell. Concordance of Cranial and Dental Non-Metric Traits and Evidence for Endogamy in Ancient Egypt. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101:237-246

1996 M. J. Magee, M. L. Wayman, and N. C. Lovell. Chemical and Archaeological Evidence for the Destruction of a Sacred Animal Necropolis at Ancient Mendes, Egypt. Journal of Archaeological Science 23:485-492

1995 A. L. Johnson and N. C. Lovell. Dental Morphological Evidence for Biological Continuity Between the A-Group and C-Group Periods in Lower Nubia. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5:368-376

1995 T. L. Prowse and N. C. Lovell. Biological Continuity Between the A- and C-Groups in Lower Nubia: Evidence from Cranial Non-metric Traits. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 5:103-114

1995 L. Kres and N. C. Lovell. A Comparison of Consolidants for Archaeological Bone. Journal of Field Archaeology 22:508-515

1994 Beckett, Sean and Nancy C. Lovell. Dental Disease Evidence for Agricultural Intensification in The Nubian C-Group. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 4:223-240

1994 Lovell, Nancy C. and Ping Lai. Lifestyle and Health of Voyageurs in the Canadian Fur Trade. In Ann Herring and Leslie Chan (eds.): Strength in Diversity: A Reader in Physical Anthropology. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, PP 365-381.

1994 Lovell, Nancy C. Spinal Arthritis and Physical Stress at Bronze Age Harappa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93:149-164

1994 Johnson, Andrew L. and Nancy C. Lovell. Biological Differentiation at Predynastic Naqada, Egypt: An analysis of dental morphological traits. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93:427-433

1993 Kennedy, K.A.R., NC Lovell, J. R. Lukacs, and B.E. Hemphill. Scaphocephaly in a Prehistoric Skeleton from Harappa, Pakistan. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 51:1-18

1992 Lovell, Nancy C. The 1992 Excavations at Kom el-Adhem, Mendes. Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 21/22:20-36

1992 Lai, Ping, and Nancy C. Lovell. Skeletal Markers of Occupational Stress in the Fur Trade: a case study from a Hudson's Bay Company fur trade post. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2:221-234

1991 Lovell, Nancy C. An Evolutionary Framework for Assessing Illness and Injury in Nonhuman Primates. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 34:117-155

1990 Lovell, Nancy C. Skeletal and Dental Pathology of the Mountain Gorilla. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 81:399-412

1989 Lovell, Nancy C. Test of Phenice's Technique for Determining Sex from the Os Pubis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 79:117-120

1986 Lovell, N. C., D. E. Nelson, and H. P. Schwarcz. Carbon Isotope Ratios in Paleodiet: Lack of age or sex effect. Archaeometry 28:51-55

1986 Lovell, Nancy C., Brian S. Chisholm, D. Erle Nelson, and Henry P. Schwarcz. Prehistoric Salmon Consumption in Interior British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 10:99-106

1986 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R., Christopher B. Burrow, and Nancy C. Lovell. Mesolithic Remains from the Gangetic Plain, Part I. Puratattva: Bulletin of the Indian Archaeological Society 15:1-55


Nonrefereed articles and reports

2012 Lovell, Nancy C. and Erin Jessup. Report on the Human Remains from the Sodo Tumuli and Circolo I and from Terontola Examined at the MAEC in May, 2010. Report prepared for Dott. Paolo Guillerini, Direttore of the Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona; and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana.

1996 Lovell, Nancy C. and Andrew L. Johnson. Human Biological Variation at Naqada: An analysis of dental morphological traits. In: Interregional Contacts in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa, edited by Lech Krzyzaniak, Karla Kroeper and Michael Kobusiewicz. Poznan: Muzeum Archeologiczne, PP 227-236.

1996 Contribution to Bibliography: Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt and Nubia: A Bibliography. British Museum Occasional Paper Number 112. Compiled by JC Rose.

1994 Link, David W. and Nancy C. Lovell. Characterization of Postmortem Change in Archaeological Bone from Harappa, Pakistan. In: From Sumer to Meluhha: Contributions to the Archaeology of West and South Asia in Memory of George F.Dales, edited by J. Mark Kenoyer. Madison: Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, PP 157-171

1994 Osteology Collections in the Department of Anthropology. Friends, (Newsletter of the Friends of the University of Alberta Museums) Winter, PP 2-3.

1993 Lovell, Nancy C. Mendes 1992: Physical Anthropological Research. Canadian Mediterranean Institute Bulletin 13:5.

1989 Lovell, Nancy C. and Kenneth A. R. Kennedy. Society and Disease in Prehistoric South Asia. In:Old Problems and New Perspectives in the Archaeology of South Asia, Wisconsin Archaeological Reports Vol. 2. J. M. Kenoyer, ed. PP 89-92

1987 Lovell, Nancy C. CA* Comment on "The evolution of mycobacterial disease in human populations: a reevaluation." by George A. Clark, et al. Current Anthropology 28: 53

1986 Nelson, D. Erle, Brian S. Chisholm, Nancy C. Lovell, Keith A. Hobson, and Henry P. Schwarcz. Paleodiet Determination by Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Archaeometry. J. S. Olin and M. J. Blackman, Editors. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology No. 31. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. PP 49-54
