Principal Investigator: Dr. Nancy C. Lovell

Supported by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the University of Alberta


Skeletal remains from Predynastic Badari, Qena (Keneh), and Naqada and from First Dynasty Abydos were studied to assess changes in health associated with social stratification, and to evaluate the biological affinities of regional populations at the time of Egyptian unification.



1996 Bartell, Marnie K. Palaeopathology of Predynastic Egyptian Skulls from Naqada - Interpreting Social Stratification from Human Skeletal Remains. In Debating Complexity, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. DA Meyer, PC Dawson, and DT Hanna (editors). pp 467-475


2000 Disease and Death in Ancient Times. Origins Lecture Series, University of Alberta Museums.

1998 Dem Dry Bones. Invited presentation to the Department of Rheumatology/Clinical Immunology, Heritage Medical Research Centre, University of Alberta.

1998 Diet, Disease, and Death on the Nile. Public lecture, University of Alberta Alumni Weekend.

1997 Pharaoh's People: Reconstructing the Lives of the Ancient Egyptians. Public lecture, Time Travelers IV Lecture Series, Provincial Museum of Alberta.

1995 Kinship, Health and Status in Ancient Egypt. Invited presentation to the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, Calgary Chapter.

1994 Old Bones, the Earliest Medical Records. Public lecture, sponsored by the Friends of the University of Alberta Museums, Edmonton.

1993 The Study of Diseases in Antiquity from Human Skeletal Remains. Invited presentation to the Alberta Chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Edmonton.

1993 For Richer, For Poorer: Sickness, Health and Social Status in Ancient Egypt. Invited presentation to the Canadian Mediterranean Institute, Edmonton.

1993 Health, Status and Social Complexity in Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology, St. John's.

1993 Anemia in the Nile and Indus Valleys: Evidence and Interpretations. Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Toronto.

1991 In Sickness and In Health: What Human Skeletons Can Reveal About Ancient Cultures. Public lecture, University of Alberta Open House Alumni Weekend

1991 Biodistance, Health, and Diet in the Indus and Nile Valleys: A Comparison of Contexts, Methods, and Interpretations. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago (refereed abstract)


1994 Bartell, Marnie. MA "Paleopathology of cranial remains from predynastic Naqada, Egypt"




1996 Prowse, Tracy L and Nancy C. Lovell. Concordance of Cranial and Dental Non-Metric Traits and Evidence for Endogamy in Ancient Egypt. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 101:237-246

1996 Lovell, Nancy C and Andrew L Johnson. Human Biological Variation at Naqada: Ana analysis of dental morphological traits. In Interretional Contacts in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa. Edited by Lech Krzyzaniak, Karla Kroeper, and Michael Kobusiewicz. Poznan: Muzeum Archeologiczne, pp 227-236.

1994 Johnson, Andrew L and Nancy C Lovell. Biologial Differentiation at Predynastic Naqada: An Analysis of Dental Morphological Traits. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93:427-433.


1996 Biological Affinities and the Origin of the State in Ancient Egypt. Invited presentation to the Department of Anthropology, New York University

1995 Biological Affinities and State Formation in Ancient Egypt. Scholar's Day, Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, Toronto


1994 Johnson, Andrew. MA "Biological variation and population affinity in the ancient Nile Valley: An analysis of dental morphological traits"

1994 Prowse, Tracy. MA "Biological affinities of ancient Egyptians and Nubians: An analysis of cranial nonmetric traits"

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