Forest fire
Water treatment


Environmental and Conservation Policy (ENCS 473)

University of Alberta
1996-1998, 2000-2005, 2008-present
This course provides an introduction to environmental policy analysis including: 1) Examination of approaches to policy formation and policy evaluation; 2) An overview of selected provincial, national and international environmental policies; and 3) A more detailed examination of some environmental policies as they relate to agriculture, forest, water, wildlife, and natural environments within the province of Alberta.

Course outline Fall 2011


Advanced Methods and Applications in Applied Economics (AREC 410)

University of Alberta
2001-2006, 2008-Present
This course provides students with hands-on experiences in some of the methods used by agricultural, forestry and environmental economists and business specialists. The goal is to provide students with tools and knowledge that can be directly transferable to working situations, particularly in research oriented situations. The focus will involve assignments, readings and a class project in which students will develop problem specification, literature review, data collection and economic analysis for an actual research problem.

Course outline Winter 2010


Advanced Management Methods and Applications for Agri-Food, Environmental and Forestry Businesses (AREC 423)

University of Alberta
2001-2006, 2008-Present
This course provides empirical applications of management and research methods used by business managers. Emphasis is given to integrating economic and business management concepts with applications to problems and issues in agriculture, food, the environment and forestry.


Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (AREC 365)

University of Alberta
The main objective of this course is to provide students with the analytical tools to consider resource management problems from an economic perspective. Students should understand the contributions of economics to resource management decisions and be able to think critically about policy options for resources management.


Environmental Conservation Sciences and Forestry Field School (RENR 299)

University of Alberta
2006, 2008-Present
This course provides students an opportunity for field application of basic skills and techniques learned in the first two years of the ENCS and Forestry programs. It introduces students to basic concepts and principles of integrated resource management and planning; in particular, to look at the planning and integration of plants (including trees), wildlife, water, social values, wild land recreation and other values. It provides an introduction to the breadth and scope of natural resource management in a field setting.


Valuation of Environmental Amenities (ECON 499/575)

University of Calgary
1998, 2000-2002