Forest fire
Water treatment


Journal articles

Under review and preparation

Conference proceedings Books and book chapters Book reviews Published abstracts Refereed professional reports Papers in unrefereed outlets Staff papers and professional reports

Journal Articles (80)

(underlined co-authors indicate graduate students I have worked with):


Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, M. Olar, G.E. West, and G. Cantin. 2012.  Analysis of the economic benefits associated with the recovery of threatened marine mammal species in the Canadian St. Lawrence Estuary.  Marine Policy 36:189-197.

Zimmer, N.M., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2012. The impacts of Chronic Wasting Disease and its management on recreational hunters.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (in press).

Zimmer, N.M., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2012. The impact of chronic wasting disease and its management on hunter perceptions, opinions and behaviors in Alberta, Canada.  Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 74:1621-1635.


Arnot, C., M.K. Luckert, and P.C. Boxall. 2011. What is tenure security? Conceptual implications for empirical analysis. Land Economics 87(2):298-312.

Cortus, B., S. Jeffrey, J R. Unterschultz and P.C. Boxall. 2011. The economics of wetland drainage and retention in Saskatchewan.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(1):109-126.

Pattison, J., P.C. Boxall and W.L. Adamowicz. 2011. The economic benefits of wetland retention and restoration in Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(2): 223-244.


Hatton MacDonald, D., N.D. Crossman, P. Mahmoudi, L.O. Taylor, D.M. Summers and P.C. Boxall. 2010. The value of public and private green spaces under water restrictions.  Landscape and Urban Planning 95(4):192-200.

Rausch, M., P.C. Boxall, and A. Verbyla. 2010. The development of fire-induced damage functions for forest recreation activity in Alberta, Canada. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19: 63–74.

Schaufele, B., M. McMillan, P. Boxall, W. Adamowicz and C.S. Rivera. 2010. Measuring social preferences in groups versus as individuals: income inequality aversion using the leaky-bucket method. Journal of Applied Economics and Policy 29(1): 1-14.


Ameden, H.A., P.C. Boxall, S.B. Cash, and D.A.Vickers. 2009. An agent-based model of border enforcement for invasive species management. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 57(4):481-496.

Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz and A. Moon. 2009. Complexity in choice experiments: Choice of the status quo alternative and implications for welfare measurement. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 53:503-519.

Cortus, B., J. Unterschultz, S. Jeffrey, and P.C. Boxall. 2009. The impacts of agriculture support programs on wetland retention on grain farms in the Prairie Pothole Region. Canadian Water Resources Journal 34(3):245–254.

Luckert, M.K. and P.C. Boxall. 2009. Institutional vacuums in Canadian forest policy: Can criteria & indicators and certification of sustainable forest management fill the void? The Forestry Chronicle 85(2):277-284.

Umberger, W.J., P.C. Boxall and R. C. Lacy. 2009. The role of credence and health information in determining U.S. consumers’ willingness-to-pay for grass-finished beef. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 53: 603–623.


Annett, L.E., V. Muralidharan, P.C. Boxall, S.B. Cash, and W.V. Wismer. 2008. Influence of health and environmental information on hedonic evaluation of organic and conventional bread.  Journal of Food Science 73(4):H50-H57.

Boxall, P.C. and J. Englin. 2008. Fire and recreation values in fire-prone forests: Exploring an intertemporal amenity function using pooled RP-SP data. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 33(1):19-33.

Hunt, L.M., W. Haider, P.C. Boxall, and J. Englin. 2008. A method for estimating the economic contribution of resource-based tourism. The Forestry Chronicle 84:172-180.

Shapansky, B., W. L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2008. Assessing information provision and respondent involvement effects on preferences. Ecological Economics 65(3):626-635.


Hunt, L.M., P.C. Boxall and B. Boots. 2007. Implications of accommodating complex substitution patterns in a random utility model of recreational angling. Marine Resource Economics 22:155-172.

Hunt, L.M., B. Boots, and P.C. Boxall. 2007. Predicting fishing participation and site choice while accounting for spatial substitution, trip timing and trip context. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27: 832–847.

Neupane, A., P.C. Boxall, B.L. McFarlane and R.T. Pelletier. 2007. Using expert judgments to understand spatial patterns of forest-based camping: A values-at-risk application.  Journal of Environmental Management 85:471-482.

Yang, W., A. Rousseau, and P.C. Boxall. 2007. An integrated economic-hydrologic modeling framework for the watershed evaluation of beneficial management practices.  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62(6):423-432.


Arnot, C., P.C. Boxall, and S. Cash. 2006. Do ethical consumers care about price? A revealed preference analysis of fair trade coffee purchases. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54(4):555-565.

Leake, N., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2006. An econometric analysis of the effect of forest dependence on the economic well being of Canadian communities. Forest Science 52(5):595-604.


Boxall, P.C., W.H. Chan, and M.L. McMillan. 2005. The impact of oil and natural gas facilities on rural residential property values: A spatial hedonic analysis. Resource and Energy Economics 27(3):248-269.

Hailu, G., P.C. Boxall, and B.L. McFarlane. 2005. The influence of place attachment on recreation demand. Journal of Economic Psychology 26:581-598.

Horne, P., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2005. Multiple-use management of forest recreation sites: A spatially explicit choice experiment. Forest Ecology and Management 207:189-199.

Hunt, L., P.C. Boxall, J. Englin, and W. Haider. 2005. Forest harvesting, resource based tourism and remoteness: an analysis of northern Ontario's sport fishing tourism. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35(2):401-409.

Hunt, L., P.C. Boxall, J. Englin and W. Haider. 2005. Remote tourism and forest management: A spatial hedonic analysis. Ecological Economics 53(1):101-113.

Murray, G., P.C. Boxall, and R.W. Wein. 2005. Distribution, abundance and utilization of wild fruits by the Gwich’in People in the Mackenzie River Delta Region. Economic Botany 59(2):174-184.


Adamowicz, W.L., P. C. Boxall, M. Haener, Y. Zhang, D. Dosman and J. Marois. 2004. An assessment of the impacts of forest management on aboriginal hunters: Evidence from stated and revealed preference data.  Forest Science 50(2):139-152.

Haener, M.K., P.C. Boxall, W. L. Adamowicz, and D.H. Kuhnke. 2004. Aggregation bias in recreation site choice models: Resolving the resolution problem. Land Economics 80(4):561-574.

Unterschultz, J.R., J. Miller and P.C. Boxall. 2004. The on-ranch economics of riparian zone cattle grazing management.  Environmental Management 33(5):664-676.


Boxall, P.C., G. Murray and J.R. Unterschultz. 2003. Nontimber forest product potential from the Canadian boreal forest: An exploration of aboriginal opportunities in the wild berry industry.  Journal of Forest Economics 9(1):75-96.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin, and W. L. Adamowicz. 2003. Valuing aboriginal artifacts: A combined revealed-stated preference approach.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45(2):213-230.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin, and K. Rollins. 2003. Heterogeneous preferences for congestion during a wilderness experience. Resource and Energy Economics 25(2):177-195.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 2003. Activism in the forest sector: The role of social psychological and social structural variables.  Journal of Environmental Psychology 23(1):79-87.

McFarlane, B.L., Watson, D., and P.C. Boxall. 2003. Women hunters in Alberta, Canada: Girl power or guys in disguise? Human Dimensions of Wildlife 8(3):165-180.


Boxall, P.C. and W.L. Adamowicz. 2002. Understanding heterogeneous preferences in random utility models: A latent class approach.  Environmental and Resource Economics 23(4):421-446.

Goddard, E., P.C. Boxall, and M. Lerohl. 2002.Co-operatives and the commodity political agenda: A political economy approach. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 50(4): 511-526.


Haener, M., D. Dosman, W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2001. Can stated preference methods be used to value attributes of subsistence hunting by Aboriginal Peoples? A case study in Northern Saskatchewan. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(5):1334-1340.

Boxall, P.C., D.O. Watson, and B.L. McFarlane. 2001. Some aspects of the anatomy of Alberta’s hunting decline 1990-1997.  Human Dimensions in Wildlife 6(1):97-113.

Haener, M., P.C. Boxall and W.L. Adamowicz. 2001. Modeling recreation site choice: Do hypothetical choices reflect actual behavior?  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 83(3):629-642.


Boxall, P.C. and B. MacNab. 2000. Exploring the preferences of wildlife recreationists for features of boreal forest management: a choice experiment approach.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30(12):1931-1941.

Akabua, K., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2000. Spatial non-timber valuation decision support systems. Forestry Chronicle 76(2):319-327.                                    

Englin, J., P.C. Boxall and G. Hauer. 2000. An empirical examination of optimal rotations in a multiple use forest in the presence of fire risk.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 25(1):14-27.

Hailu, A., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2000.  Complements, substitutes, budget constraints and valuation: Application of a multi-program environmental valuation method.  Environmental and Resource Economics 16(1): 51-68.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 2000.  Factors influencing forest values and attitudes of two stakeholder groups: The case of the Foothills Model Forest, Alberta, Canada.  Society and Natural Resources 13(7):649-661.


Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, M. Williams, and J. Louviere. 1998. Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: Choice experiments and contingent valuation.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80(1):64-75.

Englin, J., P.C. Boxall, and D.O. Watson. 1998. Modeling recreation demand in a Poisson system of equations: An analysis of the impact of international exchange rates.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80(2): 255-263.

McFarlane, B.L., P.C. Boxall, and D.O. Watson. 1998.  Past experience and behavioral choice among wilderness users.  Journal of Leisure Research 30(2):195-213.


Adamowicz, W.L., J. Swait, P.C. Boxall, J. Louviere, and M. Williams. 1997.  Perceptions versus objective measures of environmental quality in combined revealed and stated preference models of environmental valuation.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 32(1):65-84.

Yen, S.T., P.C. Boxall and W.L. Adamowicz. 1997. An econometric analysis of donations for environmental conservation in Canada.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 22(2):246-263.


Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, and T. Tomasi. 1996. A nonparametric test of the traditional travel cost model.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 44(2):183-193.

Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, J. Swait, M. Williams and J.J. Louviere. 1996. A comparison of stated preference methods for environmental valuation.  Ecological Economics 18:243-253.

Boxall, P.C., D.O. Watson, and J. Englin. 1996. Backcountry recreationists' valuation of forest and park management features in wilderness parks of the western Canadian Shield.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26(6):982-990. (Also reprinted in Hanley, N., W.D. Shaw, and R.E. Wright (Editors) The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation, Edward Elgar Press, Northampton, MA.).

Boxall, P.C., B.L. McFarlane and M. Gartrell. 1996. An aggregate travel cost approach to valuing forest recreation at managed sites.  Forestry Chronicle 72(6):615-621.

Englin, J., P.C. Boxall, K. Chakraborty, and D.O. Watson. 1996. Valuing the impacts of forest fires on backcountry forest recreation.  Forest Science 42(4):450-455.

McFarlane B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1996. Exploring forest and recreation management preferences of forest recreationists in Alberta.  Forestry Chronicle 72(6):623-629.

McFarlane B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1996. Participation in wildlife conservation by birdwatchers.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1(3):1-14.


Boxall, P.C. 1995. The economic value of lottery-rationed recreational hunting.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(1):119-131.

Boxall, P.C. and B.L. McFarlane. 1995. Analysis of discrete, dependent variables in human dimensions research: Participation in residential wildlife appreciation.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 23(2):283-289.

Morton, K.M., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1995. Economic effects of environmental quality change on recreational hunting in northwestern Saskatchewan: A contingent behaviour analysis.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 25(6):912-920.

Peters, T. W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1995. The influence of choice set considerations in modelling the benefits from improved water quality.  Water Resources Research 31(7):1781-1787.


Watson, D.O., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1994.  An economic analysis of recreational fishing and environmental quality changes in the Upper Oldman River basin.  Canadian Water Resources Journal 19(3):213-226.


Boxall, P.C. and B.L. McFarlane. 1993. Human dimensions of Christmas Bird Counts: Implications for nonconsumptive wildlife programs.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 21(4):390-396.


Adamowicz, W.L., J. Asafu-Adjaye, P.C. Boxall, and W.E. Phillips. 1991. Components of the economic value of wildlife: An Alberta case study.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 105(3):423-429.


Boxall, P.C. 1990. How many hunters are there? A comparison of estimates from different sources with implications for estimating illegal activities.  Journal of Wildlife Law Enforcement 2:16-19. 


Boxall, P.C. and M.R. Lein. 1989. Time budgets and activity of wintering Snowy Owls.  Journal of Field Ornithology 60(1):20-29.

Boxall, P.C. 1983. Observations suggesting parental division of labor by American Redstarts.  Wilson Bulletin 95(4):673-674.

Boxall, P.C. and M.R. Lein. 1982. Possible courtship behavior by wintering Snowy Owls.  Wilson Bulletin 94(1):79-81.

Boxall, P.C. and M.R. Lein. 1982. Feeding ecology of Snowy Owls (Nyctea scandiaca) wintering in southern Alberta.  Arctic 35(2):282-290.

Boxall, P.C. and M.R. Lein. 1982. Territoriality and habitat selection of female Snowy Owls (Nyctea scandiaca) in winter.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 60(10):2344-2350.

Boxall, P.C. and M.R. Lein. 1982. Are owls regular? An analysis of pellet regurgitation times of Snowy Owls in the wild.  Raptor Research 16(3):79-82.

Boxall, P.C. and P.H.R. Stepney. 1982. The distribution and status of the Barred Owl in Alberta.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 96(1):46-50.

Boxall, P.C. 1982. Further observations of predation by Black-billed Magpies on small mammals.  Journal of Field Ornithology 53(2):172-173.

Boxall, P.C. 1981. Ruby-crowned Kinglets feeding a Brown-headed Cowbird.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 95(1):99-100.

Stepney, P.H.R. and P.C. Boxall. 1981. First record of the Black-chinned Hummingbird in Alberta.  Wilson Bulletin 93(4):405-406.


Boxall, P.C. 1979. Interaction between a Long-tailed Weasel and a Snowy Owl.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 93(1):67-68.

Lein, M.R. and P.C. Boxall. 1979. Interactions between Snowy and Short-eared Owls in winter.  Canadian Field-Naturalist 93(4):411-414.

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Manuscripts under review and in preparation

Boxall, P.C., G. Hauer and W.L. Adamowicz. Modelling congestion as a form of interdependence in random utility models.

Hunt, M. L. and P.C. Boxall. Examining the compensatory nature of social carrying capacities.

Kits, G., W.L. Adamowicz and P.C. Boxall. 2011. Do conservation auctions crowd out voluntary environmentally friendly activities?  Submitted to American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Kruger, C., M.K. Luckert, and P.C. Boxall. 2011. Preferences of community public advisory group members for characteristics of Canadian forest tenures in pursuit of sustainable forest management objectives. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Kruger, C., P.C. Boxall, M.K. Luckert. 2011. Consumer preferences for Canadian Standards Association and Forest Stewardship Council Certified paper: A case study in Alberta. To be submitted to Forest Policy and Economics

Salerno, G., M. Weber, W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2010. Boreal forest, forestry and oil exploration:
An agent-based simulation and study. Submitted to Forest Science.

Straton, A.T., R.P.C. Brown and P.C. Boxall. 2011. The impact of learning and deliberation on the estimation of environmental preferences: A combined citizen’s jury and choice experiment. Submitted to Ecological Economics.

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Conference proceedings

Heckbert, S., W. Adamowicz, P. Boxall and D. Hanneman. 2010. Cumulative Effects and Emergent Properties of Multiple-Use Natural Resources. G. Di Tosto and H. Van Dyke Parunak (Eds.): MABS 2009, LNAI 5683, pp. 1–13, 2010. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Boxall, P.C., K. Packman, M. Weber, A. Samarawickrema, and W. Yang. 2009. Price discovery mechanisms for providing ecological goods & services from wetland restoration: An examination of reverse auctions. Pp 191- 208, In: Proceedings of the Ecological Goods and Services Technical Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture (Edmonton). (Available at:

Boxall, P.C., J.K. Pattison, and T. S. Gabor. 2009. Estimates of Passive Use Values of Wetland Restoration and Retention in Southern Manitoba. Pp 30-52, In: Proceedings of the Ecological Goods and Services Technical Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. Prairie Habitat Joint Venture (Edmonton). (Available at:

Boxall, P.C. 2008. Testing Reverse Auctions to Increase Producer Adoption of Water Quality BMPs. P. 33 In: Prairie Habitat Joint Venture Science and Policy Forum 2008: Proceedings and Recommendations. Report for PHJV, PRA Inc., July 2008.

Boxall, P.C., M. Rausch, R. Pelletier, and A. Neupane. 2006. An assessment of recreation values at risk from wildfire in Alberta. P. 32 in Sustaining Canada’s Forests: Building Momentum. Program, Abstracts and Proceedings of the Sustainable Forest Management Network Fourth International Conference, June 20-22, 2006, Edmonton, Alberta.

Shapansky, B., W.L. Adamowicz and P.C. Boxall. 2003. Measuring forest resource values: An assessment of choice experiments and preference construction methods as public involvement tools. Pp. 153-186 in M. Kissling, K. Schmitz, P.M. Schmitz and T.C. Wronka (editors), Pricing Environmental Services of Agriculture, Proceedings of an International Workshop at Schloss Rauischholtzhausen, 16-18 October, 2002, Germany. Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG.

Boxall, P.C., G. Murray, and J. Unterschultz. 2002. The potential for non-timber products from the boreal forest: An exploration of aboriginal opportunities. Pp 234-239 in T. Veeman, P. Duinker, B. Macnab, A. Coyne, K. Veeman, G. Binstead, and D. Korber (editors), Proceedings of the Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference, “Advances in Forest Management: From Knowledge to Practice”, 13-15 November 2002,  Edmonton, Alberta.

Leake, N.L., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2002. An Examination of Indicators of Economic Sustainability [Abstract]. Pp 351 in T. Veeman, P. Duinker, B. Macnab, A. Coyne, K. Veeman, G. Binstead, and D. Korber (editors), Proceedings of the Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference, “Advances in Forest Management: From Knowledge to Practice”, 13-15 November 2002, Edmonton, Alberta.

Murray, G., P. Boxall, and R. Wein. 2002. The Abundance and Use of Edible Wild Fruits in the Gwich’in Settlement Area. [Abstract]Pp 357 in T. Veeman, P. Duinker, B. Macnab, A. Coyne, K. Veeman, G. Binstead, and D. Korber (editors), Proceedings of the Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference, “Advances in Forest Management: From Knowledge to Practice”, 13-15 November 2002, Edmonton, Alberta.

Boxall, P.C. and W.L. Adamowicz. 2000. Incorporating endogenous perceptions of environmental attributes in RUMs: The case of congestion. Proceedings of the International Institute on Fisheries Economics and Trade, held10-14 July 2000, in Corvallis, Oregon.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, M. Williams, and J. Louviere. 1999.  Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: an application to woodland caribou conservation in Alberta, Canada. Pp. 83-90 in Stewart Roper, C. and A. Park (editors), The Living Forest: Non-Market Benefits of Forests, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Non-Market Benefits of Forestry, held 24-28 June 1996, in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. The Stationary Office and The Forestry Commission, London.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin, and D.O. Watson. 1999. An empirical examination of non-market values of wilderness recreation and their role in the industrial use of a Canadian forest. Pp. 145-152 in Stewart Roper, C. and A. Park (editors), The Living Forest: Non-Market Benefits of Forests, Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Non-Market Benefits of Forestry, held 24-28 June 1996, in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. The Stationary Office and The Forestry Commission, London.

Boxall, P.C., D. Watson, R. Hoscheit, J. Englin, and G. Hauer. 1999. The impacts of forest fires on wilderness recreation in eastern Manitoba, Canada. Pp. 329-332 in Gonzalez-Caban, A. and P.N. Omi (editors), Proceedings of the Symposium on Fire Economics, Planning, and Policy: Bottom Lines, held April 5-9, 1999 at San Diego, California. USDA Forest Service General Technical report PSW-GTR-173, Albany, California.

Adamowicz, W. and P. Boxall. 1998. Forest management and non-timber values: opportunities and challenges. Pp E95-E99, in Proceedings of the 79th Annual meeting, Canadian Woodlands Forum, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Montreal, Quebec.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin, and W. L. Adamowicz. 1997. Combined revealed and stated preference analysis involving discovery of new attributes: The case of North American aboriginal artifacts. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Workshop of the W-133 Project, held March 19-20, 1997 at Portland, Oregon.

Boxall, P.C. and R. LeFrancois. 1997.  A survey of Alberta anglers' attitudes towards bull trout and fisheries management. Pp 45-51, in Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita (editors), Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Proceedings. Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, Alberta.

Gray, P.A., P.C. Boxall, R. Reid, F.L. Filion, E. Duwors, A. Jacquemot, P. Bouchard, and A. Bath. 1994. The importance of wildlife to Canadians: Results from three national surveys. Pp 151-157 in Thompson, I.D. (editor), Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists XXI Congress, Volume 1, Canadian Forest Service, Chalk River, Ontario.

Morton, K. W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1994. An economic assessment of forestry activities on whitetail deer and moose hunting in northwestern Saskatchewan. Pp 162-167 in Thompson, I.D. (editor), Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists XXI Congress, Volume 1, Canadian Forest Service, Chalk River, Ontario.

Boxall, P.C., E. Duwors, and F.L. Filion. 1991. Trends and factors influencing participation in recreational hunting in Canada: A dynamic model. Pp. 658-669 in Csanyi, S. and J. Ernhaft (editors), Transactions of the XXth Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists. University of Agricultural Sciences, Godollo, Hungary.

Boxall, P.C. 1986. The use of fish and wildlife resources by non-Albertans: sport hunting and fishing. Pp 28-35 in Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium Tourism and the Environment: Conflict or Harmony? Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists, Edmonton, Alberta.

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Books and book chapters

Bateman, I., W. Yang, and P.C. Boxall. 2006. Geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis in resource and environmental economics. Pp 43-92 In T. Tietenberg and H. Folmer, Eds, The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2006/2007.

Boxall, P.C., D.O. Watson, and J. Englin. 2003. Backcountry recreationists' valuation of forest and park management features in wilderness parks of the western Canadian Shield. Pp 221-238 in Hanley, N., W.D. Shaw, and R.E. Wright (Editors) The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation, Edward Elgar Press, Northampton, MA.

Adamowicz, W.L. and P.C. Boxall. 2002. Hypothetical Markets- Attribute based stated preference methods. Pp 157-161 In Technical Guidance Document on the use of Socioeconomic Analysis in Chemical Risk Management Decision Making. OECD Environment Health and Safety Publications Series on Risk Management Number 14. Paris.

Boxall, P.C. and T.M. Beckley. 2002. An introduction to methods for measuring non-market value. Pp 101-140 in Campbell, B.M. and M.K. Luckert, (editors), Uncovering the Hidden Harvest: Valuation Methods for Woodland and Forest Resources. Earthscan Publ. Ltd., London.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2002. The contribution of aboriginal rock paintings to wilderness recreation values in North America. Pp 105-117 in Navrud, S. and R.C. Ready (editors), Valuing Cultural Heritage: Applying Environmental Valuation Techniques to Historic Buildings, Monuments, and Artifacts.  Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, U.K.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, J.J. Louviere, J. Swait, and M. Williams. 1999. Stated preference methods for valuing environmental amenities. Pp 460-482 in Bateman, I.J. and K.G. Willis (editors), Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the U.S., E.C. and Developing Countries.  Oxford University Press, New York.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, M. Luckert, W. Phillips and W. White. 1995.  Forestry, Environment and Economics. CAB International, Oxon, U.K.

Adamowicz, W.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1993. Economic Aspects of Hoofed Mammals in Alberta. Pp. 119-126 in B. Stelfox (editor), The Hoofed Mammals of Alberta. Lone Pine Press, Edmonton, Alberta.

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Book reviews

Boxall, P.C. 1994. Review of Young, O.R. and G. Osherenko, Polar Politics: Creating International Environmental Regimes. Cornell Univ. Press, N.Y., 1993, 276pp.  Society and Natural Resources 7(6):605-606.

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Published abstracts

Yen, S.T., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 1997. Donations for environmental conservation: an econometric analysis. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(5):1706.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, M. Williams, and J.J. Louviere. 1997. Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: An application to woodland caribou conservation in Alberta, Canada.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(5):1718.

Hailu, A., W. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1997. Substitution and valuation: Application of a multi-progam environmental valuation method. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(5):1722.

Englin, J. and P.C. Boxall. 1996. Optimal rotation of multiple use forests in the presence of fire risk.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(5):1398.

Boxall, P.C. and R. Lefrancois. 1996. Alberta anglers' knowledge and attitudes towards bull trout and fisheries management.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1(3):75-77.

Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, J. Swait, M. Williams and J.J. Louviere. 1995. A comparison of stated preference methods for valuing environmental goods.  Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 43(4):651.

Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, and T. Graham-Tomasi. 1993. A nonparametric test of the travel cost model. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 41(4):503-504.

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Refereed professional reports

Watson, D.O.T. and P.C. Boxall. 2005. Trends in hunter participation in Alberta, 1990 to 2000: An analysis of the hunter licensing system databases. Information Report NOR-X-404, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

Hunt, L., W. Haider, P.C. Boxall, J. Englin and S. Browne. 2002. Highlights of Ontario’s non-road accessible resource based tourism industry with emphasis on the fishing product.  Technical Report TR-009, Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem research, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 2000. Forest values and attitudes of the public, environmentalists, professional foresters, and members of public advisory groups in Alberta.  Information Report NOR-X-374, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

Beckley, T.M., P.C. Boxall, L.K. Just, and A.M. Wellstead. 1999. Annotated bibliography of social science research on forest stakeholders’ attitudes and values.  Information Report NOR-X-365, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

Beckley, T.M., P.C. Boxall, L.K. Just, and A.M. Wellstead. 1999. Forest stakeholder attitudes and values: selected social-science contributions.  Information Report NOR-X-362, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

Boxall, P.C., J. Englin and D.O. Watson. 1999.  Valuing backcountry recreation in wilderness parks: A demand systems approach in the Canadian Shield.  Information Report NOR-X-361, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1999. Forest values and management preferences of two stakeholder groups in the Foothills Model Forest.  Information Report NOR-X-364, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 1999. A descriptive analysis of hunting participation trends in Alberta. Information Report NOR-X-366, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L., M.S. Fisher, and P.C. Boxall. 1999. Camper characteristics and preferences at managed and unmanaged sites in the Foothills Model Forest. Forest Management Note 64, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1998. An overview and nonmarket valuation of camping in the Foothills Model Forest. Information Report, NOR-X-358, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L., P.C. Boxall and M. Gartrell. 1996. Forest recreation area campers in the Rocky-Clearwater Forest of Alberta.  Information Report Number NOR-X-348, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane B.L., M.A. Dolphin and P.C. Boxall. 1996. Activities and preferences of campers at forest recreation areas in West Central Alberta.  Forest Management Note Number 62, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1993. Nonconsumptive wildlife recreationists: A new constituency for forest managers.  Forest Management Note Number 59, Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Edmonton, Alberta.

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Papers in unrefereed outlets

McFarlane, B.L, D.O. Watson, and P.C. Boxall. 2001. Getting more from what we have: The case of backcountry permits.  Research Links 9(3): 1, 6-7.

Meredith, D.H., and P.C. Boxall. 1994. The decline (and fall?) of hunting in Alberta.  The Alberta Game Warden 6(2):10-11.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, and D. Watson. 1993. An economic analysis of recreational fishing in southern Alberta. Trout Canada (Winter 1993) pp. 32-34.

McLeod, K., P.C. Boxall and W.L. Adamowicz. 1993. Moose - The Hunter's Perspective.  The Alberta Game Warden 6(1):30-31.

Stelfox, H.A., P.C. Boxall, J.R. Butler, and G.T. Hvenegaard. 1990. Participant background and views from the 1988 Edmonton and Calgary Christmas Bird Counts. Alberta Naturalist 20(3):93-102.

Phillips, W.E., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1989. Under the demand curve: Economic issues in outdoor recreation.  Recreation Alberta 8(3):13-16.

Boxall, P.C. 1986. Further observations of the Barred Owl in Alberta. Blue Jay 44(1):41‑43.

Phelan, F.J.S. and P.C. Boxall. 1976. Cycling of Microtus pennsylvanicus on islands. Mouse News 2:3.

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Staff papers and professional reports


Boxall, P.C., M. Weber, O. Perger, M.Cutlac and A. Samarawickrema. 2008. Preliminary Results from the Farm Behaviour Component of the Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model for the Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices Program. Project Report FLP 506, Farm Level Policy Research Network, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta. (and Report to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices Program).

Sverrisson, D., Boxall, P.C., and W.L. Adamowicz. 2008. Estimation of the Passive Use Values Associated with Future Expansion of Provincial Parks and Protected Areas in Southern Ontario. Final Report to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, Ontario. 120pp

Weber, M. and P.C. Boxall.  2007. The Farm Behaviour Component of the Integrated Economic-Hydrologic Model: Background and Proposed Experimental Protocols. Report to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices Program.

Olar M., Adamowicz W., Boxall P., West G.E. 2007. Estimation of the Economic Benefits of marine Mammal Recovery in the St. Lawrence Estuary.  Published by: Policy and Economics Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Quebec, QC. 62pp

Boxall, P.C., G. Hauer and W.L. Adamowicz. 2005. Modelling congestion as a form of interdependence in random utility models. Staff Paper 05-01, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (

Molik, T.E., K.M. Johnson, M. McMillan, P.C. Boxall, W. Chan, J. Thompson, E. Smith, and M. Fujida. 2003. Impact of oil and gas facilities on rural residential property values.  Alberta Energy Utilities Board, Calgary Alberta. 61pp.

Leake, N.L., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 2002. An examination of economic sustainability indicators in forest dependent communities in Canada. SFM Network Project Report 2002-9, University of Alberta, Edmonton. 55pp. (Available at: ).

Murray, G. and P.C. Boxall. 2002. The distribution, abundance, and utilization of wild fruits by the Gwich’in in the Mackenzie River delta. SFM Network Project Report 2002-5, University of Alberta, Edmonton.  (Available at: http://sfm‑

Dosman, D., M. Haener, W. Adamowicz, J. Marois, and P. Boxall. 2002. Assessing impacts of environmental change on Aboriginal People: An economic examination of subsistence resource use and value.  Project Report 02-01, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 33pp.

Miller, J., J.R. Unterschultz, and P.C. Boxall. 2002. The economics of riparian area management. Cows and Fish, Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program, Report No. 015. Cows and Fish, Lethbridge Alberta. 107p.

Shapansky, Bradford, Wiktor Adamowicz and Peter Boxall. 2002. Measuring forest resource values: An assessment of choice experiments and preference construction methods as public involvement tools. Project Report 02-03, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 36 p.  (Available at:

Mittlestadt, N., W. Adamowicz, and P. Boxall. 2001. A review of economic sustainability indicators. Working Paper 2001-11, Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton.  (Available at:

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Task Force on the Importance of Wildlife to Canadians. 2000. The importance of nature to Canadians: The economic significance of nature-related activities. Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, ON.

McFarlane, B.L., P.C. Boxall and C. Hiltz. 2000. A decision support system for camping site choice in the Foothills Model Forest.  Unpublished Report to the Foothills Model Forest. 50 pp.

Parkins, J., B. McFarlane, and P.C. Boxall. 2000. Exploring protected areas, wilderness, and biodiversity concepts in a local context: A focus group study in the Lake Abitibi Model Forest.  Unpublished Report to Lake Abitibi Model Forest. 57 pp.

Watson, D., J. Miller, P. Boxall and J. Unterschultz. 2000. The economics of riparian grazing management: A literature review.  Project Report 00-06, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. 15 pp. (Available at:

Haener, M, P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2000. Modeling recreation site choice: Do hypothetical choices reflect actual behavior? Staff Paper 00-01, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (‑00‑01.pdf).


Watson, D. and P.C. Boxall. 1999. Trends in Hunter Participation in Alberta 1990 to 1997: An Analysis of the CLASS Database. Unpublished Report to the Department of Environmental Protection, Natural Resource Services, Edmonton. 36 pp.

Haener, M, P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 2000. Modeling recreation site choice: Do hypothetical choices reflect actual behavior? Staff Paper 00-01, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (‑00‑01.pdf).

Boxall, P.C. and W.L. Adamowicz. 1999. Understanding heterogeneous preferences in random utility models: The use of latent class analysis. Staff Paper 99-02, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. (‑99‑02.PDF)

Duwors, E., M. Villeneuve, F. Filion, R. Reid, P. Bouchard, D. Legg, P. Boxall, T. Williamson, A. Bath, and S. Meis. 1999. The importance of nature to Canadians: Survey Highlights. Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Parkins, J., B. McFarlane, P. Boxall, and T. Beckley. 1999. Sustainable forest management, protected areas, and biodiversity: A focus groups study in the Foothills Model Forest. Interim Report, Foothills Model Forest, Hinton, AB.

McFarlane, B.L. P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 1998. Big game hunters in Alberta: Their activities, values, and preferences in relation to sustainable forest management. Working Paper 1998-4, Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton. (Available in PDF at:

McFarlane, B.L. and P.C. Boxall. 1997. Forest social values and management preferences of campers in the Foothills Model Forest.  Interim Report, Foothills Model Forest, Hinton, AB.

Watson, D., J. Volney, and P.C. Boxall. 1997. Assessment of spruce budworm impacts in the Hawk Hills Management Area.  Report to the Manning Diversified Forest Products Research and Development Trust Fund, Lands and Forest Service, Peace River Alberta.

McFarlane, B.L., M.S. Fisher, and P.C. Boxall. 1996. Recreation in the Foothills Model Forest: The 1996 On-Site Camping Study. Report to the Foothills Model Forest, Hinton, AB.

Boxall, P.C., D.O. Watson, and J. Englin. 1996. Analysis of the revealed preferences of backcountry recreationists for forest and park management features in the Canadian Shield region. Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Forestry Report, Canadian Forest Service, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Adamowicz, W.L., P.C. Boxall, M. Williams, and J. Louviere. 1995. Stated preference approaches for measuring passive use values: Choice experiments versus contingent valuation.  Staff Paper 95-03, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Peters, T., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1995. A random utility analysis of southern Alberta sportsfishing.  Project Report 95-02. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Tanguay, M., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1995. An economic evaluation of woodland caribou conservation programs in northwestern Saskatchewan.  Project Report 95-01. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Yen, S.T., P.C. Boxall, and W.L. Adamowicz. 1995. An econometric analysis of donations for environmental conservation. Staff Paper 95-04 Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Filion, F.L. A. Jacquemot, E. DuWors, R. Reid, P.C. Boxall, P. Bouchard, P.A. Gray, and A. Bath. 1994. The importance of wildlife to Canadians: The economic significance of wildlife-related recreational activities in 1991.  Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Englin, J., K. Chakraborty, P.C. Boxall, and D.O. Watson. 1994. Valuing canoeing in Nopiming Provincial Park: A preliminary analysis.  Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Forestry Report, Canadian Forest Service, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Watson, D.O., L. Peters, P.C. Boxall, J. Englin, and K. Chakraborty. 1994. The economic value of canoeing in Nopiming Park in relation to forest and park management. I. A report of the 1993 field season. and II. Appendices of data tables.  File Report. Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Forestry, Canadian Forest Service, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Morton, K., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1994. Economic effects of environmental quality change on recreational hunting in Northern Saskatchewan.  Project Report 94-02. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Filion, F.L., E. Duwors, P.C. Boxall, P. Bouchard, R. Reid, P.A. Gray, A. Bath, A. Jacquemot, and G. Legare. 1993. The importance of wildlife to Canadians: Highlights of the 1991 Survey. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.

McLeod, K., P.C. Boxall, W.L. Adamowicz, M. Williams, and J.J. Louviere. 1993.  The incorporation of nontimber goods and services in integrated resource management. I. An introduction to the Alberta moose hunting study.  Project Report 93-12, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

Tanquay, M. W.L. Adamowicz, P.C. Boxall, W.A. White and W.E. Phillips. 1993. A socio-economic evaluation of woodland caribou in northwestern Saskatchewan. Project Report 93-03. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

Morton, K., W.L. Adamowicz, P.C. Boxall, W.A. White and W.E. Phillips. 1993. A socio-economic evaluation of recreational whitetail deer and moose hunting in northwestern Saskatchewan. Project Report 93-03. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

Watson, D.O., W.L. Adamowicz, and P.C. Boxall. 1993. An economic analysis of recreational fishing and environmental quality changes in the Upper Oldman River basin.  Project Report 93-01. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

Boxall, P.C., W.L. Adamowicz, and T. Graham-Tomasi. 1992. A nonparametric test of the traditional travel cost model.  Staff Paper 92-07. Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

Filion, F.L., E. DuWors, E. Hobby, A. Jacquemot, P. Bouchard, P.C. Boxall, P.A. Gray, and R. Reid. 1992. The importance of wildlife to Canadians in 1987: Trends in wildlife recreation to 2006. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

Adamowicz, W., P.C. Boxall, D. Watson, and T. Peters. 1992. A socio-economic evaluation of sportsfishing activity in southern Alberta. Project Report No. 92-01, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Boxall, P.C., H.A. Stelfox, and G.T. Hvenegaard. 1991. A socioeconomic study of urban participants in the 1988 Christmas Bird Count in Alberta. Socioeconomic Technical Report Number 5, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta.

Filion, F.L., A. Jacquemot, P.C. Boxall, R. Reid, P. Bouchard, E. DuWors, and P.A. Gray. 1990. The importance of wildlife to Canadians in 1987: The economic significance of wildlife-related recreational activities. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.


Boxall, P.C. 1989. Aspects of the demand for migratory game bird hunting licenses in Alberta. Socioeconomic Occasional Paper Number 3, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Boxall, P.C., A. Duarte-Pedrosa, and L.C. Smith. 1989. Human dimensions in fish and wildlife management. I. A guide to existing information in Alberta. Socioeconomic Technical Report Number 4, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Filion, F.L., E. Duwors, A. Jacquemot, P. Bouchard, P. Boxall, P.A. Gray, and R. Reid. 1989. The importance of wildlife to Canadians in 1987: Highlights of a National Survey. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.

Phillips, W.E., W.L. Adamowicz, J. Asafu-Adjaye, and P.C. Boxall. 1989. An economic assessment of the value of wildlife resources in Alberta. Project Report No. 89-04, Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Boxall, P.C. and L.C. Smith. 1987. The illegal harvest of deer in Alberta: A violation simulation study. Occasional Paper Number 2, Resource Economics and Assessment, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Boxall, P.C. and L.C. Smith. 1986.  Characteristics of Alberta's hunters. Occasional Paper Number 1, Resource Economics and Assessment, Alberta Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Filion, F.L., S.W. James, J.L. Ducharme, W. Pepper, R. Reid, P.C. Boxall, and D. Teillet. 1983. The importance of wildlife to Canadians: Highlights of the 1981 National Survey. Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Minister of Supply and Services, Ottawa.

McNicholl, M.K., P.H.R. Stepney, P.C. Boxall, and D. Spalding. 1982. A bibliography of Alberta ornithology. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper Number 3.

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