Pat's miscellaneous goodies

Compiled by Pat Letendre, Medical Laboratory Science, University of Alberta

"Odds n' sods" I find interesting, useful, fun...


Currency converter  |  Convert this (C<-->F; km<-->miles; ft<-->m)

Food & drink

Beer: Belgium | Britain | Germany | Europe

Food glossary

Cordon Vert | International veggie recipes | Veg cooking | Veg soups |

Wines: Australia | Canada | Italy | New Zealand | USA


BMI calculator | Discover your disease risks | Eponymous diseases | Medical encyclopedia | Medline Plus

History, politics

10 Downing Street | US Supreme Court | Women heads of state


For better or worse | Dilbert | Doonesbury | Political cartoons

Languages (turn on speakers)

Learning languages (BBC) | Language guide

Oldie stuff

AARP | Seniors - Canada | Service Canada  | CPP / OAS  - Canada

Police, law, intelligence, and security services

Canada: CSIS | RCMP

UK: Metropolitan Police / Scotland Yard  | MI5 | SIS/MI6

USA: CIAFBI  | Homeland security | Jurist (legal news)

Interpol (latest in global crime)