I'm not sure when exactly I met Rosemarie, but it must have been about 20 years ago, perhaps between one of the times that she and her family were living in Zambia. I didn't really get to know her during the few months that we both worked in MLS, but I recall being impressed that she and her family would go to Africa not once but twice to serve others. Today, I quess we call that "walking the talk."

Later when Rosemarie returned to Canada and eventually to teaching again in MLS, I and other staff got to know her much better, largely through close contact in the basement of the Clin Sci Bldg, or the "MLS dungeon" as we sometimes refer to our home away from home, usually affectionately. <;-) As a result I am one of many who feel proud to call Rosemarie "friend."

As a colleague in MLS, Rosemarie has been a powerful force for innovation. Whether creating delightful Powerpoint slides for onscreen presentations, pioneering small group work during lecture periods, fostering computer skills, or developing multi-discipline wet laboratories, Rosemarie is an educator who has always strived to enhance learning for our students.

Being fond of poetry and prose, I decided to use a few brief quotations to express how I and others regard "Mrs. C." The focus will be on the entire person, something that Rosemarie always considers when dealing with colleagues and students. Here goes....


"Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand." (Karl Menninger)

Listening is definitely one of Rosemarie's fortes. She can always be counted on to lend a compassionate ear or to share a good laugh over the daily comics. With students, Rosemarie is one to always try to see things from their perspective.


"The essence of true friendship is to make allowances for another's little lapses." (David Storey)

Having friends such as me, Rosemarie definitely has to make MANY allowances! Try as I may, she never gets royally _ _ _ _ (rhymes with seed!) off at whatever shenanigans come her way. Being the kind soul that she is, Rosemarie is a natural target for practical jokes and needling. Always the smile, always the twinkle in her eyes, and lately she's learned to give as good as she takes.


"Truth springs from argument amongst friends." (David Hume)

What can I say other than I know of no one with whom I have argued more vociferously than with Mrs. C. Much to my chagrin, Rosemarie leans toward rationale argument based on evidence, whereas I never let the truth get in the way of a good argument or a good story. I always learn something from arguing with Rosemarie, even though I would never let her know that. <;-)


"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." (Robert Southey)

Rosemarie sees the worth in all people so clearly, that she already has--and is destined to continue to have--a multitude of friends throughout her life.

I'll end with the quote below from Richard Bach. It expresses rather well the belief that those of us in MLS have about Rosemarie's retiring. It is the end of one stage and at the same time a new beginning.


"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends." (Richard Bach)

Pat Letendre
Colleague & friend, MLS