Lecture 2: Simple Harmonic Motion

Readings: Textbook pages 419-427

Periodic Motion

We call a motion periodic if the state of a system repeats itself after regular time intervals.

  • Periodic (or near periodic) motion is one of the fundamental ways how bodies can move.
  • Indeed, if one has a bound system (e.g - molecule, pendulum) some kind of repetition of the motion is expected with time.
  • The laws of mechanics ensure that if the positions and velocities of a system exactly repeat themselve after some time, subsequent motion will reproduce what was happening before.

There are two main types of periodic motions

Rotation Oscillations (vibrations)
  • Harddrive in this computer
  • Orbiting of planets around stars
  • Electrons in atoms
  • Rotation of the Earth
  • Motion of guitar string
  • Sound (oscillations of air pressure)
  • Vibration of a molecule
  • Ocean waves


Description of the Periodic Motion

  • The time length of one cycle is the period T
  • Reciprocal to the period is the frequency
    f = 1/T
    Frequency tells how many cycles per unit time (seconds) the system undergoes
  • maximum displacement is given by the amplitude A

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Simplest Periodic Motion

The simplest rotational periodic motion (you agree, right ?) is the rotation in circular orbit with velocity of constant magnitude.
  • |V|=const so T = 2 π A/|V|
  • angular velocity ω = d θ / d t where θ is the angle swiped by the radius vector from initial position. ω = |V|/A = const so period T = 2 π / ω
  • ω = 2 π f and is also called angular frequency
  • change of the angle with time is given by integration

More details are in UCalgary app1 and app2

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Rotation on reference circle and Simple Harmonic Motion

As particles follows uniform rotational motion, its coordinates follow Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
x = A cos(θ)     y = A sin(θ)
  • x = A cos(ω t + φ0)
  • Vx = dx/dt
    = -A ω sin(ω t + φ0)
  • ax = dVx/dt
    = -A ω2 cos(ω t + φ0)

in SHM       ax = - ω2 x

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Harmonic Oscillator

  • Oscillation appear when there is a restoring force that acts on the system when it is out of equilibrium trying to bring it back to equilibrium
  • Consider spring with mass attached, which motion is governed by the Hooke's law m a = F = - k x
  • How does the mass on the spring moves under Hooke's law ?
  • One can solve differential equation d2 x / d t2 = -(k/m) x , but one can just notice that acceleration is proprtional and opposite to displacement
    a = -(k/m) x

    exactly as it was for SHM !
  • Thus, the mass on the spring experiences SHM
    x = A cos(ω t + φ0) with ω = (k/m)1/2
  • "Initial phase" φ0 depends on what we chose as zero time

Oscillator that follows SHM is called Harmonic Oscillator

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Properties of a Harmonic Oscillator

  • Displacement, velocity and acceleration - all mechanical properties of the harmonic oscillator are described by simple trigonometric functions with the same one frequency ω
    x = A cos(ω t + φ0)
    v = - A ω sin(ω t + φ0)
    a = -A ω2 cos(ω t + φ0)
  • (angular) frequency of oscillations ω = (k/m)1/2 does not depend how we perturb the oscillator from equilibrium - i.e amplitude. It is determined solely by the internal properties of the system - mass and stiffness of the string. The system has its own frequency ! This is very important concept in physics.
  • Restoring force is proprtional and opposite to displacement F = - α x is a signature of any Harmonic Oscillator .
  • One can play with this applet for another case of Harmonic Oscillator - the mass hanged on a vertical spring in the presense of gravity. Check that such system is harmonic oscillator, and think why