May 29, 1998

"Inside Out" is backwards too

I just browsed through the last Folio and noticed the Inside Out center article with the nice pictures of plants etc.

Although informative and well produced it contains three mistakes in the captions of the photos. These are:

Picture of 'Croton' is not that plant but a different genus it is a picture of Sansevieria ('mother-in-law's tongue") not Croton. Picture of Pinus arnoldii pine cone is really a fern frond (probably Polypodium).

Picture of 'plethora of cacti' actually contains no cacti but a diversity of succulents mostly in the lily and spurge families. As a university newspaper, I think we should be able to do a better job of presenting the facts.

Dr. Dale Vitt
Director, Devonian Botanic Garden

Folio front page
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