Team submissionID F2 Prec Recall MAP R_5 R_10 R_30
CAPTAIN CAPTAIN.allEnssMissq 0.7645 0.7333 0.8000 0.6988 0.7656 0.8516 0.8906
CAPTAIN CAPTAIN.allEnssBoostraping 0.7545 0.7233 0.7900 0.6988 0.7656 0.8516 0.8906
JNLP JNLP3 0.7526 0.6517 0.8300 0.7166 0.8125 0.8516 0.9062
CAPTAIN CAPTAIN.bjpAll 0.7489 0.7133 0.7850 0.8539 0.8906 0.9141 0.9609
NOWJ NOWJ.ensemble 0.7345 0.6892 0.7750 0.7975 0.7969 0.8203 0.8984
HUKB HUKB1 0.6793 0.6342 0.7150 0.7463 0.7656 0.8438 0.9375
JNLP JNLP2 0.6694 0.6487 0.7100 0.6926 0.7422 0.8047 0.8906
HUKB HUKB3 0.6691 0.6567 0.6900 0.7480 0.7578 0.8516 0.9375
JNLP JNLP1 0.6637 0.6717 0.6850 0.6930 0.7422 0.8047 0.8906
LLNTU LLNTUgigo 0.6600 0.7400 0.6500 0.7716 0.8125 0.8984 0.9297
HUKB HUKB2 0.6549 0.6850 0.6650 0.7480 0.7578 0.8516 0.9375
LLNTU LLNTUtdidf 0.6389 0.7100 0.6300 0.7698 0.8359 0.8828 0.9375
UA UA.TFIDF_threshold2 0.5698 0.6267 0.5700 0.6612 0.6797 0.8047 0.8516
UA UA.TFIDF_threshold1 0.5600 0.6400 0.5500 0.6612 0.6797 0.8047 0.8516
UA UA.BM25 0.5556 0.6400 0.5450 0.6547 0.6797 0.8047 0.8750
LLNTU LLNTUkiwiord 0.3856 0.4300 0.3800 0.5153 0.6016 0.6953 0.8359

This formal run results table is updated from the ICAIL 2023 proceedings, whose results were formerly notified to the participants, by excluding one of the questions. After finalizing the overview paper, we found that question for R04-04-E in English is not an appropriate translation of the original Japanese question. That question has been excluded of the overall evaluation, which was then performed on the remaining 100 questions.