Splus/R code for performing cluster detection tests based on cases (Besag and Newell, 1991) and events (Rosychuk, Huston, and Prasad, 2006).

source code

Information on key functions:
case.test: Conduct the cluster detection based on cases.
get.kmat.case: Find the cluster sizes for the testing algorithm based on cases.
sim.case.calc: Conduct the Monte Carlo simulations to obtain the overall clustering for the cluster detection based on cases.
event.test: Conduct the cluster detection based on event.
get.kmat.event: Find the cluster sizes for the testing algorithm based on events.
sim.event.calc: Conduct the Monte Carlo simulations to obtain the overall clustering for the cluster detection based on events.

Splus/R code for performing cluster detection tests based on events using a normal approximation (Torabi and Rosychuk, Submitted).

source code

Information on key functions:
normalevent: Conduct the cluster detection based on events using a normal approximation.