SPSP Preconference
Advances in Cultural Psychology

February 13th, 2014
Austin, TX, USA








Welcome to the 10th SPSP Cultural Psychology Preconference

February 13, 2014
Austin Convention Center
Meeting Room 9
Austin, Texas, USA

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the SPSP Cultural Psychology Preconference for 2014.  We have an exciting program for the preconference this year.  Along with a lineup of excellent speakers on social/cultural/developmental/ psychology, about half of the speakers will address thie year's key theme, which is Cultural Perspectives in Organizational and Consumer Psychology. See you in Austin soon!


Registeration Fee will be USD$70 for Students and USD $85 for Postdoctoral Fellows and Faculty Members. Please select your academic category and go to the PayPal page to process the payment.

After January 15th, 2014. registration fees will be USD $85 for graduate students and USD $100 for postdoctoral fellows and faculty members.

The final deadline is January 31st, 2014.

Please visit "Registration" page.

Student Presentations

As usual, we will have a poster session during lunch break. Deadline for poster submissions is January 15th, 2014 (Please go to the "Submissions" Section).

We are also excited to announce that this year's preconference will feature presentations in a data blitz format, in which young scientists will present their work in rapid-pace form (under 5 minutes). This opportunity is available to submitters who will be advanced Ph.D. students (4th year and above) or postdocs at the time of the conference (February 2014). Deadline for Poster Submissions is also January 15th, 2014 (Please go to the "Submissions" Section).


This preconference is sponsored by

International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
Association for Consumer Research (ACR)



Susan E. Cross, Professor, Iowa State University, USA
Adam B. Cohen, Associate Professor, Arizona State University, USA
Yuri Miyamoto, Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin, USA
Taka Masuda, Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Canada

Association For Consumer Research

All rights reserved. Updated in OCT, 2013.
Please contact Taka Masuda tmasuda@ualberta.ca regarding the changes in the contents.