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Selected Publications

Oliphant, Tami. (2019, in press). The self and others: Revisiting information needs and libraries as public, social institutions in a post-truth world. Open Information Science

Oliphant, Tami and Michael Brundin. (2019, in press). Conflicting values: An exploration of the tensions between learning analytics and academic librarianship. Library Trends

Oliphant, Tami and Jennifer Branch-Mueller. (2018). “Doing the courses without stopping my life”: Time in a professional Master’s program. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4), n.p.

Shiri, Ali and Tami Oliphant. (2017). Temporal patterns of searching in a public library discovery system. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. 41(1-2), 1-17.

Oliphant, Tami and Ali Shiri. (2017). The long tail of search and topical queries in public libraries. Library Review, 66(6/7), 430-441.

Oliphant, Tami. (2017). A case for critical data studies in library and information studies. Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, 1(1), 1-24.

Oliphant, Tami. (2015). Social justice research in library and information science: A case for discourse analysis. In B. Mehra (Ed). Library Trends, 64(2), 226-245.

Oliphant, Tami. (2014). 'I'm a library hugger!': Public libraries as valued community assets. Public Library Quarterly, 33(4), 348-361.

McKenzie, Pamela and Tami Oliphant. (2010). Informing evidence: Claimsmaking in midwives' and clients' talk about interventions. Qualitative Health Research, 20(1), 29-41.

Oliphant, Tami. (2009). "I'm making my decision based on my experience": Constructing authoritative knowledge about treatments for depression. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 33(3/4), 215-232.

McKechnie, Lynne, Julien, Heidi, Genuis, Shelagh and Tami Oliphant. (2008). Communicating research findings to library and information science practitioners: A study of ISIC papers from 1996 to 2006. Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, 13(4),

Oliphant, Tami. (2007). The enclosure of the knowledge commons: The role of publishers, faculty, and librarians. International Journal of the Book, 4(4), 77-84.

Oliphant, Tami. (2006). The invisibility of alternative media. In R. Litwin (Ed.)., Library juice concentrate: Invitations and reflections, 1998-2006 (pp. 93-106). Duluth, MN: Library Juice Press.

Selected Presentations

Oliphant, Tami. Information, beliefs and ways of knowing in the post-truth era. Association for Information Science. Congress. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON 30 May 2017.

Oliphant, Tami. Information literacy in the post-truth era. Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU). Edmonton, AB 23 May 2017.

Oliphant, Tami, Berry, Tanya, & Colleen Norris. Crafting heart disease messages for women. Canadian Health Librarians Association. Edmonton, AB. 18 May 2017.

Oliphant, Tami. Moral outrage, shame, blame and scapegoating online. Digital dE-Biasing Techniques for an engaged society (DebaTES) Conference. Northumbria, Newcastle, UK. 18 May 2016.

Oliphant, Tami & Kendall Roark. Reframing data intensive scholarship: Critique of the digital information ecosystem. Data Power. University of Sheffield, UK. 23 June 2014.

Oliphant, Tami & Nicole Dalmer. Going out on a LIM: Consumer health information and the practices of lay information mediaries. Canadian Health Libraries Association. Saskatoon, SK. 23 May 2013.

Oliphant, Tami & Michael McNally. User engagement with mental health videos on YouTube. Canadian Health Libraries Association Saskatoon, SK. 23 May 2013.