function Pmv10 % Pmv10 - reads static shift values from t?.dat files and applies them % in pseudosection plots to both, data and response % - app & phas curves can be plotted for both modes together % - error corrected for cases where only tip is inverted % - plots difference (log) between two models % - plots sensitivity map, if available % Pmv9 organizes reading from parameter file (*.par) % pmv8 heavily reorganized (ws) % - handles all three modes (te/tm/hz) % - rsp file (output of rund2inv) is analysed directly % - modes can have different (sub)sets of frequency/site % - log file is read % => used error floors (only for conjugate=n not in log file), % tau, chisq, rms, roughness... read and the latters % can be plotted. % pmv7 Error floor applied before plotting as option % In pseudosections, NaN's can be filled with next highest frequency % This is only applied as far as the last frequency. % pmv6 Fixed bugs in statics (both he last frquencyTE and TM done) % rs for residual pseudosections .... with error floor option % Separate options for HZ data in plotdat % Added subroutine doplot_hz % pmv5 plots rho vs depth at each site in turn (in "resistivity model") % Colour and shading options in model plot hardwired % pmv4 latest version of Mackie code (march6 2003) has more decimal % places in *rsp file. Changes made in load_nlcgout % pmv3 computes static if rho doesn't fit % This version Feb 2002. Plots with new version of Mackies code that % gives files names from root. %======================================================================= % June 2002 : Plots Profiles at a specific period for MT or H_z data %======================================================================= % function plot_nlcg_out % % Plots nlcg6 responses, data and model % % If a file scales.m exists in working directory, then you can set values % for following: % scale = [minY maxY minZ maxZ]; % (kilometers) % (minZ and maxZ are optional and not used by this function) % rholims = [minlog10rho maxlog10rho]); % (Ohm-m) % phalims = [minpha maxpha]); % degrees % Otherwise these are set automatically and you can alter the values and % save the file for future use. Note that missing or bad data in this % file may cause the function to return to defaults or quit with an error. % % If a file pal.m exists in working directory, it will be executed to % load a custom colormap array "cmap". Otherwise a modified jet is used. % disp(' '); disp('Plots NLCG6 output:'); disp(' '); disp('pseudosection / sounding curves / resistivity model.'); disp(' '); disp('requires: NLCG_6_9 data input files (.te/.tm/.tip/.hz) and'); disp(' parameter (.par), model (.mdl), response (.rsp) and log (.log) output files.'); disp(' '); global statics lstatic global err_floor global cmode type kmode cmode = {'TM';'TE';'HZ';'TMTE'}; type = {'rho','pha';'rho','pha';'rel','img'}; version = '6_9'; [parfile,outpath] = uigetfile({'*.par'},'pick inversion parameter file'); parfile=[outpath,'/',parfile]; if exist(parfile,'file') disp(['reading parameter file: ',parfile]); [seed,kmode,modfile,datfile,tau,err_floor,statshift,indsitmod] = ... load_par(parfile); else error([parfile,' does not exist!']) end seedp=[outpath,seed,'_',version]; modfile=[outpath,'/',modfile]; % convert error floors to log10 scale % drho in log10 space: % dlog10(rho) = d(ln(rho))/ln(10) = rel.d(rho)/ln(10) err_floor(1:2,1) = 0.434.*err_floor(1:2,1)./100; % rund2inv doc tells me (ws) that phase error is in percent of % equivalent ln(rho), and thus: 1/(2*100)*180/pi = 0.286 in deg err_floor(1:2,2) = .286.*err_floor(1:2,2); % don't change Hz error floor. % load the response file which will be called dat if exist([seedp,'.rsp'],'file') disp(['reading response file: ',seedp,'.rsp']); [dat,per,indsit,sitrms] = load_nlcgout([seedp,'.rsp'],kmode,indsitmod); else error(['File ',seedp,'.rsp', ' does not exist!']) end % get freq freq = 1./per; logfreq = log10(freq); nfreq = length(freq) nsites=length(indsit) % load the model file if exist(modfile,'file') [ny,nz,dy,dz,model] = load_mdl(modfile,version); else error(['File: ',modfile,' does not exist']) end % read objfun (rms, roughness...) as a function of iteration nit=0;objfun=zeros(1,6); if exist([seedp,'.log'],'file') [objfun] = load_log([seedp,'.log'],err_floor); nit=size(objfun,1)-1; else warning(['File: ',[seedp,'.log'],' does not exist']) end % compute y's and z's at block edges y=zeros(1,ny+1); for k=1:ny y(k+1)=y(k)+dy(k); end z=zeros(1,nz+1); for k=1:nz z(k+1)=z(k)+dz(k); end % compute y's at sites ysite=y(indsit)+dy(indsit)'/2; y0=0; % sites, y: site location wrt 1st site (+y0) in km sites=ysite-ysite(1)+y0; sites=sites/1000; y=sites; % Initialize statics lstatic = zeros(2,nsites); statics = zeros(2,nsites); % set defaults ymin=min(y); ymax=max(y); dy=ymax-ymin; ymin=ymin-.1*dy; ymax=ymax+.1*dy; rhomin=0; rhomax=3; phamin=0; phamax=90; % load errors matrix err = zeros(3,nsites,nfreq,2); for imode=1:3 if kmode(imode)==1 name=[outpath,'/',char(datfile(imode))]; if exist(name,'file') [err]=load_err(err,name,imode,indsit,indsitmod,per); else warning(['File: ',name,' does not exist']) end end end % modes,freqs,sites,[meas_1 meas_2] err=permute(err,[1 3 2 4]); % load static shifts lstatic=zeros(2,nsites); statics=zeros(2,nsites); if statshift == 'y' [lstatic,statics]=load_stat(kmode,cmode,nsites,indsit,indsitmod,... outpath) end dat=reshape(dat(:,:,1:12),[nsites,nfreq,4,3]); dat=permute(dat,[4 2 1 3]); % modes,freqs,sites,[obs_1 obs_2 meas_1 meas_2],mode % high (>1E+5) errors -> NaN dat(err>1E+5)=NaN; err(err>1E+5)=NaN; % modes are 'found' when there's at least one data point ~= NaN no_nan = ~isnan(dat); kmode = sum(sum(sum(no_nan,4),3),2)>0 % e.g. [1 0 1] <= TM and HZ modes inverted mtmode = find(kmode(1:2)>0); % e.g. [1] ... % scale error of rho & pha & tzy % d(ln(rho)) => d(log10(rho)) = d(ln(rho))/ln(10) err(mtmode,:,:,1) = 0.43.*err(mtmode,:,:,1); err(mtmode,:,:,2) = (180/pi).*err(mtmode,:,:,2); % err(3,:,:,:) = err(3,:,:,:).*0.707; % I (ws) guess the error in the input file does not refer to the % absolute error of the complex number but its real and imag parts % log10(rho), pha=-pha dat(1:2,:,:,[1:2:3]) = log10(dat(1:2,:,:,[1:2:3])); dat(1:2,:,:,[2:2:4]) = -dat(1:2,:,:,[2:2:4]); % extend data matrices for pcolor err(:,nfreq+1,:,:) = err(:,nfreq,:,:); err(:,:,1+nsites,:) = err(:,:,nsites,:); dat(:,nfreq+1,:,:) = dat(:,nfreq,:,:); dat(:,:,nsites+1,:) = dat(:,:,nsites,:); choice=menu('Apply error floor to data?','Yes','No'); %============================================================================= % Apply error floors %============================================================================= if choice==1 for imode=1:3 if kmode(imode) for itype=1:2 terr = err(imode,:,:,itype); lindex = find(terr<=err_floor(imode,itype)); hindex = find(~isnan(terr)); terr(lindex)=err_floor(imode,itype); err(imode,:,:,itype)=terr; nlow = length(lindex); nhigh = length(hindex); if nhigh>0 percent=100*nlow/nhigh; else percent=0; end disp(['Percent of ',upper(char(type(imode,itype))),... ' data (',char(cmode(imode)),' mode) below error floor ',... num2str(err_floor(imode,itype)),': ',num2str(percent)]); end end end end hmode=[]; for imode=1:3 if kmode(imode)>0 hmode=[hmode,' ',char(cmode(imode))]; end end % loop for ever while 1 choice=menu('plot option','plot pseudosection','plot sounding curves',... 'profiles','resistivity model','sensitivity map',... 'objective function','quit'); switch choice case {1,2,3} lindex=find(kmode>0); if length(lindex) > 1 % TM and TE mode? => TMTE (together) cmmode=cmode(lindex); if choice==2 & find(lindex==1) & find(lindex==2) cmmode{length(lindex)+1}='TMTE'; end imode = menu('choose mode',cmmode); if imode==length(lindex)+1 imode=4; else imode = lindex(imode); end else imode = lindex(1); end if choice==1 plotdat(logfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath) elseif choice==2 docurves(logfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath) dostatics(outpath) elseif choice==3 doprofiles(logfreq,sites,dat,err,ymin,ymax,imode,outpath) end case 4 header=['model: ',seed,' |',hmode,' | tau=',num2str(tau),... ' | rms=',num2str(objfun(nit+1,2)),' | ',num2str(nit),' iters']; %header='' nlcg_mdl(seedp,header,outpath) case 5 header=['sens: ',seed,' |',hmode,' | tau=',num2str(tau),... ' | rms=',num2str(objfun(nit+1,2)),' | ',num2str(nit),' iters']; %header='' nlcg_sns(seedp,header,outpath) case 6 plot_objfun(objfun,outpath) case 7 % close all return end end %========================================================================== function [seed,kmode,modfile,datfile,tau,err_floor,statshift,indsitmod]=... load_par(name) %========================================================================== % read inversion parameter file clear datfile err_floor indsitmod=zeros(3,1); err_floor=zeros(3,2); fid=fopen(name,'r'); line=fgetl(fid); seed=sscanf(line,'%s',1); line=fgetl(fid); kmode(1)=sscanf(line,'%s',1); line=fgetl(fid); kmode(2)=sscanf(line,'%s',1); line=fgetl(fid); kmode(3)=sscanf(line,'%s',1); kmode=kmode=='y' line=fgetl(fid); modfile=sscanf(line,'%s',1); line=fgetl(fid); devmod=sscanf(line,'%d',1); modind=find(kmode>0); for imode=1:length(modind) line=fgetl(fid); datfile{modind(imode)}=sscanf(line,'%s',1); end if kmode(3)==1 line=fgetl(fid); conj=sscanf(line,'%s',1); end line=fgetl(fid); uni_std_lap=sscanf(line,'%d',1); line=fgetl(fid); grd_lap_reg=sscanf(line,'%d',1); line=fgetl(fid); tau=sscanf(line,'%d',1); line=fgetl(fid); sensout=sscanf(line,'%s',1); if kmode(1)==1 line=fgetl(fid); err_floor(1,1)=sscanf(line,'%f',1)'; line=fgetl(fid); err_floor(1,2)=sscanf(line,'%f',1)'; end if kmode(2)==1 line=fgetl(fid); err_floor(2,1)=sscanf(line,'%f',1)'; line=fgetl(fid); err_floor(2,2)=sscanf(line,'%f',1)'; end if kmode(3)==1 line=fgetl(fid); err_floor(3,1)=sscanf(line,'%f',1); err_floor(3,2)=err_floor(3,1); end line=fgetl(fid); parfix=sscanf(line,'%s',1); if (parfix=='y') line=fgetl(fid); fixfile=sscanf(line,'%s',1); line=fgetl(fid); fixdamp=sscanf(line,'%d',1); end if (kmode(1)==1 | kmode(2)==1) line=fgetl(fid); statshift=sscanf(line,'%s',1) if (statshift=='y') line=fgetl(fid); statvar=sscanf(line,'%d',1); line=fgetl(fid); statdamp=sscanf(line,'%d',1); end else statshift='n' end line=fgetl(fid); maxit=sscanf(line,'%d',1) imode=0; inodep=1E6; while 1 line=fgets(fid); if line==-1 break; end if strfind(line,'END') break; end inode=str2num(line); if inode0; % results in indices: %dind=[reshape((smode*ones(1,4).*[1:4; 5:8; 9:12])',1,[]) 13]; % only indices>0: %dind=find(dind>0); % start of data section of site isite while 1 line=fgetl(fid); if ~(length(line)>30) break; end iper=iper+1; word=strread(line,'%s'); for iword=1:length(word) if findstr(char(word(iword)),'*') word{iword}='NaN'; end end %dat(isite,iper,dind)=str2num(char(word(dind))); dat(isite,iper,:)=str2num(char(word)); end end end % period per=sort(reshape(dat(:,:,13),1,[])); per=per(find(per>0)); per=[per(diff(per)>0), per(length(per))] % adjust data indices according to period (not sure if ever needed) for isite=1:size(dat,1) tper=squeeze(dat(isite,:,13)); dat(isite,:,13)=per; tdat=squeeze(dat(isite,:,1:12)); % set data to zero and rewrite dat(isite,:,1:12)=NaN; for iper=1:length(per) for itper=1:length(tper) if tper(itper)==per(iper) dat(isite,iper,1:12)=tdat(itper,:); end end end end fclose(fid); return %========================================================================== function [err]=load_err(err,name,imode,indsit,indsitmod,per) %========================================================================== % reads nlcg input data: % % data error matrix from input data % rho errors: ln(rho) % phase errors: radians % fid=fopen(name,'r'); line=1; isite=0; while line ~= -1 line=fgetl(fid); k=findstr(line,'.'); j=length(k); if j>2 if next_site==1 next_site=0; % isite: index for this site isite=isite+1; iper=0; % ksite: overall site index ksite=find(indsit==indsitmod(imode,isite)); % was data at this station found in rsp file? end iper=iper+1; % get correct period index tfreq=str2num(char(strread(line,'%s',1))); for iper=iper:length(per) if (tfreq/per(iper)-1 < 0.001) break; end end tchar=line(findstr(line,')')+1:length(line)); temp = sscanf(tchar,'%f'); if (imode==3) temp(2)=temp(1); end err(imode,ksite,iper,:) = temp; else next_site=1; end end fclose(fid); return %========================================================================== function [lstatic,statics]=load_stat(kmode,cmode,nsites,indsit,indsitmod,... outpath) % what data are inverted for static shift? % read statics.tx ==> lstatic % read tx.dat ==> statics global statics lstatic kmode for imode=1:2 if kmode(imode)==1 % which mode & station has been inverted for static shift? name=[outpath,'statics.',lower(char(cmode(imode)))]; if exist(name,'file') ltstatic=load(name); for isite=1:length(ltstatic) ksite=find(indsit==indsitmod(imode,isite)); lstatic(imode,ksite)=ltstatic(isite); end disp(['Found: ',name]); else % no statics.tx file found lstatic(imode,1:nsites)=ones(1,nsites); disp(['Not found: ',name]); disp(['Set lstatic(',imode,',:) to ones']); end if sum(lstatic(imode,:))>0 % what are the actual static shift values? name=[outpath,lower(char(cmode(imode))),'.dat']; if exist(name,'file') disp(['Found: ',name]); fid=fopen(name,'r'); line=1; isite=0; while line ~= -1 line=fgetl(fid); k=findstr(line,'.'); if length(k)==1 isite=isite+1; temp = sscanf(line,'%f'); ksite=find(indsit==indsitmod(imode,isite)); % statics found are dat(pred)/dat(obs) => log10 statics(imode,ksite)=log10(temp(2)); %================================================ % note that statics is not used here since it is % applied to both, data and response in % *.rsp, t?_pred.dat, and t?.dat files. %================================================ %statics(imode,ksite)=0; end end fclose(fid); else disp(['Not found: ',name]); disp(['Set statics(',imode,',:) to zeros']); statics(imode,ksite)=zeros(nsites); end end end end return %========================================================================== function [indsit,sitrms]=load_sites(name) %========================================================================== % get the number of sites and index fid=fopen(name,'r'); line=1; m=0; while line ~= -1 line=fgetl(fid); k=findstr(line,'block'); if ~isempty(k) m=m+1; indsit(m)=sscanf(line(k+5:max(size(line))),'%i'); line=fgetl(fid); line=fgetl(fid); word=strread(line,'%s'); sitrms(m)=str2num(char(word(7))); end end fclose(fid); return %========================================================================== function plotdat(logfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath) %========================================================================== % plot Pseudosection part % dat: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2 cal_1 cal_2] % err: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2]; global statics lstatic global err_floor; global cmode type % set the interpolation type choice = menu('Fill NaN values?','Yes','No'); if choice == 1; ifill=1; else; ifill=0; end nfreq=size(dat,2); nsites=size(dat,3); % copy relevant data in new array tdat=squeeze(dat(imode,:,:,:)); terr=squeeze(err(imode,:,:,:)); %============================================================================= % Apply static shifts to measured MT impedance data %============================================================================= if imode<3 for is=1:nsites-1 tdat(:,is,1) = tdat(:,is,1)-statics(imode,is); % static shift free parameter in inversion? % yes ==> also shift responses if sum(lstatic(imode,:))>0 tdat(:,is,3) = tdat(:,is,3)-statics(imode,is); end end end %============================================================================= % Set shading type %============================================================================= while 1 choice=menu('shading','interpolated','flat','go back to main'); if choice==1; shade=1; elseif choice==2; shade=2; else; return end % modify y and f so that the pcolor boxes 'span' nodes y=sites; nsites=max(size(sites)); freq=logfreq; nfreq=max(size(freq)); dy=diff(y); yy(1)=y(1)-dy(1)/2; yy(2:nsites)=y(1:nsites-1)+dy/2; yy(nsites+1)=y(nsites)+dy(nsites-1)/2; y=yy; clear yy, dy; nsites=nsites+1; f=freq; df=diff(f); ff(1)=f(1)-df(1)/2; ff(2:nfreq)=f(1:nfreq-1)+df/2; ff(nfreq+1)=f(nfreq)+df(nfreq-1)/2; f=ff; nfreq=nfreq+1; clear ff, df; % set limits rhomin=0; rhomax=3; phamin=0; phamax=90; hzmin=-0.3; hzmax=0.3; colbw=0; % Control axis in pcolor plot19 = [min(y),max(y),min(f),max(f)]; resid_plot = [-5,5]; done=0; while ~done lims=[-rhomax -rhomin; phamin phamax; hzmin hzmax]; %====================================================================== % Plot data and responses %====================================================================== h1 = figure; if colbw==0 % define colormap (old!) % colmap=menu('color map','John Color','Matlab Jet Color') colmap=2; if colmap==1; color=[ 0 0 0 0 154 255 255 255 255;... 0 191 255 255 205 255 220 165 0;... 255 255 255 0 50 0 0 0 0]'; cmap=color/255; else cmap=jet(64); % cmap(20,:)=[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; % cmap(7,:)=[]; cmap(1,:)=[]; cmap(1,:)=[]; end else cmap=gray(13); end colormap(cmap); % loop over types, e.g.: [obs_rho, obs_pha, cal_rho, cal_pha] type_match = [1 3 2 4]; for itype=1:4 % if rem(itype,2)==0 ktype=type_match(itype); subplot(4,1,itype) %subplot(2,1,itype/2) % Fill NaN values if ifill==1 & ktype<3 % Determine the last frequency w/ data for is=1:nsites if sum(tdat(:,is,ktype))>0 no_data=1; nlast(is)=max(find(tdat(:,is,ktype)>0)); else no_data=0; nlast(is)=nfreq; end for ifreq=1:nlast(is) if terr(ifreq,is,ktype) >= 1E+5; if ifreq>1 & no_data==0 tdat(ifreq,is,ktype) = tdat(ifreq-1,is,ktype); elseif is>1 | no_data==1 tdat(ifreq,is,ktype) = tdat(ifreq,is-1,ktype); end end end end end if (itype<3 & imode<3) ksign=-1; else ksign=1; end pcolor(y, f, ksign.*tdat(:,:,ktype)); axis(plot19); hold on plot(sites,f(1)*ones(nsites-1,1),'kv'); if imode<3 & itype<3 klims=1; elseif ... imode<3 & itype>2 klims=2; elseif .... imode==3 klims=3; end caxis(lims(klims,:)); if itype==1 title([char(cmode(imode)),' Mode']); end colorbar('vert'); if shade==1; shading interp; else; shading flat; end hold off % end end %==================================================== % Plot residuals %==================================================== h2 = figure; % here: type=[rho abs] or [rel img]. for itype=1:2 % subplot(211) subplot(2,1,itype) temp = (tdat(:,:,itype)-tdat(:,:,itype+2))./terr(:,:,itype); if colbw==1 temp=abs(temp); end pcolor(y, f, temp); if colbw==0 colormap(cmap); else colormap(flipud(cmap)); end axis(plot19); hold on plot(sites,f(2)*ones(nsites-1,1),'kv'); title([char(cmode(imode)),' mode residuals: ',... upper(char(type(imode,itype)))]); if colbw==0 caxis(resid_plot); else caxis([0 resid_plot(2)]); end; colorbar('vert') if shade==1; shading interp; else; shading flat; end hold off end % change scales if imode<3 choice=menu('Change:','resistivity limits','phase limits','color/bw','nothing'); if choice==1 set_params1=1; rhomin=input('Enter min log10(resistivity (Ohm-m)): '); while 1 rhomax=input('Enter max log10(resistivity) > min: '); if rhomax>rhomin break; end end elseif choice==2 set_params=1; phamin=input('Enter min phase (deg): '); while 1 phamax=input('Enter max phase > min phase: '); if phamax>phamin break; end end elseif choice==3 colbw=rem(colbw+1,2); else done=1; end else choice=menu('Change:','tipper limits','color/bw','nothing'); if choice==1 set_params1=1; hzmin=input('Enter min tipper: '); while 1 hzmax=input('Enter max tipper > min: '); if hzmax>hzmin break; end end elseif choice==2 % change: color<->black and white colbw=rem(colbw+1,2); else done=1; end end end scolbw={'color','bw'}; % print to file choice=menu('Make Postscript File?','yes','no'); if choice==1 disp(['Making PS files for ',char(cmode(imode)),' response']); print(h1,'-dpsc',[outpath,'/','nlcg_rsp_',lower(char(cmode(imode))),'_',char(scolbw(colbw+1)),'.ps']); print(h2,'-dpsc',[outpath,'/','nlcg_rsp_',lower(char(cmode(imode))),'_',char(scolbw(colbw+1)),'']); end % close all return end %========================================================================== function docurves(lfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath) % plot sounding curves: % -> calls: doplot % dat: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2 cal_1 cal_2] % err: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2]; global cmode % loop for ever; while 1 choice=menu('plot option','plot all','plot single site','go back to main'); if choice==1 plotall=1; elseif choice==2 plotall=0; else return end nsites=length(sites); % figure out how many sites need to be plotted if plotall==1 kstart=1; kend=nsites; else while 1 isite=input('Enter site number to plot (0 to exit): '); if ~(isite>nsites) break; end fprintf(2,'%s\n','Invalid entry: isite > nsites') end if isite==0 return; end; kstart=isite; kend=isite; end nfreq=length(lfreq); % plot curves for isite=kstart:kend figure(20) if (imode<4) doplot(isite,lfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath); else % tm & te mode in one plot (~imode==4) doplot(isite,lfreq,sites,dat,err,1,outpath); figure(20) doplot(isite,lfreq,sites,dat,err,2,outpath); end eval(['print -dps ',outpath,'/','site_',num2str(isite),'_',... lower(char(cmode(imode)))]); pause close(20); end end return %============================================================================= function doplot(isite,lfreq,sites,dat,err,imode,outpath) %============================================================================= % dat: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2 cal_1 cal_2] % err: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2]; global statics lstatic global cmode nfreq=length(lfreq); % note that dat is log10(rho) tdat=squeeze(dat(imode,1:nfreq,isite,:)); terr=squeeze(err(imode,1:nfreq,isite,:)); fmax=ceil(max(lfreq)); fmin=floor(min(lfreq)); sym={'b.';'r.';'g.'}; symA={'b-';'r-';'g-'}; h1=subplot(211); % Compute static shift for TE and TM mode if imode<3 if sum(lstatic(imode,:))==0 % Compute static shift % exp(mean(ln(observed)-ln(predicted))) stat = tdat(:,1)-tdat(:,3); lindex = find(stat>=-5 & stat<=5); %statics(imode,isite)=mean(stat(lindex)); statics(imode,isite)=0; end % plotted is shifted data errorbar(lfreq,tdat(:,1)-statics(imode,isite),... terr(:,1),terr(:,1),char(sym(imode))); else errorbar(lfreq,tdat(:,1),terr(:,1),terr(:,1),char(sym(imode))); end hold on plot(lfreq,tdat(:,3),char(symA(imode))); xlabel('Log10 Frequency'); if imode~=3 ylabel('Log10 Resistivity'); axis([fmin fmax -1 4]); else ylabel('Tzxr'); axis([fmin fmax -0.75 0.75]); end title([' Site # ',num2str(isite),' at: ',num2str(sites(isite)),' km ',... char(cmode(imode)),' Mode']); set(gca,'XDir','reverse','YGrid','on'); %hold off h2=subplot(212); errorbar(lfreq,tdat(:,2),terr(:,2),terr(:,2),char(sym(imode))); hold on plot(lfreq,tdat(:,4),char(symA(imode))); xlabel('Log10 Frequency'); if imode<3 ylabel('Phase'); axis([fmin fmax 0 90]); else ylabel('Tzxi'); axis([fmin fmax -0.75 0.75]); end set(gca,'XDir','reverse','YGrid','on'); %hold off eval(['print -dps ',outpath,'/','site_',num2str(isite),'_',lower(char(cmode(imode)))]); return %======================================================================================================= function doprofiles(lfreq,sites,dat,err,ymin,ymax,imode,outpath) % plot profiles % dat: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2 cal_1 cal_2] % err: [modes,freq,sites, obs_1 obs_2]; % loop for ever; global cmode nsites=max(size(sites)); iper=input('Enter period to plot (0 to exit): '); nfreq=max(size(lfreq)); period = 10^(-lfreq(iper)) tdat = squeeze(dat(imode,iper,1:nsites,:)); terr = squeeze(err(imode,iper,1:nsites,:)); if imode<3 tdat(:,1:2:3) = 10*tdat(:,1:2:3); terr(:,1) = 2*tdat(:,1).*terr(:,1); end subplot(2,1,1) semilogy(sites,tdat(:,3)); hold on errorbar(sites,tdat(:,1),terr(:,1),'o') axis([ymin ymax 0.3 1000]) xlabel('distance(km)') if imode<3 ylabel([char(cmode(imode)),' apparent resistivity']); else ylabel([char(cmode(imode)),' real part']); end subplot(2,1,2) errorbar(sites,tdat(:,2),terr(:,2),'o') axis([ymin ymax 0 90]) hold on plot(sites,tdat(:,4)) xlabel('distance(km)') if imode<3 ylabel([char(cmode(imode)),' phase (degrees)']); else ylabel([char(cmode(imode)),' imaginary part']); end %set(gca,'YGrid','on'); eval(['print -dpsc ',outpath,'/','profile_f',num2str(iper),'_',lower(char(cmode(imode))),'.ps']); pause %close all; return %======================================================================================================= function dostatics(outpath) %Plot static shift as a function of station number global statics global kmode choice=menu('plot option','plot statics','go back to main'); if choice==1 nsites = size(statics,2); ttitle=[]; if kmode(1)==1 plot([1:nsites],statics(1,:),'+'); ttitle=[ttitle,' + = TM mode ']; hold on end if kmode(2)==1 plot([1:nsites],statics(2,:),'o'); ttitle=[ttitle,' o = TE mode ']; hold on end figure xzero = [0,nsites+1]; yzero = [0,0]; plot (xzero,yzero,'k:'); ylabel('static'); xlabel('site number'); title(ttitle); axis([0 nsites -2. 2.0]); eval(['print -dpsc ',outpath,'/','']); pause % close all; end return %============================================================================= function nlcg_mdl(outroot,header,outpath) %============================================================================= % % WARNING: TOPOGRAPHY NOT IMPLEMENTED!!!! % % INPUTS: % header is a title for the model plot % looks for files: *.mdl and *.rsp % % If a file scales.m exists in working directory, then you can set values % for following: % % scale = [minY maxY minZ maxZ] (kilometers); % rholims = [minlog10rho maxlog10rho]) (Ohm-m) % phalims % VE (vertical exaggeration) % % Otherwise these are set automatically and you can alter the values and % save the file for future use. Note that missing or bad data in this % file may cause the function to return to defaults or quit with an error. % % If a file pal.m exists in working directory, it will be executed to % load a custom colormap "cmp". Otherwise a modified jet is used. % choice=menu('vertical scale','linear','log','go back main'); if choice==1 zaxis='linear'; elseif choice==2 zaxis='log'; else % close all return end version=6; %header='NLCG Model'; if exist('scales.m','file') scales; ymin=scale(1); ymax=scale(2); zmin=scale(3); zmax=scale(4); rhomin=rholims(1); rhomax=rholims(2); phamin=phalims(1); phamax=phalims(2); % VE is also set in file scales.m!! set_params=0; else set_params=1; end % load the model file name=[outroot,'.mdl'] if exist(name,'file') [ny,nz,dy,dz,model]=load_mdl(name,version); else error(['File: ',name,' does not exist']) end % load the another model file? lmod2=menu('compare w/ second model?','yes','no'); if lmod2==1 choice=menu('same first model?','same','other'); if choice==2 [mod1fil,mod1path] = uigetfile('*.mdl;*.mod','pick first model'); mod1file=[mod1path,'/',mod1fil]; disp(['reading first model file: ',mod1file]); [ny,nz,dy,dz,model]=load_mdl(mod1file,version); end [mod2fil,mod2path] = uigetfile('*.mdl;*.mod','pick second model'); mod2file=[mod2path,'/',mod2fil]; disp(['reading second model file: ',mod2file]); [ny2,nz2,dy2,dz2,model2]=load_mdl(mod2file,version); % relative change model=model-model2; header=['log[m_1] - log[m_2]']; rhomin=-1; rhomax=+1; end dy=dy/1000; dz=dz/1000; y0=0; y0=y0/1000; % load the site indices name=[outroot,'.rsp']; if exist(name,'file') [indsit,sitrms]=load_sites(name); else error(['File ',name,' does not exist.']) end nsites=max(size(indsit)); % compute y's and z's at block edges y=zeros(1,ny+1); for k=1:ny y(k+1)=y(k)+dy(k); end z=zeros(1,nz+1); for k=1:nz z(k+1)=z(k)+dz(k); end % compute y's at sites ysite=y(indsit)+dy(indsit)'/2; % offset site(1) to y0 y=y-ysite(1)+y0; ysite=ysite-ysite(1)+y0; % defaults if set_params ymax=max(ysite); ymin=min(ysite); dely=ymax-ymin; ymin=ymin-1*dely; ymax=ymax+1*dely; % zmin=min(z); zmax=max(z); zmin=min(z); zmax=10; rhomin=0; rhomax=3; phamin=0; phamax=90; phalims=[phamin,phamax]; % vertical exageration always starts at 1:1 VE=1; % different limits for display of relative differences if lmod2==1 rhomin=-1; rhomax=+1; end end % adjust colorbar toggle adjclb = 0; colbw = 0; %choice=menu('plot type','flat','interpolated'); % pmv5 : hardwired choice=1; if choice==1 typ='flat'; else typ='interp'; end % extend model so that pcolor will plot all elements model(nz+1,:)=model(nz,:); model(:,ny+1)=model(:,ny); % plot the model done=0; h1 = figure; while ~done figure(h1); clf scale=[ymin ymax zmin zmax]; rholims=[rhomin rhomax]; % specify color map % colmap=menu('color map','John Color','Matlab Jet Color'); colmap=2; if colbw==0 if colmap==1; color=[ 0 0 0 0 154 255 255 255 255;... 0 191 255 255 205 255 220 165 0;... 255 255 255 0 50 0 0 0 0]'; cmap=color/255; else cmap=jet(20); cmap(20,:) =[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(7,:) =[]; cmap(1,:) =[]; % below: Volcan's favourite % cmap=jet(24); % cmap(23,:)=[]; cmap(21,:)=[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(17,:)=[]; % cmap(15,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(11,:)=[]; cmap(9,:)=[]; %cmap(7,:)=[]; cmap(5,:)=[]; cmap(3,:)=[]; cmap=jet(24); cmap(23,:)=[]; cmap(21,:)=[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(17,:)=[]; cmap(15,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(11,:)=[]; cmap(9,:)=[]; cmap(7,:)=[]; cmap(5,:)=[]; cmap(3,:)=[]; end else cmap=gray(13); end pcolor(y,z,model); hold on caxis(rholims); colormap(flipud(cmap)); if strcmp(zaxis,'log') plot(ysite,1.0000001*z(2)*ones(nsites,1),'kv') else plot(ysite,z(1)*ones(nsites,1),'kv') end title(header,'Interpreter','none'); axis(scale); xlabel('km');ylabel('km'); %set(gca,'YTick',[0:50:350]) hold off if strcmp(zaxis,'log'); axis square; else; set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[VE 1 1]); end if strcmp(typ,'flat'); shading flat; else; shading interp; end if strcmp(zaxis,'log') set(gca,'YScale','log','YDir','reverse') else set(gca,'YScale','linear','YDir','reverse') end hcb = colorbar('ver'); pltpos = get(gca,'Position'); if adjclb==1 pltpos = get(gca,'Position'); pratio = get(gca,'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); pratio = pratio(2)/pratio(1)*1.25; clbpos = get(hcb,'Position'); clbpos(2) = clbpos(2)+(1-pratio)/2*clbpos(4); clbpos(4) = pratio*clbpos(4); if pratio<1 set(hcb,'Position',[clbpos(1),clbpos(2),clbpos(3),clbpos(4)]); % needed for Matlab7: reset the model plot to old position set(gca,'Position',pltpos); end end if strcmp(zaxis,'linear') choice=menu('Change:','resistivity limits','y limits','z limits',... 'vertical exageration','adjust colorbar','color/bw','nothing'); else choice=menu('Change:','resistivity limits','y limits',... 'z limits','nothing'); end if choice==1 set_params=1; rhomin=input('Enter min log10(resistivity (Ohm-m)): '); while 1 rhomax=input('Enter max log10(resistivity) > min: '); if rhomax>rhomin break; end end elseif choice==2 set_params=1; ymin=input('Enter left edge (km): '); while 1 ymax=input('Enter right edge (> left edge) (km): '); if ymax>ymin break; end end elseif choice==3 set_params=1; while 1 zmin= input('Enter top edge (>=0) (km): '); if zmin>=0 break; end end while 1 zmax= input('Enter bottom edge (> top edge) (km): '); if zmax>zmin break; end end elseif choice==4 if strcmp(zaxis,'linear') kk=menu('Vertical Exageration:','1:1','x2','x3','x10'); if kk==1; VE=1; elseif kk==2; VE=2*VE; elseif kk==3; VE=3*VE; elseif kk==4; VE=10*VE; end else done=1; end elseif choice==5 % adjust colorbar toggle adjclb=rem(adjclb+1,2); elseif choice==6 % change: color<->black and white colbw=rem(colbw+1,2); else done=1; end end scolbw={'color','bw'}; %choice=menu('Make Postscript File?','yes','no'); if strcmp(zaxis,'log') modstr='model_LZ_'; else modstr='model_Z_'; end choice =1; if lmod2==1 modstr=['d',modstr]; end if choice==1 eval(['print -dpsc ',outpath,'/',modstr,char(scolbw(colbw+1)),'.ps']); end zp=menu('Make rho(z)plot?','yes','no'); if zp==1 choice=menu('All sites?','yes','no'); while 1 if choice == 1; ismin=1; ismax=nsites; else ns=input('Enter station number (0 to end): '); ismin=ns; ismax=ns; if ns==0 break; end end for is=ismin:ismax h2 = figure; rhoz = model(:,indsit(is))'; plot(z,rhoz,'o-'); axis([0,100,0,3]); title([' Site: ',num2str(is)]); xlabel('depth [km]'); ylabel('log10(rho)'); % Output z and log10 (rho(z)) to file str=['rhoz_',num2str(is),'.dat']; fid1=fopen(str,'w+'); fprintf(fid1,'%9.3f %9.3f \n',[z;rhoz]); fclose(fid1); str=[outpath,'/','rhoz_',num2str(is),'.ps']; if choice==2 print(h2,'-dpsc',str); end pause end if choice==1 break; end end end % close all return %============================================================================= function nlcg_sns(outroot,header,outpath) %============================================================================= % % -> basically a copy of NLCG_MDL! % % WARNING: TOPOGRAPHY NOT IMPLEMENTED!!!! % % INPUTS: % header is a title for the model plot % looks for files: *.mdl, *.rsp, and *.sns % % If a file scales.m exists in working directory, then you can set values % for following: % % scale = [minY maxY minZ maxZ] (kilometers); % rholims = [minlog10rho maxlog10rho]) (Ohm-m) % phalims % VE (vertical exaggeration) % % Otherwise these are set automatically and you can alter the values and % save the file for future use. Note that missing or bad data in this % file may cause the function to return to defaults or quit with an error. % % If a file pal.m exists in working directory, it will be executed to % load a custom colormap "cmp". Otherwise a modified jet is used. % choice=menu('vertical scale','linear','log','go back main'); if choice==1 zaxis='linear'; elseif choice==2 zaxis='log'; else % close all return end version=6; %header='NLCG Sensitivities'; if exist('scales.m','file') scales; ymin=scale(1); ymax=scale(2); zmin=scale(3); zmax=scale(4); rhomin=rholims(1); rhomax=rholims(2); phamin=phalims(1); phamax=phalims(2); % VE is also set in file scales.m!! set_params=0; else set_params=1; end % load the sensitivity file name=[outroot,'.sns'] if ~exist(name,'file') error(['File: ',name,' does not exist']) end [ny,nz,dy,dz,sens]=load_sns(name,version); dy=dy/1000; dz=dz/1000; y0=0; y0=y0/1000; % load the site indices name=[outroot,'.rsp']; if exist(name,'file') [indsit,sitrms]=load_sites(name); else error(['File ',name,' does not exist.']) end nsites=max(size(indsit)); % compute y's and z's at block edges y=zeros(1,ny+1); for k=1:ny y(k+1)=y(k)+dy(k); end z=zeros(1,nz+1); for k=1:nz z(k+1)=z(k)+dz(k); end % compute y's at sites ysite=y(indsit)+dy(indsit)'/2; % offset site(1) to y0 y=y-ysite(1)+y0; ysite=ysite-ysite(1)+y0; % defaults if set_params ymax=max(ysite); ymin=min(ysite); dely=ymax-ymin; ymin=ymin-1*dely; ymax=ymax+1*dely; % zmin=min(z); zmax=max(z); zmin=min(z); zmax=10; % vertical exageration always starts at 1:1 VE=1; end sensmin=-4; sensmax=1; % adjust colorbar toggle adjclb = 0; colbw = 0; %choice=menu('plot type','flat','interpolated'); % pmv5 : hardwired choice=1; if choice==1 typ='flat'; else typ='interp'; end % extend model so that pcolor will plot all elements sens(nz+1,:)=sens(nz,:); sens(:,ny+1)=sens(:,ny); % plot the model done=0; h1 = figure; while ~done figure(h1); clf scale=[ymin ymax zmin zmax]; senslims=[sensmin sensmax]; % specify color map % colmap=menu('color map','John Color','Matlab Jet Color'); colmap=2; if colbw==0 if colmap==1; color=[ 0 0 0 0 154 255 255 255 255;... 0 191 255 255 205 255 220 165 0;... 255 255 255 0 50 0 0 0 0]'; cmap=color/255; else cmap=jet(20); cmap(20,:) =[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(7,:) =[]; cmap(1,:) =[]; % below: Volcan's favourite % cmap=jet(24); % cmap(23,:)=[]; cmap(21,:)=[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(17,:)=[]; % cmap(15,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(11,:)=[]; cmap(9,:)=[]; %cmap(7,:)=[]; cmap(5,:)=[]; cmap(3,:)=[]; cmap=jet(24); cmap(23,:)=[]; cmap(21,:)=[]; cmap(19,:)=[]; cmap(17,:)=[]; cmap(15,:)=[]; cmap(13,:)=[]; cmap(11,:)=[]; cmap(9,:)=[]; cmap(7,:)=[]; cmap(5,:)=[]; cmap(3,:)=[]; end else cmap=gray(13); end pcolor(y,z,sens); hold on caxis(senslims); colormap(cmap); if strcmp(zaxis,'log') plot(ysite,1.0000001*z(2)*ones(nsites,1),'kv') else plot(ysite,z(1)*ones(nsites,1),'kv') end title(header,'Interpreter','none'); axis(scale); xlabel('km');ylabel('km'); %set(gca,'YTick',[0:50:350]) hold off if strcmp(zaxis,'log'); axis square; else; set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[VE 1 1]); end if strcmp(typ,'flat'); shading flat; else; shading interp; end if strcmp(zaxis,'log') set(gca,'YScale','log','YDir','reverse') else set(gca,'YScale','linear','YDir','reverse') end hcb = colorbar('ver'); pltpos = get(gca,'Position'); if adjclb==1 pltpos = get(gca,'Position'); pratio = get(gca,'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); pratio = pratio(2)/pratio(1)*1.25; clbpos = get(hcb,'Position'); clbpos(2) = clbpos(2)+(1-pratio)/2*clbpos(4); clbpos(4) = pratio*clbpos(4); if pratio<1 set(hcb,'Position',[clbpos(1),clbpos(2),clbpos(3),clbpos(4)]); % needed for Matlab7: reset the model plot to old position set(gca,'Position',pltpos); end end if strcmp(zaxis,'linear') choice=menu('Change:','sensitivity limits','y limits','z limits',... 'vertical exageration','adjust colorbar','color/bw','nothing'); else choice=menu('Change:','sensitivity limits','y limits',... 'z limits','nothing'); end if choice==1 set_params=1; sensmin=input('Enter min log10(sensitivity): '); while 1 sensmax=input('Enter max log10(sensitivity) > min: '); if sensmax>sensmin break; end end elseif choice==2 set_params=1; ymin=input('Enter left edge (km): '); while 1 ymax=input('Enter right edge (> left edge) (km): '); if ymax>ymin break; end end elseif choice==3 set_params=1; while 1 zmin= input('Enter top edge (>=0) (km): '); if zmin>=0 break; end end while 1 zmax= input('Enter bottom edge (> top edge) (km): '); if zmax>zmin break; end end elseif choice==4 if strcmp(zaxis,'linear') kk=menu('Vertical Exageration:','1:1','x2','x3','x10'); if kk==1; VE=1; elseif kk==2; VE=2*VE; elseif kk==3; VE=3*VE; elseif kk==4; VE=10*VE; end else done=1; end elseif choice==5 % adjust colorbar toggle adjclb=rem(adjclb+1,2); elseif choice==6 % change: color<->black and white colbw=rem(colbw+1,2); else done=1; end end scolbw={'color','bw'}; %choice=menu('Make Postscript File?','yes','no'); if strcmp(zaxis,'log') sensstr='sens_LZ_'; else sensstr='sens_Z_'; end choice =1; if choice==1 eval(['print -dpsc ',outpath,'/',sensstr,char(scolbw(colbw+1)),'.ps']); end zp=menu('Make sens(z)plot?','yes','no'); if zp==1 choice=menu('All sites?','yes','no'); while 1 if choice == 1; ismin=1; ismax=nsites; else ns=input('Enter station number (0 to end): '); ismin=ns; ismax=ns; if ns==0 break; end end for is=ismin:ismax h2 = figure; sensz = sens(:,indsit(is))'; plot(z,sensz,'o-'); axis([0,100,0,3]); title([' Site: ',num2str(is)]); xlabel('depth [km]'); ylabel('log10(sensitivity)'); % Output z and log10 (rho(z)) to file str=['sensz_',num2str(is),'.dat']; fid1=fopen(str,'w+'); fprintf(fid1,'%9.3f %9.3f \n',[z;sensz]); fclose(fid1); str=[outpath,'/','sensz_',num2str(is),'.ps']; if choice==2 print(h2,'-dpsc',str); end pause end if choice==1 break; end end end % close all return %========================================================================== function plot_objfun(objfun,outpath) %========================================================================== nit=size(objfun,1); cobjfun={'chisq';'rms';'roughness_vs_tau';'roughness';'closeness';... 'objective_function';'back to main'}; while 1 choice=menu('Plot',cobjfun); if choice==7 return; end figure plot([0:nit-1],objfun(:,choice)); title(char(cobjfun(choice))); eval(['print -dpsc ',outpath,'/',char(cobjfun(choice)),'.ps']); end