USA Chapters

USA Chapters Banners

San Francisco / Silicon Valley

There is an annual Alumni Reception with a UAlberta researcher and alumni partnership events with Digital Moose Lounge. There is a local Chapter which meets once a year to discuss activity in the San Francisco / Silicon Valley area.

For more information or how to get involved please contact John Perrino.


There is an annual Brunch featuring a UAlberta researcher in February or March.

For more information or how to get involved please contact John Perrino.

New York

There is an annual Alumni Reception with UAlberta researcher. Activities may include an annual Skating & Pasta Party, annual Holiday Party at the home of alumni, alumni partnership events with CANY and other alumni led activities. There is a local Chapter which meets once a year to discuss activity in the New York area.

For more information or how to get involved please contact John Perrino.