The Language of AI

Learn the language of the future with these easy to understand definitions.

Noah Castelo - 7 November 2019

Often used interchangeably, "big data," "algorithms," "machine learning" and "artificial intelligence" are actually different - but closely related - concepts. Noah Castelo, Assistant Professor in the Alberta School of Business, offers a simple explanation for each.

The Language of AI

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Big Data
Extremely large datasets (both long/many cases and wide/many variables per case) which, thanks to powerful computers, allow for the identification of subtle patterns, trends and associations.

A set of steps that a computer can take to accomplish a goal. Algorithms underlie all forms of Artificial Intelligence.

Machine Learning
Algorithms that can identify patterns in data and then generalize those patterns to make predictions or judgments. Machine learning algorithms underlie many ANI applications.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (Weak AI)
Algorithms that can perform narrowly defined tasks such as recommending movies, understanding natural language, or driving a car.

Artificial General Intelligence (Strong AI)
A hypothetical technology that would be the equivalent of a human intelligence in terms of its flexibility and capability of performing and learning a vast range of tasks.