The Series “Memoirs, Diaries, and Interviews”

11 January 2021

In 2013, the Ukraina Moderna journal launched a series “Memoirs, Diaries and Interviews”. It publishes the life stories of twentieth-century Ukrainian national leaders, cultural activists, and scholars. Most volumes include extensive introductions placing the figures in historical context. To date the series has included a volume with interviews of  21 Ukrainian women from Ukraine and the diaspora, the memoirs of Adolf Slyz (1889-1971), Karlo Zvirynsky (1923-1997), Maria (1913-2011) and Oleksa (1914-2007), Motyl, Daria Rebet (1913-1992),  Irena Kozak (1925-2015), the diaries of Ivan L.Rudnytsky (1919-1984) and others. All volumes are available from CIUS Press.

For more on the project: