Dr. Ulana Suprun | COVID-19: How will the pandemic impact Ukraine’s fledgling healthcare reforms?

Where: CIUS Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/canadian.institute.of.ukrainian.studies) Zoom attendance is limited: To register for the lecture and Q&A session, please RSVP at  ciusweb@ualberta.ca. Please provide your full name and specific interest in the lecture.

28 March 2020


Date: Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Where: CIUS Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/canadian.institute.of.ukrainian.studies)


Zoom attendance is limited: To register for the lecture and Q&A session, please RSVP here:(https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8ww84znARkmcGcxdq3bYIw)

Ulana Suprun, MD, is currently heading up ArcUA, a newly formed Ukrainian think-tank NGO that provides research analysis and creates solutions in the fields of healthcare, media and government relations, national security, and culture.

   Dr. Suprun served as the acting Minister of Health of Ukraine from July 2016 until August 2019. She is the founder and former director of the NGO Patriot Defence, founder of the School for Rehabilitation Medicine at the Ukrainian Catholic University, and former director of humanitarian initiatives for the Ukrainian World Congress.

   During her time as a minister in the Ukrainian government, Dr. Suprun and her team spearheaded the adoption of sweeping healthcare reform legislation. This transformation replaced the remnants of Soviet medicine with a modern system based on international best practices. The reorganization of healthcare in Ukraine focused on primary care, provided state insurance for every citizen, established a guaranteed package of healthcare services, increasing healthcare workers’ salaries to market levels, cut corruption and bribes in the medical system, and offered prescription refunds for patients suffering from chronic diseases. As an indication of its success, within a year of introduction over 28 million Ukrainians had signed up for the new healthcare system.

Moderator: Oleksandr Pankieiev, Ph.D. 
Research Communication Coordinator,  Arts Collaboration Enterprise / Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies