Occasional Paper Release - China Embarks On Major Changes In Science And Technology

By Margaret Mccuaig-Johnston and Moxi Zhang, Institute for Science, Society & Policy, University of Ottawa - 15 June 2015

In the decades since the 1978 announcement by Deng Xiaoping of reform and opening, the Government of China has made significant and increasing investments in science and technology in order to drive economic development and growth. It has done this through a suite of programs that have been introduced consecutively over the years, but which have often suffered from a lack of coherence and coordination resulting in an inefficient allocation of resources and lost opportunities for world-class technology development. The consequences of this have included a delay in China's transitioning from industrial sectors assembling for export on the basis of others' technology to one that features homegrown value-added knowledge intensive products, services and brands marketable on a global scale.

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