Career Opportunities

Woman playing with child

Speech-Language Pathologists

Speech-language pathology (SLP) is an area of professional specialization concerned with disorders of human communication as manifested in the processes of speech, language, and hearing problems. Assessment and treatment of these disorders are provided either directly to the individual or indirectly on his behalf by consultations with family members and/or other professional personnel.

Clinical services include the evaluation of speech, language and/or hearing impairment by a wide variety of diagnostic procedures followed, when indicated, by a therapeutic program. These activities involve cooperation with many specialists including physicians, educators, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists and other members of the rehabilitation team.

Research includes those pursuits which seek to increase basic understanding of the complex processes of speech, hearing, and language; increase knowledge of the etiology, symptomology and prognosis of the various disorders; and develop improved methods for the evaluation and treatment of these disorders. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact speech-language pathologists in their local area to gain more information on the nature of the profession.

MSc SLP graduates are eligible to apply for membership in  Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC-OAC). In Alberta, the Alberta College of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (ACSLPA) is in charge of statutory registration. The Alberta Government Health Professions Act specifies that all SLPs working in Alberta must be registered with ACSLPA.

Speech-language pathologists may serve in any one of the following employment settings:

Public Health Agencies

Under the administration and provincial and municipal governments, speech-language pathologists and audiologists are employed to work in the rural and city health units. They work in close cooperation with other members of the health unit team to provide diagnostic and treatment services to children and adults in all areas of speech and language disorders.

Public + Separate School Systems

Many school systems use the services of speech-language pathologists, either on a full-time basis within one setting, or on an itinerant basis, in which several schools are served. In some school systems, audiologists are employed to conduct "hearing conservation" programs to identify children with hearing losses and to institute necessary treatment and training.

Private Practices

Speech-language pathologists may also work to evaluate and diagnose speech, language, communication, and swallowing disorders in private practice. SLPs may treat speech, language, communication, and swallowing disorders. SLPs may also provide training and education to family/caregivers and other professionals.

Some work as researchers at hospitals, universities or government agencies (candidates most often need a doctorate).

Employment at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine

The Department welcomes applications for clinical educators for spring and summer clinic each year. This is a great opportunity to work with graduate students in a supportive environment. Applicants must have a strong clinical background and some experience in clinical education is preferred.