CMPUT 644 - Sustainable Computing


Climate change is described as 'the defining challenge of our age.' To mitigate climate change, computer scientists can help reduce the energy footprint of our society. This course will cover ways to leverage networking, sensing, and computation to make key physical infrastructure of our society (i.e., buildings, transportation systems, and power grids) smarter and more energy efficient. It will also cover emerging problems associated with the rapid growth in energy consumption of computing infrastructure. Different topics will be discussed, including integration of networked sensors in built environments, developing an operating system for physical infrastructure, data acquisition and fusion, optimal control of smart buildings and transport systems, analyzing energy consumption of software systems, energy optimization for data centre networks, load scheduling in the smart grid, and real time data analytics.


  • Introduce students to the new area of Sustainable Computing and Energy Informatics
  • Learn how to use CS techniques to understand and improve complex physical systems in the built environment
  • Experiment with sensors and actuators
  • Analyze large amounts of available data
  • Build end-to-end systems that people want to use

Course Work

  • Paper presentations
  • Paper reviews
  • Participation
  • Project