Islamic History Month
In 2007, the Parliament of Canada proclaimed October Canadian Islamic History Month in recognition of the significant contributions the Muslim community has made to Canadian society.
Muslim Canadians enrich our lives and contribute to the prosperity and heritage of our country. Its members have contributed to shaping Edmonton’s dynamic character for over a century. Today, nearly 5 percent of the Canadian population is Muslim, representing a diverse range of backgrounds and origins from every continent. At the U of A, 7.9% of students identify as Muslim (2021 Student EDI Census Report).
Islamic History Month is a time for us to come together as a community and recognize the significant role and contributions of Muslim Canadians within our society, celebrate the Muslim community and educate ourselves on Islamic history. It’s also a time to acknowledge the ongoing challenges Muslim Canadians encounter including the rise in Islamophobia.
Under Siege: Jasmine Zine Keynote
On October 3, 2023, the Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Research Group and the Vice-Provost, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, welcomed Dr. Jasmin Zine to the University of Alberta for a public talk featuring her most recent book, Under Siege: Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation.
Film Screening of “The Message”
Oct. 4 | 6 - 9 p.m. MDT
Telus 150, North Campus
The Faculty of Education and Augustana Campus welcome children and educators onto our campus to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and, Métis peoples with Lance Cardinal. Please join us as we engage in Reconciliation in a welcoming and affirming space.
Islamophobia, Race, and the Palestine Taboo: Keynote Lecture with Dr. Sahar Aziz
Oct. 30 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. MDT
The Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science 1-430
Across North America, Muslims exercising their political rights in defense of Palestinian human rights face state-sanctioned repression that, in turn, legitimizes private discrimination in workplaces, schools and public spaces. Distinguished Professor Sahar Aziz examines how the historical legacies of Orientalism explain contemporary Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism against university students, faculty and activists partaking in a global, anti-genocide social movement.

Faculty welcomes new Muslim student group
The Muslim Law Students’ Association supports students balancing academic and religious commitments.
Interfaith Chaplin’s Association
The Interfaith Chaplains' Association serves the University of Alberta from the understanding that life, including academic life, is a spiritual journey.
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
The Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Research Group aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration among scholars and students at the University of Alberta who are interested in the critical study of social, cultural, historical, religious and political themes related to the Middle East, Islam, and Muslim communities.
Muslim Students’ Association
The U of A’s Muslim Students’ Association aims to actively engage Muslims and individuals of other faiths by assisting and educating students and promoting dialogue, discussion, and awareness on campus.
Prayer, Worship & Ceremony Space Support Grant
Through the Student Experience Action Plan, the university piloted a funding initiative (Prayer, Worship & Ceremony Space Support Grant) to support students in accessing bookable spaces to engage in prayer, worship or ceremony to facilitate an equitable student experience.
University Community Care
Care and conversations across crises and across differences.