Psychological care during an infectious disease outbreak
With the current pandemic, it is important now more then ever to ensure that we are taking care of our mental health and that of our families and colleagues. Below are links to some helpful resources. Any suggestions for additional resources can be directed to the Wellness Director for the Department, Dr Teresa Eliasson.
Stay Healthy.
Physician Wellness Covid-19 Resources (CMPA)
Psychological first aid for health care workers
Psychological self care (American Psychiatric Association)
AMA and WellDoc Wellness Webinar: Distress, Loss and Finding Meaning
WellDoc Newsletters (
Parenting as a Physician during COVID-19 (
COVID-19 Wellness Resources (RCPSC)
Mental health and wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic
Emergency responders: Tips for taking care of yourselves (CDC)
Depression (
Substance Use Disorder (Alberta Doctors)
WHO : helping kids cope with stress
Just for kids: exploration of coronavirus
How to explain coronavirus to a child with anxiety
AHS - Physician Diversity, Wellness & Leadership Development