Terms of Reference

Mission Statement

  • To support the wellbing of members who comprise the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
  • To promote CanMeds 2015 - Professionalism
      • 4.1 - Exhibit self-awareness and manage influences on personal wellbeing and professional performance
      • 4.2 - Manage personal and professional demands for a sustainable practice through the physician life cycle
      • 4.3 - Promote a culture that recognizes, supports, and responds effectively to colleagues in need
    • CanMed Role

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Structure & Responsibilities

1. Chair

  • To call and chair an annual meeting with Departmental Chair, Site Representation, Resident Mentorship Program Coordinator, and the Resident Wellness Seminar Coordinator.
2. Representatives
  • Each site will be encouraged to have a representative and work to support the mission statement of the Office at their site
3. Resident Mentorship Program Coordinator (RMPC)
  • This position is to be occupied by an experienced staff anesthesiologist. The RMPC is responsible for all aspects of the Resident Mentorship Program, including but not limited to:
    • Allocating and Resident-mentor pairs and re-allocating them when necessary
    • Establishing and promulgating rules and guidelines for the proper conduct of mentorship, based on the extant literature and program experience
    • Acquiring and maintaining up-to-date expertise in mentorship
    • Maintaining and updating a portfolio of information resources about mentorship for the use of mentors
    • Collecting, analyzing and acting upon feedback about the mentorship program from its participants, with the aim of improving the program
    • Conducting scholarly activity in the area of mentorship

4. Resident Wellness Seminar Coordinator duties

  • Coordinate and review a series of lectures designed to help residents navigate the personal and professional challenges presented by residency:
    • Lectures will be designed to promote self-awareness, healthy interactions with colleagues, and coping with the stress of life and practice in anesthesiology
    • Provide contacts and resources for residents in need of assistance
    • To foster practices and activities that improve residents' sense of well-being and encourage healthful habits for a career in anesthesiology
  • Present topics - Building and maintaining healthy relationships, impact of adverse events, financial health, mindfulness, addictions, stigma, disruptive behaviour, self awareness and affect regulation, healthy conflict and boundaries, developing resilience and coping strategies