Camp fYrefly
The program was founded in 2004 by Faculty of Education researchers and educators Dr. André P. Grace and Dr. Kristopher Wells at the University of Alberta. Camp fYrefly began as a university-community educational outreach project that researched the needs of sexual and gender diverse youth. It has since evolved into a 4-5 day volunteer-based summer leadership retreat and is now Canada’s only national sexual and gender diversity youth leadership camp affiliated with a major research university.
fYrefly Name
The firefly was selected because they are the only insect that produce their own energy. The first campers developed the acronym “FYREFLY” using this inspiration.
“a great place for lgbt+ youth to connect and express themselves with little judgement and full support.”
Last Updated: February 12, 2024
Hello campers, volunteers, parents, guardians and friends,
Our teams are making plans for in-person camp again this summer! YAY! Each location will have their own guidelines that adhere to the public health measures for their region and organization, along with any additional measures needed to help keep participants safe. Please reach out to us at with any questions or concerns.

"I feel more connected to myself and my community."