2017 Festival Program

Festival of Teaching and Learning

What to Expect for 2017

Held on Thursday, May 4, the 2017 edition of the festival will feature a full day of presentations, workshops, and networking sessions. The day kicks-off with a Keynote Lecture by Maryellen Weimer, Ph.D., editor of The Teaching Professor newsletter and author of the Teaching Professor blog. The day wraps up with a race against the clock as a group of award winning U of A instructors revealed their best classroom insights as a part of the festivals "Teacher Features" presentations.


Wednesday, May 3, 2017
(Augustana Campus Library, L2 102)

Augustana Campus Schedule of Events available here.

Keynote Presentation: What Makes Teaching Learning-Centered?
Maryellen Weimer, Professor Emerita of Teaching and Learning at Penn State Berks



Thursday, May 4, 2017
(Edmonton Clinic Health Academy ECHA L1-190)

Download the schedule at a glance here

Download the full program with complete abstracts here


Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA) L1-190
University of Alberta


Coffee & Refreshments


ECHA L1-190

Opening Remarks:
Janice Miller-Young, Director, Centre for Teaching and Learning
Lorne Babiuk, Vice-President/Research, Vice-President (Research)
Sarah Forgie, Vice-Prov/Learning Initiatives, Provost and Vice-President (Acad)


ECHA L1-190

Keynote Presentation: Participation, Five Reasons Why and Five Ways to Make It Happen
Maryellen Weimer, Professor Emerita of Teaching and Learning at Penn State Berks

Resources on Participation and Classroom Interaction word document

10:20 Break
10:30 Concurrent Sessions

ECHA L1-140

Blended Learning in Engineering Design
To teach engineering design, the learning objectives are not to grasp fundamental scientific concepts but to learn the ability of applying scientific concepts to real world applications with real world constraints. Hence, the most effective method to teach this subject matter is not by books and exams, but by providing students with ample of time for experiential learning.

Presented by: Pierre Mertiny, Brian Yang


Blended "Hybrid" Course in Otology Creating a Flipped Course Model for Otolaryngology Residence
In this pilot project, a flipped course in Otology replaced the traditional didactic morning seminars.

Presented by: Nahla Gomaa


GAP [Geek Assisted Prompts] in Discovery Learning
This innovation is based on a strategy similar to the brainstorming concept. Although the strategy seems to be simple, it is considered an interactive method of stimulating the students thinking.

Presented by: Nahla Gomaa


ECHA L1-150

Graduate Attributes Assessment Platform: A Course Recommender System and a Mapping Tool
Participants will have a hands-on experience of the Graduate Attribute Assessment Platform (GAAP) as a tool for instructors to assess their progress within the 7 Graduate Attributes (GAs) of the university.

Presented by: Samira ElAtia, Osmar Zaïane


Delivering Digital Assessments on Student Devices: What have we Learned? Teaching and Learning Experience in Higher Education
This workshop will report on the Department of Physical Therapy and the Learning Assessment Centre (LAC) pilot projects to address digital examination needs.

Presented by: Jamie Stewart, Mark Hall


ECHA L1-220

Backwards Design
This workshop is based on the "Understanding by Design" (UbD) work of Wiggins and McTighe. It will present a planning strategy for use at both class and course levels. The workshop will focus on the three stages of UbD: identifying desired results; determining assessment evidence; and planning learning experiences and instruction.

Presented by: Michael Cenker


Must it Always be a Paper? Switching to Multi-modal Assignments to Enhance Motivation, Collaboration, and 21st Century Multi-literacy Skills in the Diverse Classroom
In this interactive workshop, an instructor and two in-class tutors trained by the Centre for Writers will share their experiences as they made the switch from teaching and mentoring an individually written 1,500-word paper (the second and final major course assignment) to an open-choice, collaborative, multimodal project aimed at authentic audiences in a first-year all-ESL writing studies course.

Must it Always be a Paper?

Presented by: Christina Grant, Soyeon Cho and Taya Thibeault


ECHA L1-230

Mapping Stories for your Class
Bring your own laptop to connect to the internet, sign up for a free account, examine existing story maps to get ideas to use in your own discipline, get hands-on experience creating a simple story map, and take home the resources to help you keep learning how to incorporate relevant Story Maps for your class.

Presented by: Charlene Nielsen


Navigating Copyright in an Online Teaching Environment
By the end of this session, participants should feel more confident when making decisions about copying, presenting, and distributing resources for instructional purposes. They will also have a better understanding of copyright basics and of the role of Copyright Office on campus.

Presented by: Amanda Wakaruk


ECHA L1-420

Mentor-Ships, All Aboard: Navigating the Seas of Supported Teaching Development
The facilitators will share the narrative of how they developed their mentor/protégé relationship, identifying key aspects of the success and the particular benefits that both parties experienced. The comments will be contextualized to assist participants in implementing effective strategies for productive and fruitful mentor relationships.

Presented by: Billy Strean, Jordan Long


Paradigm-Shifting Pedagogy: Incorporating Stress Management into the University Curriculum and Courses
This hands-on workshop asks participants to bring their syllabi drafts, so they can identify ways they may already incorporate stress management and to add stress management initiatives into the curriculum.

Presented by: Dalbir Singh Sehmby, Jurate Motiejunaite


ECHA L1-430

Enhancing a Traditional Philosophy Seminar With Active Learning Strategies
This presentation will share strategies undertaken to enrich an undergraduate philosophy class.

Presented by: Ka Ho Lam, Kathrin Koslicki


Making a Big Class Feel Like a Small One: Small-Group Discussions in Classes of Over 100 Students
While it may seem as though small-group discussions are not feasible in a large class with only one instructor, this presentation will outline a method for having multiple small-group discussions percolating simultaneously in a way that ensures student accountability and engagement.

Presented by: Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, Michelle Sims


Exit Tickets to Encourage Active Engagement in the Post-Secondary Classroom
This presentation will provide examples of the exit ticket strategy that may be useful for instructors in other fields and will describe anecdotal evidence from students for the effectiveness of this approach.

Presented by: Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, Michelle Sims

11:30 Concurrent Sessions

ECHA L1-140

Integrating Social Media: Twitter Micro Reflections
This workshop will explore simple ways to incorporate Twitter into their existing courses; how to prepare students to use Twitter; how to grade Twitter assignments; and how to handle the unexpected.

Presented by: Cristina Stasia, Lily Ren


Using Google Docs in eClass
This workshop will demonstrate how Google Docs can be used in conjunction with eClass to increase collaboration and streamline course building.

Presented by: Anwen Burk, Matt Cheung


ECHA L1-150

Implementing Student Feedback on Teamwork and Leadership Skills in The Classroom
This presentation will explore research-based, valid, and reliable assessments of student's individual skills relevant to team success and leadership as well as the student teams' overall health.

Presented by: Nicole Wilson


Whats great (and not so great) about computer-based exams
Drawing on the instructor's experience with over 4600 exams in classes ranging in size from 75-400 students, this presentation will discuss the benefits and challenges of computer-based exams for both instructors and students.

Presented by: Alexander Gainer


Creating Undergraduate Awareness about Careers in the Discipline
This presentation discusses a course developed to raise awareness of students to career opportunities and expectations in chemistry.

Presented by: Chuck Lucy, Mike Serpe


ECHA L1-220

Strengthening Engagement with the Next Generation of Learners: Exploring e-portfolios, asset mapping and digital story in adult learning and teaching
This presentation will highlight examples from graduate level health science education and community service learning courses to illustrate examples of engagement and assessment.

Presented by: Zane Hamm


An Educational Framework for Undergraduate Engineering Design Curriculum Development
This is a presentation of a theoretical framework based on empirical engineering design research and educational psychology for developing the core elements of a transdisciplinary engineering design process curriculum.

Presented by: Alyona Sharunova, Mehwish Butt, Suzanne Kresta, Jason Carey, Loren Wyard-Scott, Samer Adeeb, Luciënne Blessing, Ahmed J. Qureshi


Graduate Teaching and Learning Program: Building Scholarship in Teaching and Learning
The Graduate Teaching and Learning program is open to all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the UofA. The program was fully reviewed in 2015-16 to focus on learner outcomes and to incorporate a new Level 4 centered around the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Graduate Teaching and Learning Program Summary

Presented by: Suzanne Kresta, Renee Polziehn, Deanna Davis, John Nychka, Heather Zwicker


ECHA L1-230

Peer-assisted Teaching and Learning in Pharmacy Clinical Skills Education
Involving students as peer teachers in clinical skills teaching opens up opportunities for many health-science faculties. What was initiated as a measure to help with limited staffing in the clinical skills setting and creating authentic learning opportunities, transformed into an integral and well-loved activity across the programs.

Presented by: Theresa Charrois, Terri Schindel


Community Service Learning in Adapted Physical Activity: Lessons learned, challenges, and questions remaining
This presentation will focus on the lessons learned and the existing challenges in the implementation of a unique community service learning project developed for KIN 372 (Neuroscience Considerations for Adapted Physical Activity).

Presented by: Joanna Auger, Kelvin Jones


Imagining Cities: Integrating Theory and Practice of Civic Engagement Across Disciplines
This presentation will share learning goals, literature, activities for field study and reflection to support learners to work with community partners and learn core principles and theoretical foundations of civic engagement.

Presented by: Zane Hamm


ECHA L1-420

Living Latin at the University of Alberta: A New Way to Teach an Old Language
While this presentation will be of greatest interest to Latin and Ancient Greek instructors, it should also prove useful both to instructors of modern languages in particular and in general to those interested in active, student-centered learning and how experiential learning can be applied to the language classroom.

Presented by: Kelly MacFarlane, Christopher Mackay


Task-Based Teaching: Insights from Language Learners
This project examines the implementation of a Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach in beginner and intermediate level Spanish language courses at the University of Alberta.

Presented by: Xavier Gutiérrez


Research Critical Thinking (RCT) Activity
This workshop addresses how an instructor can create opportunities for authentic talk in small groups within a large (>100) 100-level undergraduate class.

Presented by: Alvina Mardhani-Bayne, Michelle Sims


ECHA L1-430

Development of an Engaging Chemistry App to Increase Student Interest in Learning Organic Chemistry
This presentation will provide an overview of an interactive app developed to assist students in the learning of organic spectroscopy.

Presented by: Hayley Wan


How (free and easy) Technology Increased Student Engagement in our Classroom
This presentation outlines two professor's current uses of free technologies that strive to optimize student's ability to ask questions, enhance student engagement and to facilitate and assess learning. Attendees are asked to please have their smart phone, ipad or laptop available for the session.

Presented by: Chris Zarski, Mark Hall


Students Really Start Learning when I Stop Teaching: Shifting to a Facilitated Self-directed Learning Approach
After a decade of teaching, and numerous teaching awards, I decided to stop teaching. I didn't quit my job, I changed it: I stopped "teaching" so that my students could better learn.

Presented by: John Nychka


ECHA L-1 Quiet Study Area

Lunch & Information Fair:

Campus Alberta OER
Quick Info for Open Educational Resources:
Join the UofA OER Interest Group List - openeducation@mailman.srv.ualberta.ca
Join the Alberta OER Community of Practice - albertaoer@googlegroups.com
May 11 - Live stream or attend Alberta OER Summit - https://goo.gl/OUAhyq


  1. Brochure, UofA OpenEd Resources
  2. About OER by SPARC
  3. Licensing from Alberta OER Starter Kit
  4. Alberta OER Starter Kit - full version
  5. Cost Savings - Alberta OER Report
  6. Alberta OER Program Evaluation

Community Service-Learning

Faculty of Education - Learning Assessment Centre

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry - Academic Technologies

IST eClass team

Student Accessibility Services

Student Success Centre

Technologies in Education

University of Alberta Libraries

Writing Across the Curriculum

Outside ECHA L1-190

Poster Presentations:

A Low-cost Approach to Contemporary Physics Lab Education
Clayton B. Coutu

Active Case-based Learning in Oral Pathology: The confluence of multiple teaching and learning techniques
Seema Ganatra, Tania Doblanko, Kari Rasmussen, Jacqueline Green, John Valentine, Patrick von Hauff

Blended Learning in Introductory University Chemistry I
Christie McDermott

Classroom Assessment Techniques for Formative Assessment and Student Engagement
Michael Cenkner

Evaluating Undergraduate Student Learning through Community Service-Learning Partnerships and Applied Research Experience
Wendy Hoglund, Saira John

Giving a Kahoot about Instructional Assessment
Jessica Thorlakson, Janice Kung

Learning in the Online Cohort of the PhD in Nursing Program
Pauline Paul, Joanne Olson, Judith Spiers, Ashley Hyde

Listening to Learners: Using learner feedback and performance analytics to improve pedagogy in online courses
Gavin Bradley, Morgan Patzelt

Student Engagement In Large Classroom: The effect on grades, attendance and student experiences in an undergraduate biology course
Anna Rissanen

Teaching Collaborative Behaviors to the Inter-professional Perioperative Care Team with Simulation
Bin Zheng, How Lee

Uncovering Practicum Program Theory: A case example in human ecology
Kathryn Chandler, Deanna Williamson

WHOMUN: Lessons learned from a student-organised global health simulation
Finola Hackett, Umair Sajid

Your Students Are More Bored Than You: Strategies to support students emotions in your classroom
Lily Le, Lia M. Daniels


ECHA L1-190

Panel: Publishing Discipline Specific Pedagogical Scholarship
Suzanne Kresta, Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research, Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Kim Misfeldt, Professor of German, 3M National Teaching Fellow, Vice Dean, Augustana Campus
Liam Rourke, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine


Coffee & Refreshments


ECHA L1-190

Teacher Features
Watch as this group of U of A instructors race to against the 5 minute stop watch to inspire you with their award winning teaching tips and insights. Will they make it before our student emcees ring the bell?
Barbara Billingsley, André Costopoulos, Louanne Keenan, Lien T. Luong, Sherif Hanafy Mahmoud, Valerie Miller, Dalbir Sehmby