2015 Investment Banner

On May 8, 2015 the China Institute of the University of Alberta hosted its 5th annual "National Forum on Chinese Investment in Canada: The Public Policy Dimensions" featuring speakers who are deeply knowledgeable regarding Chinese investment both in Canada and globally.

2014 saw, for the first time, Chinese outbound investment volumes approach that of inward-bound investment, while the flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from China to the US was almost double the FDI flow from the US to China. Chinese investment to Canada in 2014 fell well below that of 2012 (the year of the Nexen sale) but there are also trends visible in FDI in Canada that point to a more even diffusion of Chinese investment and to a more high profile role by private Chinese firms, as opposed to State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The Forum this year will focus on four specific themes that address some of the complexities and uncertainties:

  • Implications of Declining Global Oil Prices: The Future Outlook for Chinese Investment in Canada
  • Chinese FDI: A Global Outlook - The Legal and Policy Environment
  • Innovation and Investment
  • Private Enterprises and SOEs: Is the Face of Chinese Investment in Canada Changing?