EDI Committee
Lindsay Bridgland
Associate Clinical Professor
General Internal Medicine
Director of EDI
Neeja Bakshi
Associate Clinical Professor
General Internal Medicine
Monty Ghosh
Assistant Professor
General Internal Medicine
Janis Miyasaki
Vivian Mushahwar
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Tolu Olateju
Assistant Clinical Professor
Endocrinology and Metabolism
Majid Sikosana
Clinical Lecturer
Ashley Whidden
Clinical Lecturer
Pulmonary Medicine
Committee Terms of Reference
Committee Mandate
The Department of Medicine Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee mandate is to provide direction on matters of equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism (EDIA) within the Department of Medicine (DoM) at the University of Alberta. The Committee provides a formal structure for individuals to come together to discuss, guide and inspire activities that support the Diversity and Inclusion Framework aimed to create safer, more diverse and inclusive environments for everyone who is part of or who interacts with the DoM.
The Committee will also work to advance EDI and anti-racism initiatives in academic medicine, local teaching hospitals and the community. Members have an opportunity to network and share resources, knowledge and expertise, as well as discuss and address common issues related to equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism.
The Director of EDI will lead and participate in DoM strategic development initiatives and advocate to build a culture of inclusion and psychological safety to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. The Director of EDI will represent the DoM’s social accountability/diversity position to internal units and external stakeholders.
Committee Responsibilities
- Attend regular meetings to share resources, knowledge and expertise.
- Participate in discussion of emerging EDIA issues affecting academic healthcare environments related to processes and practices or the needs of key stakeholders (faculty, staff, learners, patients, and communities).
- Share EDIA-related innovations and strategies, identify best practices, and participate in the development and implementation of initiatives.
- Develop methods to evaluate the success and/or impact of these innovations and strategies.
- Disseminate knowledge around best practices.
- Ensure that the DoM has diversity, equity and inclusion policies and procedures in place for its students, faculty, and staff that are aligned with those adopted by the University of Alberta.
- Discuss and address issues and inquiries related to EDIA in the DoM that may be brought to the Director of EDI or individual members of the Committee.
- Ensure that DoM policy articulates its expectations of the academic and clinical community within the context of local and national standards and practices regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Periodically review the process and performance of DoM with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and recommend actions to the Chair of the DoM.
- Encourage learning and awareness related to diversity, inclusion and implicit bias training for all Search and Selection, CaRMS selection committees, faculty with CAC appointment, residents, graduate students, post-doctoral trainees, AMHSP members, researchers, and employees.
- Engage in ongoing systematic and focused efforts to offer opportunities which attract and retain faculty and staff to this academic/clinical community, with an emphasis on enhancing the diversity cohorts prioritized by the university, faculty, and department.
- Develop, implement, maintain, and support diversity programming with the goals of:
- creating a socially fair and accountable organization;
- promoting cultural competence attributes and principles for health care in a diverse society;
- fostering academic leadership in related scholarly activities.
- Work with residency program directors in the DoM to increase and improve relevant curriculum content.
- Participate in and support cultural, educational and/or special event celebrations that promote EDI.
- Provide a regular annual report for all programmatic activities.
The Committee is headed by the DoM Director for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) who reports to the Chair of the DoM.
Committee Membership
Individuals from the DoM at the University of Alberta who have expertise, experience or an interest in EDIA are welcome to join the Committee. Physicians with unique perspectives and lived experiences are encouraged to join.
- The Committee will have a minimum of five members, one of whom shall serve as the chair. The chair may identify a co-chair if they feel that would support their role. Participation is voluntary. There should be no expectation that people will get additional pay, or receive time off in lieu, for attendance at meetings. It is intended that business of the Committee would be organized outside of work schedules (i.e., lunch or break and will not interfere with work scheduling without proper approval). Every effort is made to have representation from across the DoM including but not limited to:
- Administrative Support
- Clinical staff
- Academic staff
- Leaders at any level
- Ad Hoc working groups may be appointed to complete defined tasks. Additional members with specific expertise may be recruited as needed for these working groups.
- Term Members are appointed for a three-year term, with the opportunity for renewal for an additional two-year term.
- Recommendations are arrived at through consensus. If the Committee is unable to reach consensus, the item may be deferred to the Committee Chair.
- Meeting Frequency: The Committee will meet approximately every two months with a minimum of five meetings per annum. The Chair of the Committee may schedule additional meetings at their discretion. Meetings may be held in person, online or by videoconference.
- Documentation: The Director of EDI will prepare agenda packages to be available with adequate time to review prior to the meetings (goal is one week). The expectation is that members come prepared, having read the material. Meeting minutes and other related documents will be posted to the EDI Committee Google Drive, with the option to distribute to members in paper format or electronically, if required.
Guiding Principles
The guiding principles of the Committee include:
- Create a psychologically safe environment that embraces the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.
- Ensure confidentiality for each member of the Committee.
- Seek intentional learning, not perfection.
- Speak one’s truth and allow others to do so. Commit to non-closure.
- Practice “confident humility”.
- Display commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism principles in all aspects of work in the DoM.
- Create a safe and inclusive space that reflects the legal requirements and the spirit of Alberta’s Human Rights Act (amended December 2015) for all who are part of or who interact with DoM.