Master of Education in Educational Studies

Leadership in International Schools

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The Master of Education in Educational Studies (MES) - Leadership in International Schools offers teachers in international schools an opportunity to develop theoretical and conceptual foundations in educational leadership, administration, and management, and to explore leadership practice through a research-informed lens. The program is designed to contribute to your preparation for K-12 school leadership.

The MES is an online, course-based program which allows current or aspiring international school leaders to deepen their knowledge and enhance their practice. The program is designed to develop competencies in consuming, applying, and conducting research relevant to your school context.

Those who currently hold a teaching certificate recognized by Alberta’s Ministry of Education will be eligible for principal certification.

Here's an overview of the program:

Follow the links in the side menu for full information on this exciting educational journey!

Study part-time; work full-time.
Online delivery.
Graduate in 2.5 years.
Course-based program.
Highly qualified, supportive instructors.
Cohort of peers with varied experiences and interests.

Our Partnerships

Fort Vermilion School District

Fort Vermilion School District Logo

Our partnership with the Fort Vermilion School Division (FVSD) provides staff with opportunities including the MES program with a focus on literacy and numeracy as well as the Graduate Certificate in School Leadership which meets the academic requirements for LQS certification with Alberta Education. Both programs were developed to meet FVSD's identified needs.

Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Educational Authority (KTCEA)


Our partnership with the Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Educational Authority (KTCEA) provided staff with the opportunity to complete the MES program in the areas of Indigenous teacher education, leadership, and school improvement. To optimize the learning experience, students in this cohort were taught primarily by Indigenous faculty, focusing on Indigenous pedagogies and research methodologies.

Maple Leaf Schools

Maple Leaf Schools Logo

Our partnership with the Maple Leaf Educational Systems World School Program provides their staff with the opportunity to complete the MES program with a focus on leadership and international education. This partnership includes collaboration between the Maple Leaf staff and University of Alberta instructors and ensures that teachers are able to complete the program without leaving China as they continue to work.