Projects + Initiatives

Facilities & Operations is a diverse portfolio responsible for over 400 buildings and structures across five campuses comprising almost 1.7 million square meters of real estate — that’s nearly four times the size of West Edmonton Mall.


Infrastructure Projects

Work is always ongoing to improve University of Alberta facilities—with new construction projects to accommodate the university's evolving needs and growth as well as with renewal projects to improve the condition of our existing buildings and grounds.


Energy & Climate Action

Often partnering with university departments, faculties or external stakeholders, Energy Management and Sustainable Operations looks for new ways to reduce the university's environmental impact and remain a leader in sustainable operations-now and in the future.

Energy & Climate Action


District Energy System

The University of Alberta owns and operates its own district energy system, one of the five largest campus systems in North America. More than ten kilometers of service corridors bring steam, electricity, natural gas, compressed air and domestic, demineralized and chilled water to the almost 70,000 people in the Greater Campus Area.

U of A's District Energy System

Maintenance and Cleaning on Campus

Using comprehensive evaluation and metric systems that includes industry trends and historical performance, the U of A's facilities and operations teams collaborate behind the scenes to ensure campus is a friendly and welcoming place.

Campus Maintenance and Cleaning