Dr. Terry DeFreitas presenting at the Concussion Education Summit on May 25 and 26, 2018. (Photo: Ann-Marie Przyslupski)
On Friday, May 25 and Saturday, May 26, 2018, the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic (GSSMC) held its first ever Concussion Education Summit at the Bill Warren Training Centre in Canmore, Alberta. The event was sponsored by the Banff Canmore Community Foundation and featured a multidisciplinary lecture team from the GSSMC.
A representative from the Banff Canmore Community Foundation opened the event and introduced it as an opportunity to 'spark conversation' about concussions.
Friday's public education seminar, which ran from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., featured three speakers from the GSSMC and focused on the management of concussions where symptoms persisted for more than one month. Attendees included coaches, parents, and grandparents of children active in sports such as skiing and football.
Saturday's registered event, which ran from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., featured six speakers from the GSSMC. The format of the event allowed each speaker to talk about their expertise in concussions-their passions-and share ideas with fellow attendees.
Following the presentations, guests compiled into groups for 20-minute rotating breakout sessions with a sports medicine physician, a physiotherapist and a neuropsychologist to discuss two complex concussion case studies. This format allowed attendees to experience how a multidisciplinary team of health-care providers would provide collaborative care for post-concussion syndrome.
The two-day event saw a total of 95 attendees. This included physicians, physiotherapists, athletic trainers and other health-care professionals with an interest in concussions from Canmore, Banff, Jasper, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Calgary and Edmonton.
The summit's speakers and topics included:
Friday, May 25, 2018
Dr. Terry DeFreitas, sport and exercise medicine physician
Concussion in Sport: The Science and Medicine of Concussion
Codi Isaac, physiotherapist
Return to Sport: Trends and Research
Dr. Martin Mrazik, neuropsychologist
Clinical Neuropsychology and Sport Concussions
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Dr. Connie Lebrun, sport and exercise medicine physician
Update: Berlin Consensus Statement
Dr. M. Wasif Hussain, neuropsychologist
Concussion in Sport: New Investigations
Codi Isaac, physiotherapist
Applying the 'Concussion Management Toolkit for Physiotherapists' to Improve Concussion Management and Recovery
Dr. Benjamin Greidanus, sport and exercise medicine physician
Concussion: Return to Learn
Dr. Martin Mrazik, neuropsychologist
Sport Concussions: Research/Diagnostics
Dr. Terry DeFreitas, sport and exercise medicine physician
Buyer Beware - Anti-Concussion Products for Sale for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment: What is the Evidence?
Thank you to everyone who attended!