Nov 22 - "Making Kalyna Juice Together: Co-Creating Public History" Talk

17 October 2024

Join us on Friday, November 22 at noon in Tory 2-58 for "Making Kalyna Juice Together: Co-Creating Public History".

What happens when you let “history civilians” guide your work as a historian? In this talk, Chris Chang-Yen Phillips shares behind-the-scenes stories from his public history work, including the Let’s Find Out podcast. He’ll talk about the influences behind this listener-driven show, including popular theatre, a defunct activist training network, and a podcast about a belt buckle. And he’ll give tips on how to make your own audiences feel like they’re part of the historical conversation.

Chris Chang-Yen Phillips (MA, History) is a storyteller and people weaver. He currently guides the Edmonton City as Museum Project (ECAMP) at the Edmonton Heritage Council.