Local Cultures Project: Our Favourite Stories
26 March 2021

Title: Local Cultures Project - Our Favourite Stories
When: 12 pm on Friday, April 9, 2021
Where: Zoom, register HERE
Presenters: Jelena Pogosjan, Maryna Chernyavska, Maria Mayerchyk, Matthias Kaltenbrunner
Description: We will report on the 2019-2021 phase of the Local Cultures Project that aimed to index and make accessible hundreds of interviews recorded in 2003-2005 with people who remembered life on the Prairies before 1939. We will discuss tools and technologies used to make this large collection of audio interviews accessible, and share our favourite stories found in the interviews, as well as how these interviews were used in the creation of an exhibit and a children's book.
View the poster (PDF) here.