Ukrainian kylym as a source of inspiration in contemporary design
1 December 2022

Folklore Lunch Presentation: Ukrainian kylym as a source of inspiration in contemporary design
Who: Lada Tsymbala
When: December 9, 2022, 12 pm.
Where: Kule Folklore Centre, 250 Arts & Convocation Hall
The Ukrainian carpet (Kylym) is a phenomenon of Ukrainian folk culture, which for many centuries has served as a marker of ethnic and national identity. Since there are numerous regional features of Ukrainian Rugs (Volyn, Polissia, Podillya, Bukovyna, and Hutsul Kylyms), there are also many interpretations of Ukrainian Kylyms and the role they play in modern design. This is related not only to textile, but also to the field of fashion, graphic design and everyday pop culture. The presenter discusses the means of expression of the Kylym, as well as the sources of their design, such as ornamental motifs, the arrangement of these ornaments, and colour specifications. Of note will be an analysis of the aesthetic value of these works. Various examples will be given of the important role of these Ukrainian Kylyms in the field of contemporary design.
Presenter's bio:
Lada graduated with a Specialist degree in Art Studies from the Institute of Decorative and Applied Art in 1999. In 2003 she graduated as Candidate of Sciences in Art (PhD) at the Lviv Academy of Arts. Her Dissertation topic was in Gold-weaving in Galicia from the 18th to the first third of the 20th Centuries: History, Typology, and Characteristics of Art and Style. Since 1999 she has been an Associate Professor in the Department of History and Theory of Arts, Lviv National Academy of Arts, where she continues to teach remotely. Her scholarly interests: artistic fabric, history and theory of design, and ethno-traditions in modern culture. She has authored a number of publications devoted to Ukrainian decorative art and design.