Upcoming talk: Co-Designing Digital Technologies with the Indigenous Communities of Borneo
13 February 2024

Join us on Thursday, March 14 from 1:30-2:30 PM in Room 2-20A in the Digital Scholarship Centre (Cameron Library - Second Floor) and online for "Co-Designing Digital Technologies with the Indigenous Communities of Borneo", a talk by Dr. Tariq Zaman (University of Technology Sarawak).
In this talk, Dr. Tariq Zaman (University of Technology Sarawak) will share experiences and insights of co-designing mobile technologies with Indigenous communities in Malaysian Borneo. After the formal presentation, participants can take part in the demonstration session of a newly developed Virtual Reality Game: Inga’ Telikit. The game is co-designed with the Penan community of Long Lamai.
Zoom link: https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/92455211625?pwd=M1EyTHNKMEQwUXFQemdVTVJ6SVE0UT09
Passcode: 352555