Annual Report Online
Annual Report Online (ARO)
The ARO is a standardized online application developed by MedIT to help academic faculty members electronically record their yearly contributions to education, research, and clinical and administrative activities in the faculty, and is integrated in the Faculty's MyFoMD Framework.
The information for the electronic records is input annually, by the academic year. The records are used by the Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC) to determine a faculty member's salary increase for the upcoming year, and by APOs and Chairs to generate reports at the faculty, departmental, divisional and individual level. Visit the Annual Report Online (ARO)
Criteria for Academic Ranks, Promotions and Appointments for Clinical Academic Colleagues
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Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC)
Communique - 2011
What really happens in the Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC)?
Many faculty members and staff have asked this question, so this communiqué is the first of what will become an annual update summarizing what has transpired at FEC.