The Global Health Program in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has hosted an annual fundraiser for many years to raise funds to sponsor residents and faculty from our international partner sites to come to the University of Alberta for further training.  The fundraiser also helps provide funding for the activities of the Medical Students Association (MSA) along with providing an excellent opportunity for learners, faculty and others with an interest in Global Health to interact and mingle during a fun evening. There is a silent auction which includes student artwork and sport event tickets.  This year we are hosting an evening mixer in the Bernard Snell Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2024, 4:00 - 9:00 pm.  Attendees will enjoy a hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, refreshments, entertainment from the MSA's Syncope Band and a keynote address.

This event will also be a kick off to the Global Health Fair, Feb. 6, 2024, 9 am - 4 pm.  We hope you will join us for this event as well!

For more information, contact the Global Health Office at
The Global Health Program wishes to thank the Rotary Club of Edmonton Sunrise which donated $7,000 recently to sponsor another doctor from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda to take a Post Graduate Medical Electives (PGME) in September-October 2024. 

Tickets:  $60/person
Post-secondary students:  $30.00/person
(Deadline for tickets is a week prior to the event)
(tax receipt for the eligible amount will be sent after the event takes place)


Note:  The online registration/payment form only allows you to register once with the email you provide in the form.  If you wish to register more people after you submit this form, please use a different email address or email Patricia at and she will ensure your additional guests are added and paid for through your original registration.